Saturday, January 1, 2011

Catnip Plant In Singapore

The puff pastry almond cake

Ingredients 1 kg:

500 g flour 500 g butter 10 g salt

250 ml water 60 g of flour for working

Preparation: Put aside
175 g of flour, put the rest on work surface, gradually add the salt dissolved in water and knead, knead the dough and form a ball, wrap in a cloth and place refrigerate for 30 minutes. Meanwhile
worked for 5 minutes to soften the butter and mix with 175 g of flour made from the first, form a loaf, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Take back the dough and flatten with a floured rolling pin, forming a square of 25 cm from the side.
Roll the stick of butter into a square of 15 cm from the side, place it on the dough and fold the four corners of the dough toward the center.
Flatten the dough slightly, wrap in a floured cloth and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
Stretch, then, the compound, forming a rectangle about 45 cm long.
Fold to the center third of rectangle; Folded on the other side and pass the rolling pin, without premere.Girate folded the dough a quarter giro.Tirate back the dough into a rectangle of 45 cm. fold as before (folded toward the center third of rectangle .. ..) and cover with a floured towel and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
Pull back the dough into a rectangle of 45 cm.Piegate back the dough into 3 parts, turn a quarter turn, pull back the dough into a rectangle and fold it again in 3 parti.Avvolgete in a floured cloth and leave in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Pull back the dough into a rectangle, fold in 3 parts, turn a quarter turn and pull back the pasta.Ripiegatela again in 3 parts, wrap in a floured cloth and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
The dough is now ready to be used according to the traditional choice.


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