Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Zebra Table Cover For Sale

Amino acids and DNA

Gli Amminoacidi , composti organici che contengono la funzione acida e quella amminica, essi costituiscono un importantissimo gruppo di sostanze in biologia, perché entrano a formare le molecole dei protidi; molti di essi si ottengono per scissione biochimica dei protidi. 

Essi sono degli acidi organici in cui uno o più atomi di idrogeno sono stati sostituiti da uno o più gruppi di amminici primari o secondari; essi rivestono una grande importanza nella costituzione biochimica dei tessuti dell’organismo umano ed animale e di conseguenza nella alimentazione, che DEVE fornire tutte le sostanze necessarie (giusti fattori vitali Nutrition) to our energy needs, as they are the building blocks of complex molecules of scaffolding proteins that are the material "plastic" construction which they are formed living cells of various tissues and organs of the body, among them there some are called "essential" and other such "secondary".

Proteins are organic substances of plant or animal containing all the above four essential elements of life: Nitrogen , Hydrogen, Oxygen , Carbon , these are mixed depending on the type of protein, minerals, proteins enter nelle combinazioni enzimatiche, nell’architettura dei cromosomi del DNA e gli amminoacidi si combinano per fornire delle molecole proteiche particolari e complesse e dei peptidi. 

Un esempio pratico: nei casi di “Piorrea”, forte infiammazione alle gengive, gli amminoacidi possono essere iniettati in loco e riordinare quel terreno infiammato e quindi non perdere i denti.

Ma molte altre sono le applicazioni pratiche di questi elementi vitali indispensabili agli organismi degli esseri viventi. 

Genetica : il DNA è un acido organico ad alto Peso Molecolare ed ad alta ripetitività che permette, tramite una sequenza variamente combinata di basi: tiamina, adenina, guanina e citosina, di immagazzinare la sequenza di aminoacidi di una proteina. Il codice di lettura del DNA è composto da triplette di basi che corrispondono ad Aminoacidi, questo è il Codice Genetico. 

La sequenza di basi che corrisponde alla proteina è un gene. Nel Genoma sono presenti diversi geni che codificano per diverse proteine. Nel genoma umano sono presenti circa 30.000 geni che codificano le proteine dell'organismo uomo. Nelle varie specie di animali variano la quantità e la tipologia. 

Il genoma dell'uomo è organizzato in 46 chromosomes, 23 to be exact, because 23 copies are 'unused', and precision, because 22 is a sexual one.

If you replace a chromosome monkey to a human cell does not gain anything.

DNA (DNA in Italian) is a nucleic acid and is an indispensable element for all living forms, is contained in the chromosomes which are rod-shaped structures (shape: X and Y) is still little known in and locked them up in the nucleus, the innermost part of every cell and in the mitochondria and is composed of morphologically by a "double" helix spiral wrapped on itself; but probably the origin of the human species, this "genetic level" was more complex, that was the set of 12 stairs wrapped around themselves, it is then "reduced" only 2, hence the term "double" by means of genetic manipulation took from a race of beings connoisseurs of genetic science, we have put hundreds of thousands of years ago on this planet, as a prison of the Galaxy.

The proof is that those who study the DNA they found some "strange" fragments of DNA within the spiral staircase, which can not explain the source.

Having more "scale" wound would allow, for example, to ring the cells of human bodies on many more frequencies Universal Electro Magnetic Field Psycho (CEIU) of the Universe and get many more degrees of freedom and then the knowledge that it is almost certainly the case, we can guess the fact that we have a brain so well structured that they can handle far greater immensity of information than we need for now, then it is clear that there was at the base / origin, a different use of the brain, which has been altered or modified to a certain period of human history.

E 'reputation that we use more than 10% of our brain for life, and the other 90% what is it??

With more helices in the DNA, for example, could "make up for " a limb amputee, or we may view X-ray telescope, to hear more frequencies, stretch or shrink at will, would in fact beings humans with enormous possibilities, even to fly with our wings auto generated on the back of the shoulders, etc..

All " instructions" for the "construction and organized a tour of every living organism "are" written "on the DNA molecule, as on a magnetic tape in the form of binary code ultra microscopic molecular bio.

Because the cells die, not only because it is poison so well, but for the fact that they are governed also by information contained in the atoms that make up the genes of mitochondrial DNA, the genes are activated to act on cell death ultimately, to the fact that pollution endo exceeds the limits programmed by the cellular DNA and can not even overcome the "time " program.

The death of a cell is not a mysterious event, the secret of his view is also hidden in the mitochondria, and these are the powerhouses of cells.

In the U.S. the University of Pittsburgh researchers have been able to see in laboratory cell death and understand where it comes from.

Research has shown for the first time that mitochondria are the real executors of cell death and that contrary to what was believed until now a cell can to survive even when the mitochondria stop working for short periods, the researchers compared two groups of cells of rodents, those with disabled mitochondria have survived, the others are dead.

With only four "letters" (the sacred name of God YA-OU-E 'of the ancient priests / doctors) Nature, through the Aelohim / electrons in the atoms of the genes, says the genetic information in DNA physical and spiritual needs of the species, breed and individuals.

Remember that light information (frequency modulated received or created by ' be) is stored in living bodies, in which the base substrate, the "land " physiological, ie, in amorphous metals based on rare minerals.

A recent discovery of a French mathematician Jean Claude Perez, who wrote a popular book titled "Planète Trasgenique " confirmed the nature of mathematical perfection and immutability (unless tampered with) DNA ; it in mathematical architecture of thousands of " sequences of DNA within the genome, obeys exactly the order of the Fibonacci (mathematician of the West, which introduced the" zero ", hitherto unknown); this order: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ........, shows that the ratio between the numbers " whole " is such that each new number is the sum of the previous two, this ratio is called the "golden ratio " This report has long been misunderstood by the "official science", but another English botanist this Anglais d'Arcy Thomson, discovered with surprise that there are numbers in nature, as in artichoke and pine cones or (in the cone) there are 5 spirals in one direction and 5 in the other; in sunflowers there are about 34 and 55 or 89 and 144, these numbers are not random but follow the order of Fibonacci.

The discovery of the French mathematician, of course revolutionizes the latest discoveries the genetic code, the discoverers of DNA, Crik and Watson (1953) argued that the sequence of nucleotides was only the result of "chance", while Perez on the contrary shows that these sequences do not follow the "case", but rather more precise: order Fibonacci, this "hidden code " has also been traced in fossils 135 million years ago and is evidence of slow but progressive evolution of the unchanging spirit / matter-ia, and it is found in every living.

So Perez said: "Studying the impact of minimum nucleotide mutations on a sequence of 90,000 bases of the human genome dimostro l’effetto nefasto a lunga scadenza su migliaia di basi; l’architettura del DNA è un’orologeria perfetta alla quale contribuiscono anche le regioni non codificate dei geni, al contrario di quanto si ritiene normalmente: Inserendo un gene estraneo nel DNA, si rompe questa “orologeria”; il gene si posizionerà in qualche altra parte del genoma, ma non sappiamo ancora bene, dove, come, quando e perché”. 

Cosa può succedere praticamente ? Perez risponde: “è possibile che si entri in un ciclo di mutazioni genetiche scollegate fra loro e che la velocità delle mutazioni aumentino facendo perdere al genoma la sua stabilità and therefore the production of "new destructive virus." He goes on to say "change the DNA is not like playing at Mecca; change what evolution has created millions of years can be dangerous."

The Italian geneticist Professor. M. Buiatti University of Florence, questioned about the discovery of Perez, said: " Mathematics is important and shows the constraints in working manipulations, we must respect . He goes on to say that: "The Body Genetically Mutated (OMG) is unlike any other body, NOT can be predicted, knowing the individual genes, such as whole body will react, because the interactions, which are very important, we do not know .

An example: the company Showa Denko (USA) was placed on the market an amino acid colloidal not very common, "tryptophan" produced by genetic manipulation of a specific bacterium, the cost of production had to be competitive with methods traditional (do not know the extent of savings), the tryptophan produced in this way entered into the composition of one of the many dietary supplements, in vogue in America and because of that product obtained with a genetic mutation, There have been 37 deaths, 1,500 people paralyzed seeds, 5000 with temporary damage ..... as the source " transgenic " of the product was not indicated on the label, U.S. health officials took several months to understand and find the "responsible", it just so happens that the product had passed all the "test" even under the strict American law, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had granted permission for human consumption and now the company must compensate with millions of dollars damage, but who will pay the future children of those citizens who have used that product, given that the genetic mutations, passing through the DNA to future generations?

This is a demonstration of DANGER 'of any manipulation or genetic modification of foods, substances, or drugs that produced by vaccines.

Back to DNA : it is rolled in a "spring" logarithmic spiral helical sequence of reading analog / digital-based electrochemical bio.

The 4 substances that determine and make up the spiral staircase of DNA, are constantly multi-harmonic Frequency interaction, with the issue of CEIU (Campo Psychic Energy Aware Universal) Universe containing the frequencies of the 4 Forces / basic energy of creation.

Cr-type-body (or the ark (Cr) the container, the same (homo) to the body (soma) that helps to live is the detector antenna and receiver / transmitter / repeater, the rhythms of the Universe in the cells of living bodies, that detects and retransmits providing the "pulse " Psycho Electro Magnetic Field of the Universe in the circuit where it is placed; each pulse of the Universal Field, the spring loading chromosome, that is compressed, storing the energy / frequency dynamics also received from the field, resulting in de facto a difference of potential energy / dynamic when it expands and releases the dynamic energy, pouring liquid into the pulse revealed where he is, which is immediately amplified by determining the pulsation of the cell, which in turn sends it to the external environment corresponding organ or system to which he belongs and which will reveal only the pace suited to them resulting from their specialization as the heart beats at about 65/70 times per second, it receives its pulse from the cells that make and these receive the revealed through the chromosomes from the CEI Universal.

The Chromosome behaves in fact as a dynamic engine of life "CEIU reveals that interfering with the motion and it suited playing in the scale corresponding to the PACE / MOTOR wonderful" embrace "in / out, forward / backward, Male Universe / Female - Hot / Cold - Yin and Yang.

Here is the wonderful harmony (whose root is love), all of nature that permeates addressed to Life, but teaching the complete interdependence of all for all, the law of love.

Effective but simple phenomena of DNA are determined primarily by the " oscillating circuit "formed by the cell and the chromosomes in it, it lets you play all the rhythms / pulse / frequency with this simple mechanism: the genes in the chromosome contains atoms of the spiral staircase chromosomal" pulse ", the cell contains other atoms that "pulsate " themselves; biovivente oscillating circuit represented by this chromosome as a whole and its environment together with the liquid external cell phone, (which varies continuously conducting its power as a variable capacitor), to ensure every instant detection frequency buttons (rhythms) of the Field (CEIU), the frequencies of the demodulator switches and re-formulating the bases CEIU carrier frequencies, revealing the harmonics, those interested in the same cell, leading finally to drop the harmonic " systole and diastole " the breathing of every cell, organ or system of living bodies themselves, which means that each Electromagnetic Field in nature and not interfere more or less in the structure of DNA.

The letters are the basis of the language of DNA 4 and 4 are precisely the biochemical basis for the transmission of essential ' information (information), they are also the letters forming the ancient " Name of God" the Tetragrammaton of Moses, namely: Yaou (OU are a single letter), which are biochemical terms: adenine, thymine , guanine, cytosine ; biochemical basis of these come together in dual combinations, two two fixed pairs: adenine with thymine, cytosine with guanine to form the basis for the transmission of information.

structure, the shape of DNA resembles a "staircase pins, spiral, (this "scale" and that described in the Bible (Gen.) from which the rise and fall " angels of heaven," the messengers di luce ovvero di informazione) avvolta a spirale tronco conica, logaritmica (da logos e ritmo), le cui traverse sono formate dalle 4 basi ed i cui montanti sono costituiti da uno zucchero il desossidoribosio e dall’acido fosforico. 

A seconda del tipo di combinazione delle coppie di basi, avremo la trasmissione di un ordine particolare. 

Nella lunga molecola del DNA, l’ordine con cui si possono susseguire le varie coppie di basi è praticamente Infinito; in esso possono essere contenuti tutti i “ programmi pensabili ” ed i messaggi per la costruzione di un organismo più o meno complesso BioVivente.

An example of what can be complex genetic language with only four letters: to build a "virus" or virus information, it takes 5,000 points to build a man they needed 5 billion.

The information that is contained in DNA is solely controlled and collected by electrons in the atoms that make up the genes and molecules of the same.

DNA is virtually immortal and is passed, he moved within the species, breed, individual, through the seed of the species itself.

For each division, cell replication, it is divided symmetrically, so as to maintain its informational power even in the next cell mutation, cell replication or without this mutation would not be possible to build living organisms.

For this reason, the informational assets must be transmitted without alteration and must be delivered intact to the cells' daughters.

Chromosome But with his DNA is not only the vehicle information from the past to the future (it's the ship degli Aelohim, gli Dei: gli Elettroni/Positroni, che essi utilizzano per andare a “spasso” nella Materia), della duplicazione cellulare per la costruzione e trasformazione degli esseri viventi, ma esso è all’interno degli stessi, la più perfetta e complessa antenna ricetrasmittente per la comunicazione delle informazioni all’interno ed all’esterno dei corpi viventi anche mentre essi sono in vita; esso serve per comunicare in tempo reale, le InFormAzioni sia all’interno del corpo stesso, sia per comunicare con l’ambiente esterno ovvero l’UniVerso . 

Vediamo di comprendere il come ? l’elicoide tronco conico del DNA fixed on chromosomes, is an antenna in liquid and floating like a compass is oriented in all directions to capture and transmit the messages at any moment to arrive from all parts (body and bodily university or CEI + CEIU Universal).

It 's the best radio antenna you can imagine, since it receives a vertical polarization and horizontal omnidirectional is 360 °, is sensitive to any frequency as a "calibrated" as a whole, (using harmonics) are basic universal and body.

Through the chromosome that can vibrate in which is immersed in the liquid, the antenna + Chromosome DNA, allows the transponder without noise and amplifies the liquid through its vibrations and then the cell ( disease is an alteration of these "mechanical vibrations" due to ' thermal alteration of the molecular and atomic changes) is then transmitted to the brain of the individual organs and systems in the mind which gives them the Ego / I in the form of sensations, flashes of images, dreams, visions (3-dimensional ) partial or complete, both in the waking state (it is more difficult, need to be trained to listen in or transmit), or is in a state of hypnosis or presonno di rilassamento indotto, oppure in stato medianico, cioè quando si è in onde theta.

Per informare infine tutto l’organismo, vengono utilizzati anche altri mediatori bio elettrochimici, gli “ ormoni ”; queste sostanze vengono prodotte oltre che dalle ghiandole endocrine anche da cellule specializzate contenute in tutti gli organi ed apparati del corpo. 

Un piccolo esercizio di controllo : provate ad inviare un messaggio di forte piacere o di grande consapevolezza, per mezzo della vostra mente, ebbene in un attimo (se ne siete capaci) avrete una vibrazione in tutto il corpo, che partirà dall’alto and will be up to the toes, this vibration is called " goose bumps" and all unconsciously hear many times in their lives.

consciously try to control and you have proof of what was stated above .

When you make love is when "Enjoy " whole body "vibrates " But there are probably not ever realize.

antennas are always + Chromosome DNA of the whole body, which receive the message of peace and vibrate strongly.

Quest’antenna speciale entra in Armonia (risuona) sopra tutto sulle frequenze fondamentali dei suoi 4 componenti o lettere fondamentali, come le 4 lettere del nome di Dio (nella Bibbia) = Y-A-OU-È e cioè: la Timina con l’ Adenina ; la Guanina con la Citosina ; ma attraverso la “composizione” della musica letterale, essa “parla” in Armonia con tutto il Creato, Passato, Presente e possibile/probabile Futuro. 

Queste sono le meraviglie della Natura Universale, che gli uomini stupidi che governano questo pianeta non hanno ancora understood.

is why we say that we have the machine "more perfect" that the mind can imagine: our body and it can get in touch with the past, present and probable future of the whole of creation, just know the techniques to do so.

Professor. Calligaris (Italian physician) has discovered some of these techniques and described in his treatise:

" chains Linear Body and Spirit", but modern medical science, has given the " crazy" and he immersed volontariamente nel buco nero del silenzio e dell’oblìo. 

Egli ha scoperto come attivare (sfregando) sulla pelle, in certi speciali punti o placche, ottenendo la risonanza dei Cromosomi ed attivando il DNA locale, per entrare in “ contatto visivo o dialettico ” con qualsiasi parte dell’Universo interno ed esterno. 

Ricordiamo che nei Cromosomi vi sono i Geni, ecco spiegata la metafora (il significato nascosto) della fiaba della “lampada di Aladino”, la quale narra che “sfregando la lampada”, esce il Genio che servendo Aladino, trasforma e materializza i suoi desideri; here is the following analogy to describe the lighting, (Mindfulness of informational lived), it is the body by rubbing the lamp, the Genie is contacted and " out" to serve, that is to enlighten ourselves, the story also tells us that there are "others" that try to steal the lamp to Aladdin to use his genius, these thieves of "light", the politicians, religious leaders, gurus, those who enslave coat, possibly by means of credulity in the "faith" is otherwise known as "vampires" that suck your blood (money), your life (your personality dominated, when you do not know the true meaning of life) and try in every way to hide or steal this immense and real power (on yourself and Nature), saying that you are not worthy, not that you may be able, whereas the mediator (or mediators themselves invented by them (like Jesus Christ) to be timely and according to the religious beliefs of the place where "exercise" their "profession" of priests, pastors, enormous, rabbis, bishops, gurus, psychoanalysts, psychologists, doctors, etc..

As the DNA, "writes" the words, that make up the information in it through the experience, nature is informed and turns, the electrons in it, rejoice in gaining new experience more complete and complex information, and then supplying them to the new bodies in which they will aggregate in the future.

ll DNA groups and contains what we improperly call unconscious.

Side " conscious," is nothing other than the passage of information from DNA (the unconscious) to Universal rational mind and that we, with our Ego / I and that in turn electron-atom at information, it is a God in training, here is the God who became flesh and learn, Acts and empower.

Here's the simple truth about ourselves! if we are of the righteous, we will act in Good Nature, whether we are of the wicked, we will destroy ourselves and the knowledge of the aims of the Life in the Universe.

The DNA then is par excellence the "knot" of union with divinity, or better yet the "spiral staircase " for "Paradise .

Only using that road, speaking to the unconscious conscious, to rediscover the lost home Father, we will find the Golden Fleece, go back to the Garden of Eden, we enter the heavenly Jerusalem (City of Peace); meet Cristos or the Enlightenment, the Buddha, Nirvana, come out of the maze of life without meaning.

DNA is also the field of Psychic Energy Aware modulator, which surrounds every living being.

No one is excluded from this possibility because we all have the DNA and chromosomes , in spite of all religious leaders, politicians, leaders, gurus, doctors, etc.. who want to mediate the Divine for their own purposes vampire, which is that of living of our adherence to them (behind us) exploited to steal our money, our effort and our psyche.

Even the kingdoms below man called improperly, (animal, plant ) have this possibility, in spite of all those who say the opposite, which is why we must re-accrue to (wait again), because they are our companions 'journey' in knowledge of ourselves and the divinity within each of the Creature of universal nature, but through ignorance do not know yet to revive themselves.

These are the wonders of creation, that's why we bow down before it (respectively) and thank you for Essent (They-bodies, thinking they Entities).


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