Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Raytheon Aircraft Parts Hughes

Magneto Magneto

L'uso di magneti, o calamite, a scopo terapeutico è stato praticato da numerose scuole mediche, tra cui l'ayurvedica e la cinese. Oggi, la magnetoterapia è ampiamente utilizzata, oltre che in Cina e in Giappone, in molti paesi europei e negli Stati Uniti.

La teoria

La magnetoterapia is based on the effects of magnetic fields generated by magnets or by special equipment, have on the body.

magnetic fields penetrate cells, facilitating the exchange of ions (atoms missing an electron). Consequently, there is a greater oxygenation of the cell: the circulation of blood, lymph and hormones increases, producing beneficial effects on a large number of disorders.

The technique

The magnetic therapy can be performed according to ancient tradition, with small magnets directly on the skin or, alternatively, on some points of the body are applied to special metal plates connected to an electrical generator of magnetic fields.

these interventions, the duration and frequency depend on the type of disorder to treat, are absolutely painless and the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensation.

There are devices on the market at low cost, for use at home if it is necessary to perform long-term therapy. See heating pad magneto Ferrari.

can be useful when

To relieve pain: the role principale della magnetoterapia è il trattamento degli stati dolorosi dovuti a strappi muscolari, dolori cervicali, mal di testa, mal di schiena, tendiniti, artrosi, osteoporosi, dolori, traumi da sport.

Per la pelle priva di tono e la cellulite: la magnetoterapia ottiene buoni risultati nel tonificare la pelle e nella cura degli stadi iniziali della cellulite.

Per ridonare “ il quantum ” di magnetismo indispensabile al nostro corpo.

Si consiglia un uso costante della magnetoterapia, non si conoscono controindicazioni.

Di giorno use " THE PROTECTOR" and any necessary treatment.

At night " THE BIODISPOSITIVO " and a "mattress magneto "

The above products are also made to defend the body by electrical noise, electromagnetic and geopathic.


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