Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Male Brazillian Wax Philadelphia

Introduction to Geobiology

La Geobiologia - dal greco Ghèa (terra) e Bìos Logos (scienza della vita) - è la scienza che studia gli effetti dei fenomeni della Terra sulla vita degli esseri viventi.

Si tratta di una scienza recente. Tuttavia, già nell'antichità, i cinesi già seguivano una dottrina chiamata Feng-Shui, letteralmente Vento e Acqua, i cui maestri sono chiamati geomanti. Essa designa con questi due elementi elusive forces that rise from the earth up to heaven. In this doctrine we speak of the currents of vital energy traveling through the Earth in the direction of the parallels and meridians.

About thirty years ago, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, Ernst Hartmann, then rediscovered what the ancients already knew. All over the earth's surface from underground to the biosphere, there is an invisible grid formed by bands of telluric radiation width of about 21 cm. These bands intersect every 2 m. in the North-South direction and every 2.5 m. in the east-west, forming a true network that has been given the name of its discoverer that Hartmann's network.


Questo reticolo, come i paralleli e i meridiani, si restringe verso i poli, ed ha il massimo dell'espansione  all'equatore. Nel corso di approfondite sperimentazioni, si è stabilito che i punti d'incrocio di questo reticolo,  definiti "nodi Hartmann" o nodi geopatogeni, hanno ripercussioni negative sulla salute delle persone e di  qualsiasi essere vivente che inconsciamente vi soggiorni sopra, dormendo o riposando. Le parti interne,  invece, sono definite "zone neutre" e non comportano nessun problema. Come ogni regola, però, anche quella dei nodi geopatogeni has its exceptions, as there are some living things - like the cat, ants, bees, snakes, etc.. - As the search for those nodes for better living.

Many studies and tests have been performed by Dr. Hartmann, Dr. Curry, Dr. Picard and others, noting that the telluric radiation may be further aggravated by other causes, such as faults're lying courses underground water, soil types, etc..

The Geobiology, in addition to the study of interference due to human causes cosmo-telluric, also takes into account the aggravating factors defined techniques. After thousands and thousands of years lived in harmony with nature, almost suddenly, the man has altered their lifestyles. In fact, over the past 100 years, has discovered new forms of energy that accelerates the progress to the point that the benefits are immediately obvious, but the disadvantages and risks to health are discovered very late.

DAMAGES OF THE 'ELECTROSMOG "AND" sick building syndrome "

Just think about the pollution of air, water and food to see what level we get In the last few days. ; But not all. Now we live in the Age of electromagnetic or electro. In the last few twenty years, the use of electricity has become part of our existence in a way so pervasive that we can not do without. Our country is crossed by millions and millions of kilometers of electric cables.

With thousands of radio links, broadcasting antennas, military radar, are downloaded into the wild every year thousands of kWh of energy that alters our artificial-natural magnetic balance. It should be also considered that the man, in recent decades has left nature to live more in urban areas, often built wildly tending more to the logic of profit and human health. Buildings sempre più con il cemento armato creano una sorta di barriera contro le onde armoniche positive, e  favoriscono invece la diffusione di radiazioni elettriche e telluriche-nocive.

Se ci addentriamo un po', ci sovviene una domanda: "Qual è l'interrelazione tra uomo e ambiente?" Parliamo  chiaramente dell'uomo moderno, dell'uomo che vive in città, e se andiamo ad esaminare attentamente  riscontriamo in esso un abbassamento delle difese immunitarie ed una predisposizione ad attacchi di agenti  esterni ed a degenerazione cellulare (tumore).

I primi e più attenti a queste tematiche sono stati gli americani, che l'hanno definita "Sick Building Syndrome" cioè sindrome da edificio malato. Gli studi, effettuati con molto pragmatismo, hanno provocato allarmi, facendo sì che molti cercassero di correre ai ripari.


Potremmo aggiungere molte altre cause tecniche che sono fonti di disturbi: infissi metallici, poca circolazione di aria pulita, materiali ed indumenti sintetici, specchi, eccesso nell'utilizzo di ferro, acciai, minerali sintetici, mobili  per la cui realizzazione sono state usate colle tossiche o folmaldeide, pitture tossiche, colori e isolanti sintetici. Pertanto, rimanere eccessivamente esposti ad onde perturbanti, o rinchiuderci in Faraday cages, force the body to a higher energy expenditure for the maintenance of homeostasis.

The disturbance field is spread horizontally and vertically. They are often strengthened through equipment and technical installations, and in the presence of ferrous parts. The trouble spots geopathogenic affect the autonomic nervous system through the skin, which by its internal controls many organs of our body.

If this balance is disturbed through fields geopathogenic, diseases and other problems can occur, especially those for which the doctor can not find a precise cause. But work mostly resting or sleep on disturbed areas may initially disturb the body in a mild but prolonged exposure, which manifests itself initially as a small disturbance can, over time, cause serious or very serious, to the bitter end.

However, in conclusion, it is important to note that in parallel to these grim findings, medical researchers and scholars have identified, after scientific experiments lasted decades of effective systems of protection and compensation.


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