never forget that our health is always related to food, air we breathe, the environment in which we live and emotional situations that accompany our lives. Assumiamoci therefore our responsibility to be aware of the subject of our ills, not the object of mysterious occasions, recalling that the disease is only the consequence and not the cause of an imbalance.
Children more education for healthy organic diet
The education of our children must necessarily include proper nutrition, especially for children in the early years of life lay the foundation to become future biological men and women. In addition to standard nutrition education, which fortunately now beginning to be the object of academic study, it is imperative that our children get used to a real taste education . This means that not only the boys must know the foods good for their health and those that may be granted from time to time even if they are not, but above all that they can re-learn the elements of taste of food. For example, in a simple plate of pasta boys must be educated to recognize if the dish is too salty, too seasoned oil or cheese, to recognize in it the ingredients and flavors.
A basic rule is that the sauce should not cover the ever flavor of the dish. Teach your children to enjoy the taste of food, which never stays the same even if always done by the same person and is not even in the same time because the flavors change depending on the season.
never associate the food reward or a trigger for the bad habits that are also found in some adults that are granted to reward candy and chocolates. The food should not be never an aim of action, such phrases as:-I give you the candy bar if you do this ...- does not induce the child to a healthy diet but only to act to satisfy the throat, desire of the moment, unfortunately, in this case is becoming a matter of custom, see the case of fast-food among adolescents: a meeting place for young people, with music, which is considered fashionable. Our young people surveyed said they choose these places to eat 70% for the post itself and only 30% because they truly love the food they offer.
teach our children to recognize a healthy food, pure and simple from a man who, although seemingly more appealing, there heavy, there is hard to digest, it makes us sick, makes you fat or weak to travel, play and study .
remember that the small child is not autonomous and therefore we are parents who for better or for worse we must assume the responsibility of what we give them. Recall that an obese child after seven years has about 80% chance to remain so in adult life. Not only does it cause serious emotional problems in adolescence will force him to big sacrifices if the situation will remain that after 18-20 years, if not forced, as in severe cases, to undergo costly visits and specialist programs.
Nutrition education also means education to their feelings such as hunger and thirst. For example should make it clear to our children that it is impossible drink with a carbonated drink heavily or very sweet, they do so only in appearance, actually wants to gratify a momentary not eliminate the sensation of thirst but feeding it.
Hunger is similarly a need that must be filled up to the feeling of satiety , the food is definitely also a pleasure, but in a secondary, first is a basic human need. In any case, the pleasure must never become an end in itself, which means that we must teach our children that can not systematically replace a scope to get their favorite dish. Does not apply the law of compensation, all too often much in vogue even in adults, for example, that giving up the bread to eat cake.
Although there are commercial foods that should be avoided, we feel strongly recommend a 'prohibitionist nutrition education in that they suggest not to create prohibitions or taboos food to our children, they it will automatically become the most coveted and sought after. We try to explain to them that you can eat everything in moderation, but especially in the quantities and in moderation over time. The classic bag of chips for a child of primary school may be granted once a week, but if it becomes a habit becomes too much food daily. If children get used to eating healthy foods with simple flavors, not too sweet or too salty, growing unlikely to have improper eating habits.
teach them not only to taste the food, to try to recognize the ingredients that compose them: we can do it in a thousand ways in the form of game or riddle. Will also be important to recognize the cooking method: If the food was fried, pan-fried, baked, boiled, etc.. etc..
A proper diet should follow the rules of organic diet from birth of the child. Below we summarize briefly the concepts of infant feeding at the base of pediatric practice.
Ideally to breastfeed the child for at least six months. Thus, in addition to creating a fair and fruitful psychological attachment to the mother figure, it strengthens the immune system. Then you have to pay much attention to weaning period is a delicate and at risk for allergies, should not be started before the five or six months. We recommend the use of organic baby food, or even better, the homemade "baby food" with food and always simple of biological origin. After a food should be introduced at a time , always following the rule that goes from the food simplest to the most complex , then insert in the diet for the first cereals and vegetables. To start with the meat and lamb, followed by rabbit, chicken and turkey. Do not exceed early childhood with the recruitment of meat should not be given less once a day, in fact it is likely to strain the liver and kidney from an early age. After eight or nine months you can begin adding fish and egg yolk, not the white, which may be causing allergic reactions. For cow's milk hard to digest for the human body, like beans, wait a year old.
After weaning, we must immediately begin to adapt the taste and the digestive system get used to the administration of vegetable proteins and vitamins: we strongly recommend the inclusion of vegetables in season, they have the advantage of non-organic have been grown in greenhouses and are best suited to the nutritional needs of the period. We educate the seasonings to taste from vegetable rather than animal, a good extra-virgin olive oil is always preferable to butter, margarine, lard and so on. for each type of diet. For lunch, back to healthy habits once and we encourage our kids a nice refreshing fruit and full of vitamins useful for its development.
appearance may seem strange, given the new habits and customs, but you are strongly advised also to impose a specific feeding rate , where rhythm is meant for a certain regularity in the time and manner of administration of food. And 'good habit Always eat at the same time , although it seems increasingly difficult in the years running view of hectic pace of work and commitments to which the company is forcing us daily.
Below are the notions of a general nature for a healthy diet for school-age development, but also include tips for adults in general.
The 'power of' man demands: fats, sugars, proteins or proteins, vitamins and essential for catalytic converter, everything is on a diet VARIO and composed mainly of fruits, cereals and vegetables. The foods are best quelli non trattati, non surgelati, non inscatolati o preconfezionati, bisognerebbe non solo preferire vegetali e frutta di stagione ma preparare questi con metodi di cottura che non disperdano le proprietà dei cibi; quindi cottura a stufato o a vapore, poiché usando per cuocere abbondante acqua si perderebbero in essa i preziosi sali minerali.
Gli alimenti troppo cotti o sterilizzati, sono impoveriti di vitamine e secondo alcuni studiosi si comportano come " antivitamine ", infatti gli alimenti per essere assimilati devono possedere l'insieme equilibrato datogli dalla natura. Quindi privato delle vitamine o non verrà assimilato oppure dovrà sfruttare le vitamine necessarie presenti in 'body and therefore in the long run the' body is found more or less devoid of these vitamins.
says A. Orain (Guide de la santé par les aliments des vitamines .- 1958):
'The man must admit that, to feed, not just absorb the inert substances that produce or give off energy in the body, but that, to stay alive, must appeal to life and that killing its food, considerably shortens his life "
The diet should generally be: simple, healthy, organic, varied and appropriate to needs. Foods we eat the body move that consumes them, their quality, so proper nutrition is necessary to take account of 'age, sex, place of origin of genetic predisposition to certain diseases and the stress state of' body. ;
We must not overlook the fact that often the emotional and mental problems are the result of poor diet, in fact the condition of the human mind is determined by the condition of the body. Therefore understand how important the quality of the food we eat, the build-up to 'inside of a cell, waste products and toxins, lowers the immune system also nutrirsi con cibi non naturali comporta un' alterazione nella funzionalità delle cellule. Ci rendiamo conto di uno stato di pre- malattia attraverso il lavoro "anomalo" degli organi emuntori, preposti all' espulsione delle tossine, ovvero, la pelle, i polmoni, l' apparato urogenitale, il sangue e l' intestino; ad esempio saremo in presenza di disturbi quali: costipazione o diarrea, importanti segnali d'allarme.
Dovremmo preferire cibi integrali, contenenti zuccheri polisaccaridi, che danno energia e stimolano in modo naturale la peristalsi intestinale, inoltre forniscono all' organismo vitamine e minerali. Recenti studi medici concordano sull' importanza di una corretta alimentazione anche per quanto riguarda la prevenzione del cancro; oltre alla frutta e verdura, nella prevenzione si consiglia il consumo di pesce, poiché ricco di Omega 3 che rafforzano la membrana cellulare e inibiscono lo sviluppo di cellule tumorali. L'azione protettiva svolta dai cibi dipende dall' integrazione delle diverse sostanze, dal nutrirsi in modo equilibrato, con preferenza verso i vegetali e cercando di ridurre il più possibile i grassi animali.
È un errore pensare che proteine o protidi siano sinonimo di carne e pesce: la soia, il mais, i piselli, i ceci, i fagioli, i funghi possiedono una notevole quantità di proteine. Le Alghe brune ne contengono il 13%, le rosse il 30%, mentre la carne dal 15% to 20%. Plants, as everyone knows, are foods that provide vitamins to our body, we can not replace the natural vitamins by synthetic ones, many scientists reported cases in which some conditions, not cured by large doses of synthetic vitamins are been cured with minor amounts of natural vitamins.
Precisely because the nature of the products we provide "complete", which should be consumed as they are born, because in them there is a delicate balance, minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc.. act in perfect harmony, so it is counterproductive to separate these elements. The deficiencies of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) sono molto frequenti nelle civiltà in cui c'è si abbondanza di cibo, ma si fa uso di prodotti: "raffinati" e conservanti, che rendono gli alimenti sprovvisti dei principi vitali indispensabili, tra cui le vitamine.
Importante è anche la scelta dell' olio, magari vergine e di prima torchiatura a freddo, il cui uso mantiene l' elasticità dei vasi e la loro permeabilità, preserva dai calcoli la vescichetta biliare ed il sistema renale, inoltre aiuta il sangue a mantenersi limpido. Gli oli vegetali hanno potere anticolesterolico, in generale antilipemico, grazie alla concentrazione di acidi poli-insaturi, dei quali sono sprovvisti i grassi animali. Però ci sono alcuni grassi animals, such as fresh butter, which have vitamin constituents that help maintain good overall health. Then a return to healthy, natural, and above all aware, as we learn about what we put on our plate and that of our children, and learn to respect our bodies and what we eat.
not forget the theory that, when we eat the flesh of an animal, we eat also of his emotional state, it is true that stress produces toxins in the body, the flesh of a chicken reared in battery which is made to lead a life sacrificed and against nature, will be full of toxins. It is therefore best to choose organic farming not only for what regards the plants, but organic meat farms that meet the needs of the animals that live there.
Finally we give our readers some friends advice, which, although quite a discount, now too often are dismissed from the hustle and bad habits of modern civilization. These suggestions relate closely and individual foods:
Foods plant and animal
For a healthy diet, the first and essential criterion for selection is to prefer foods of plant origin compared to those of animal origin . The plant foods (fruits, vegetables, oils, vegetables, etc..) Are in fact cholesterol free, and very poor in particular fat, technically referred to as "saturated", which tend to raise cholesterol levels in the blood.
Dietary fat
foods of animal origin, excluding fish, are rich in saturated fats. Then put first emphasis in the choice of fats used in the preparation and seasoning of foods. Limit use of butter, lard and hard margarines in stick, and prefer instead the vegetable oils, sia l'olio di oliva extravergine sia l'olio di mais. Per quei cibi che necessitano, in fase di preparazione, di un grasso solido, possono essere utilizzate le margarine molli in vaschetta.
I primi piatti
Se il vostro peso non è in eccesso, scegliete liberamente e a vostro piacere i primi piatti . Fate attenzione al condimento, che va preparato seguendo le indicazioni del punto precedente.
La carne e i salumi
Limitate la carne a non più di 3-5 pasti settimanali, dando la preferenza al pollame, ai tagli magri di manzo (anche canned), pork, rabbit meat. The sausages not be demonized for modern pig breeding techniques have improved nutritional characteristics. They can be eaten once or twice a week by giving preference to dried beef and ham.
Facing the meat 3 or 4 meals of fish weekly . The fish represents a food very low in saturated fat and at the same time rich in protein and polyunsaturated fatty parts (omega-3) with beneficial effects on health.
Milk, yogurt and dairy
Regarding the milk and yogurt is preferable to use those semi-skimmed milks. Regular intake of milk and yogurt is also important especially in the early stages of life when the body has a great need for calcium (childhood) or tends to become poor in it (old age). Should not exceed the consumption of cheese. Instead, they can be made more freely ricotta and so-called "cottage cheese".
The starchy and legumes
Foods eliminated or reduced to be replaced by increasing consumption of starchy (Bread, pasta, rice, preferably whole), of legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, etc..), Which represent a valuable source of protein and fat-free, and increasing consumption of vegetables and greens of any type.
The fruit can be taken freely at the end of the meal, but also represents an excellent solution for occasional snacks.
eggs, liver and brain
should also limit your intake of foods particularly rich in cholesterol, reducing the use of eggs to no more than 2-3 per week and also taking into account those that may be used in the preparation of food (pasta, cakes, breading, etc...) Should be used only occasionally offal (brain, liver and kidney), which are particularly rich in cholesterol.
Preparation and cooking
In conclusion it should be noted that, in addition to the choice of foods, particularly important preparation techniques and cooking themselves. For meat and fish are generally preferable to cooking that requires minimal added fat (cooking on the grill to foil, the plate ), while it limited the use of those techniques that require abundant cooking fats (fried, roasted, wet). Vegetables should be eaten raw. Otherwise, go inside the steaming or boiling in a little water. Possibly also the fruit should be eaten raw.
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