disaster and electromagnetic currents are particularly appreciated for their prompt action and anti-inflammatory analgesic on muscle and bone, where are generally applied, but recent studies have greatly widened their scope, showing that magnetic fields are effective in the reconstruction of tissues, cardiovascular diseases, dermatology, gynecology, neurology and oncology.
of magnetic phenomena has long been talked about since the distant past. In both East and Egypt are among the signs of care taken with the magnets. For millennia, with many people, are known to be sedative, relaxing, and discharge of exhaust produced from the North Pole and the action of stress, strength and energia.prodotta from the South Pole
Among the precursors of magnetic we remember especially Paracelsus, who in the West spread the use of magnet therapy, the idea that all living things possess a mysterious force similar to magnetic and coming from the planets, and arguing that the direct application of the magnet on a morbid outbreak, following certain rules of polar orientation, would have exercised a towel on the payments, and in resolving other pathological conditions.
But it was in the eighteenth century, in the fiery atmosphere of eighteenth-century medicine, there arose the doctrine or theory of magnetism Mesmer animal or magnetic .
After several years of broad popularity and huge success, the new method of treatment went slowly declining.
The magnetic field
Modern magnetic therapy has been recognized nationally as a therapy in the field of Homeopathy and Naturopathy.
The use of magnetic fields in medicine is pretty common, though little known, and is linked to the beneficial effects produced by the polarity. Its main use is found in accelerating the calcification bone but also, for example, to implement coagulative occlusion of a cerebral aneurysm.
The National Research Council (CNR) has also studied the mechanism whereby you get benefits sleeping or resting with their head turned towards the North Pole, ensuring the improvement of different instrumental values \u200b\u200bsuch as blood flow, blood pressure , venous return and increased efficiency of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Considering the North-South polarization we undergo a constant flux that promotes bone mineralization.
With Magneto can recreate the Earth's magnetic field, artificially reproduced.
applying the therapy, for example, a blood vessel with the negative, it will attract to positive ions, while a negative sign it will have on the other side.
This allows a current flow in molecular form microscopic. This is called the Hall effect (named after its discoverer, Professor in the renowned American University of Harvard).
In this case it determines that benefits both circulatory-type pain and healing, as it tends to improve the cell metabolism of the party concerned.
Symptoms and disease
There are many scholars to assert that a paucity of biological magnetic field is at the root of the general weakening of the patients, the increase in recovery time and greater ease in illness.
The destruction of the magnetic field, due dell'incessante air pollution, it is even considered a major cause of many diseases.
Some usual symptoms of so-called deficiency syndrome biological magnetic field (a term coined by Japanese researchers to adapt la terapia magnetica da molti anni) sono rigidità alle spalle, alla schiena, al collo e alle vertebre cervicali, crampi notturni, insufficienza epatica, dolori mestruali, emicrania, mani e piedi freddi, impotenza, emorroidi acute, ipotensione,ipertensione,ulcera, formicolio all’estremità degli arti inferiori e superiori, discopatia, vene varicose acute, stitichezza abituale, nevralgie, esaurimenti nervosi e vari disturbi circolatori.
È tipico che in caso di carenza di campo magnetico non si riesca a trovare una causa specifica dei fastidi, che continuano a perdurare malgrado le diverse cure, senza migliorare anche quando questi sintomi accompagnano altre malattie: come ipertensione, artrosi, diabete, ecc. essi persistono anche dopo che queste malattie sono state superate.
Inoltre è indicata nei casi in cui è utile stimolare il rinnovo dei tessuti dopo circostanze dannose di varia natura. Altre situazioni sono il risanamento di fratture ossee, la cura di ulcere cutanee di origine vascolare nei diabetici, il recupero anatomico funzionale di nervi lesi, la riduzione di cicatrici cutanee deturpanti. Buoni risultati sono accertati anche nel trattamento di contusioni, distorsioni articolari e in tutti i lievi traumi muscolo-articolari.
Potenzia anche le difese dell'organismo con ripolarizzazione elettrica delle cellule.
Produces an anti-stress, regenerate cells compromised by enhancing enzyme kinetics and repolarization cell membranes. Acting on free radicals, ferromagnetic substances and trace elements on the intracellular environment (B-complex vitamins) turns out to be crucial for the homeostatic balance of the cell, as well as possible exposure to an altered area may entail considerable implications for cell.
The magnetic promotes an improvement of all phenomena repairers with a clear anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, and Bioregenerating analgesic without side effects.
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