site selection
To apply the best principles of ecological design to your home, it is essential to place a special focus on the choice of the site on which it will arise.
important condition that is the basis of a correct way of living is that the house is suitable to the soil in which it resides. It should be located as far away as possible from sources of pollution chemical, electrical, acoustic, as well that the disruption of underground .
important is also the exposure to sun, wind direction, precipitation.
that there must be applied to a speech by heating and passive cooling is also important to determine the correct orientation.
Another aspect to consider is related to the presence of electromagnetic fields because, as we saw in that chapter, the energy grids that you create in the ground, may influence the mechanisms of cellular regulation of our body. There are some real studies, performed in the specific area, they are able to establish the presence of faults and aquifers, geopathogenic knots, moisture or radiation .
As for the composition of the soil are optimal ones and recent alluvial, rich in sand and gravel, limestone or sandstone.
The Geobiology acting on the assumption that from the point of view of ecological design, the study of the site where the house will be built is of great importance. She, dowsing, but starting from extending to other natural phenomena such as cosmo-telluric lattices and artificial electromagnetic fields such as other is the preliminary study and diagnosis of those diseases from exposure to this type of phenomena that diseases are precisely called " geopatie .
The geopatie arise from long exposure to energy phenomena not biocompatible, so even the weather, coupled with the intensity of exposure, is of great importance.
Through the use of dowsing was possible to identify the aquifers e delle faglie geologiche. Mentre le faglie sono sempre nocive, solo alcune falde sono nocive anche se le acque che scorrono nelle falde artesiane emanano un'energia non biocompatibile.
Tali acque producono fenomeni elettrici e magnetici dovuti, secondo alcuni, alla presenza di sali in esse disciolti e allo sfregamento contro materiali di contenimento. Queste acque perdono di solito la loro nocività sboccando in superficie divenendo invece utili come acque curative perchè ricche di ferro, zolfo, ecc. Visti questi presupposti, il geobiologo non deve essere solo in grado (come il rabdomante) di determinare la presenza dell'acqua ma anche di individuarne la natura e le caratteristiche rispetto alla geopaticità, applying the basics of hydrology and related cases to the medical effects of time on the vertical tails.
Reference Geobiology were important for the experiments of Ernst Hartmann, finds a strong correlation between certain places and 'onset of specific diseases. He postulated the existence of so-called "H network", in other words, a network of terrestrial radiation, a chess-oriented, with a distance of about 2m and 2.5m from east to west in the north-south, which forms an invisible wall which rises and extends through the biosphere on the surface of the planet.
These bands network, about 20 cm wide, but can be expanded up to 80 in particular conditions such as the full moon, you have a dead zone, a site that is where the waves cancel each other cosmic and telluric.
When the mesh overlap, near the so-called nodes, she feels much stronger influence of the magnetic field, so that in this case we speak of "cancer points.
The observed effects on the nodes are powered and deformed under them if they are underground streams, geological faults, natural magnetism, metal masses. And 'the Geobiology, which shall conduct a thorough detection " lattice Hartmann," under which it will proceed to the design and layout of the premises of the house that will be decided taking into account the position of nodes geopathogenic.
Radioactivity and Radon
Radon gas is a little heavier than air, odorless, colorless and weakly radioactive. It 'a harmful substance to humans, if in no danger of being half an hour later in a closed room with a high concentration of radon, if accumulated thousands of hours in a house or in an environment exposed to such gas can receive health damage.
fact that gas - which has always existed but which only now are beginning to know the dangers - is suspected to be carcinogenic and responsible, in particular, of some forms of lung cancer.
If by the time he still speaks little Italy, in America this phenomenon is taken into great consideration and thoroughly investigated by those concerned with environmental issues.
Radon comes mainly from the rocks of volcanic origin in the basement (granite, pozzolana, tuff, lavas) and reaches the external environment, the presence of fractures in the superficial layers of the land or through groundwater and rivers.
Where there are cracks in floors or walls or roads can lift, the penetration of local housing is facilitated. Radon may also be also emitted from building materials such as stones or aggregates that are used for concrete.
E 'is true, however, that the concentration of radon in a depends very much on its ventilation at ground level, in the absence of this gas tends to concentrate reach high concentration values. The antidote to radon is thus providing in design, adequate ventilation of the premises located under the floor plan and verify that the gas can not go back into the building through ducts arranged for the passage of the facilities.
The living areas will also be provided with adequate natural ventilation, avoiding insulation or coatings that may affect the permeability of the walls .. Modern technology has also developed a " antiradon barrier" that can be placed in new buildings but also in existing ones.
Without doubt, one of the factors that contribute to creating a welcoming environment for humans is the absence or at least control factor noise .
Over the years it has become increasingly relevant.
should be noted that at certain levels of frequency, the perception of sounds as "noises " often depends on subjective assessments (who uses a motorcycle does not consider the noise nuisance, unlike those Instead he is forced to suffer it against his will). There are, however, sounds that a large majority of people feel as uncomfortable and therefore are associated with discomfort, annoyance or discomfort.
searches were conducted to precisely define the relationship between exposure to certain noises, intensity and origin, sources note (noise dose), and the feeling ' irritation or discomfort felt by a group of individuals exposed to such noise.
For the most part have been obtained assessments based on quantitative considerations, which has tried to show how many people, in percentage, since noise is perceived as a disturbing element. Beyond the subjective reactions, particularly with regard to sound high and intense proceedings was virtually unanimous: the sound was perceived as harassing. In other cases, the negative opinion has been influenced by factors such as duration of exposure to noise or the time within 24 hours, where the noise was produced.
When it is not possible to operate on the choice of location, to avoid the negative influence of noise, it is necessary to resort to systems that are available to cancel or at least dampen the vibrations caused more often by traffic or proximity to industries with a high rate of noise. To do this you can use sound-absorbing panels, noise barriers, etc..
building orientation and layout of the premises
The building should be positioned so as to exploit the sun's radiation.
must therefore identify the area that receives the most amount of sun during the hours of maximum radiation, placing the building in the northern part of that area.
The form will allow maximum penetration of sunlight such as a building elongated along the east-west axis will expose a larger area outside the South, minimizing the need for heating during the cold season.
would be optimal to have a situation where exposure to the north is low, and this can be achieved by placing the building on a slope along the north-south axis in order to shorten the possible that wall. The highly populated areas of the building, which therefore need to be heated more, should be placed as far as possible along the south side, while on the contrary, the spaces accessories, such as laundry rooms, garages, closets will be located on the north side acting a buffer between the heated space and the cold wall.
So the bedrooms and living area will occupy the south-east or south-west and the south front, a greenhouse can be placed, with the function to maximize solar gain in winter.
will then be a good idea to provide that the entrance is covered and driven out of the direction of winter winds. Better yet would be to transform this area into a kind of " decompression chamber" between inside and outside, preventing heat loss at each door opening with consequent savings in terms of energy.
With regard to the provision of some local advice can also come from Feng-Shui.
Zona notte
La stanza da letto è una delle zone più importanti della casa, non solo perchè vi trascorriamo gran parte della nostra giornata, ma anche perchè la posizione distesa che assumiamo dormendo non favorisce l'eliminazione a terra delle cariche elettromagnetiche.
E' quindi indispensabile che siano adottati alcuni accorgimenti per " dormire al naturale ".
Innanzi tutto il letto dovrebbe essere orientato con la testa a nord, visto che le cariche elettromagnetiche hanno una direzione nord-sud. Sono inoltre da evitare grandi specchi, letti con struttura di ferro o materassi a molle che fungono da antenna, alterando in misura dannosa per la nostra salute, il campo elettromagnetico .
Per evitare i problemi dovuti alla presenza di elettricità devono ovviamente essere tenuti in conto nella progettazione tutti i parametri suggeriti nei capitoli sull'impianto elettrico e sui disgiuntori di corrente.
Anche i materiali dei rivestimenti e degli arredi, colle, vernici, imbottiture ecc.., devono essere il più naturali possibili, per evitare emissioni di composti tossici e di cariche elettrostatiche.
La camera dovrebbe essere inoltre arieggiata e quindi dotata di aperture enough, quiet, restful colors and painted, lit with soft lights that let you get the dark and the light gradually.
The optimum temperature is 16 ° - 18 ° C with a humidity of 50-60%.
psycho-spatial relations
The land is crossed by the energy (vibrations ) that consistently suffer the effects, beneficial or harmful, even without realizing it.
Everything emits vibrations, even the two-dimensional forms and invisible to the human eye. The awareness of of these energies is necessary when you do a search on the energy quality of a house and then the effects, good or bad it may have on its inhabitants.
may impair the quality of life not only the presence of disturbing elements in the underground (water, radon, metallic masses, etc.) but also the very structure of the house with his more or less harmonic contributes to the absorption of positive energies or their removal.
So designers have invested a great responsibility which is to build homes to "human scale", choosing forms and materials require. The shape of the building, as well as allowing a blend in, must be able to get the most sun exposure, are, however, preferred simple forms and regular as the maximum reduction of the perimeter walls decreases with the exchange ' External getting less heat loss in colder months and better insulation in hot.
According to the theories related to " waveforms " or emissions due to the shape, proportions, and the angle of coverage of 'building, in particular, create a good distribution of bio-energy fields.
The feng shui (literally wind and water) is the ancient Chinese system (born 5000 years ago) to create harmonious environments that can bring happiness, prosperity and health through the flow of "Ch ' the "cosmic breath or life-giving energy that flows into the environment.
The characters wind and water relate to the effect that these factors exert a dynamic environment. The arrangement of various elements within the dwelling is essential for this discipline. In fact, if the energy is blocked or flowing too quickly losing the harmony turns into its double negative the "Ch'i Sh'a.
The first practical advice suggests that the Feng Shui is to position the door opening inwards, thus promoting the entry of the energy however, should not be obstacles along the path. Then in front of the door there should be no windows, stairs, or even worse, baths that accelerate the development of the Ch'i favoring dispersion.
The kitchen should be kept away from the entrance because if invested with too much energy, can promote excessive appetite, though that position is recommended for your stay. To decorate or rearrange your home in the basis these principles is necessary to have a " Ba-gua" or a map to be superimposed on the octagonal plan of the home, in this map do not always coincide with the north entrance while the other rooms are placed with the greater emphasis appropriate to facilitate the function that they are explicit (study, rest, leisure, etc. ..).
fundamental issue in this discipline, is the placement of furniture, which will vary depending on the location and function of the entry space (friendly, professional, meditation) which is why the furniture inspired by the Feng-Shui are easily adjustable according to different rules.
There is, of course, no scientific basis, that this practice really works but it is certain that the magic of furniture tips and organization of 'domestic habitat are often not so different from those inspired by a wise and aesthetics of therefore allow for a balance of shapes, colors, spaces and perspectives needed to improve the quality of life.
Importance of color
Color is a tool that can improve our lives at work, at home, at school, in the urban setting, especially since architecture, for technical reasons, economic and cultural rights has become easier in the lines and pads.
for good physical and mental health is necessary to live in the company of your favorite colors and never those who do not love .
For every position that performs specific functions, then, there are some suitable color.
For example, the entrance that welcomes people in a house should avoid dark colors, favoring the warmest that invoke a sense of intimacy.
For the living are good colors that stimulate la socievolezza senza essere aggressivi: ad esempio le sfumature del giallo, dell'arancio e del verde tendente al giallo; le grandi masse blu, specie se scure, spengono la conversazione ed intristiscono.
In cucina sono adatti colori vivaci come quelli del fuoco: giallo, rosso, arancio, mentre il bianco evidenzia il colore del cibo e consente di valutarne la freschezza.
In sala da pranzo va evitato il verde che conferisce sazietà ancor prima di aver mangiato, mentre è ottimo il giallo che sostiene le funzioni epatiche o l'arancio che stimola l'appetito, il rosso induce allegria ma può produrre eccessiva accelerazione nel mangiare.
study should not miss a yellow component that promotes the mental activity and hard work but also the matching green or turquoise.
In the red bedroom leads to insomnia, while the blue calm and soothe.
Ergonomics Furniture
Homewares properly in terms of bio-architecture and therefore enhance the quality of life depends on many factors. One of them although they are often not given the importance it deserves, and furniture.
Molti degli oggetti d'arredo presenti nelle nostre case sono spesso dannosi per la nostra salute non solo per la loro forma, che costringe il nostro corpo a posizioni innaturali, che alla lunga possono portare anche a gravi problemi a carico della spina dorsale o della circolazione, ma anche per la composizione stessa dei materiali che si rivela talvolta inquinante.
Uno dei prodotti, più dannoso e maggiormente riscontrabile, nelle nostre case è la formaldeide .
Si tratta di un gas incolore che si ottiene con ossidazione del metanolo o direttamente dalla distillazione del petrolio. E’ impiegata per la production of synthetic resins, adhesives, paper, felt insulation of glass wool or mineral, and is also used for wall hangings, dyes, vitamins, fragrances and pesticides.
If inhaled in high concentrations causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and respiratory tract, as well as conjunctivitis with lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids. Concerning more specifically the use of formaldehyde in the manufacture of furniture, it is used mainly for those made chipboard. The sensitive issues for the enactment of this gas are therefore surfaces without a protective layer, the cutting edges, drill holes. What migliore, ovviamente, sarebbe però di evitare l'acquisto di oggetti o materiali che contengano formaldeide.
Come abbiamo visto l'arredo, oltre ad essere il più possibile " naturale " dal punto di vista dei componenti, deve anche rispettare la fisiologia umana e per questo ci può venire incontro una scienza chiamata ergonomia.
Il termine deriva dal greco " ergon ", che significa lavoro e " nomos " ovvero norma, e si occupa di studiare le relazioni tra l'operatore e la macchina e di adeguare le diverse condizioni e gli strumenti di lavoro ai bisogni dell'uomo. In conformità a questi studi sono stati realizzati particolari d'arredo, soprattutto, letti e sedute, che consentono di riposare o lavorare assumendo le posizioni più consone al nostro corpo, abbinando nello stesso tempo materiali ecologici come il cotone, la lana, il legno verniciato con prodotti atossici ecc..
Ad esempio per quanto concerne i letti è fondamentale che reti e materassi vengano scelti rispettando le varie posizioni che il corpo assume durante il sonno, seguendo la naturale curvatura della spina dorsale garantendo nel contempo una salutare circolazione d'aria in modo da consentire al materasso la cessione dell'umidità assorbita durante il nostro sonno ed evitando così il prolificarsi di acari e muffe.
One of the most recommended media is made up of wooden slats, while on the mattress does not recommend the bioarchiettura those of wool (see mites, bacteria, etc. ..), all springs (or detrimental to proper posture and 's static discharges), must be avoided are those latex, because of their high toxicity !
The absence of metal parts ensures a sleep without interference from electromagnetic interference.
Importance of vegetation
The vegetation is of great importance for the ecological design ed i suoi utilizzi sono veramente molteplici. Il sistema di depurazione delle acque ottenuto con certi tipi di piante è senza dubbio efficace oltre che ecologico e può risolvere, talvolta, i problemi legati all'installazione d’altri tipi d’impianti. Gli alberi piantumati vicino alle case, possono invece creare veri e propri " schermi " frangivento e frangisole, contribuendo al raggiungimento di una corretta ventilazione e aerazione degli edifici. Gli ostacoli, infatti, deviando il vento verso l'alto, generano a valle una zona di calma relativa; la profondità della zona protetta dipende dall'altezza dell'ostacolo e dalla sua forma. Così, per esempio, un ostacolo formato da un piano verticale compatto (un muro) hit by a wind perpendicular to him creates an area where the air speed is reduced by 75%, and if the obstacle is a row of trees with dense foliage, the reductions in speed are minor, but the depth of the area is greater (eg at a distance equal to 25 times the height of the trees you can have a speed equal to 75% of what would occur in the absence of obstacles).
Foundations can be formed by three types of materials: concrete, stone, wood. The concrete foundation in our time are the most popular because than those in wood and stone can bear the weight, much more.
The use of reinforced concrete is recommended instead to the principles of ecological design for several reasons.
First, during the cooking process in blast furnace with limestone and clay are added various substances, such as polymer additives that make the products easily attacked by external agents, or ash from industrial filters or radioactive waste.
Additives used to delay the taking and improve the workability of concrete, such as petrochemical synthesis, as well as be unhealthy encourage a process of degradation of the works that may lead to the development of bare metal armatures that rust causing chipping of concrete and structural weakening. The concrete is also very hygroscopic and has low insulating capacity. The structures of iron and steel in concrete are not recommended because they form a "Faraday cage " which does not allow the electrical discharge of the atmosphere to penetrate the building, this leads to an excessive concentration of positive ions in the premises of 'dwelling which contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate resulting organic imbalances.
all these problems should be carried out, if you plan to use reinforced concrete, white cement and high strength steel which reduced the amount. The concrete should be packed in the pipeline to avoid the additive which is frequently referred in the concrete plant.
should then provide a thorough grounding of the reinforcement of the foundations and, of those structural elements the ground floor and floors interpolation to avoid the formation of continuous rings around the building and individual rooms, interrupting the continuity of the reinforcing bars of the curbs.
Where was used in place of carbon steel, austenitic steel (which has paramagnetic properties rather than ferromagnetic) will reverse the phenomenon of induced currents while avoiding distortions of natural magnetism.
should be remembered that in any case it costs much higher than common steel.
To follow the principles of ecological design the slab can be achieved in two ways. The first involves the use of a structure of wooden beams over which pose TAVELLONE horizons consisting of thick, followed by a screed that made such a mixture of natural hydraulic lime or lime-trass which, in the case of the slab on the ground floor, you should mix in cork shavings over it is timely to pose additional insulating material before the finish of the floor.
The second system is based instead on the use of concrete beams reinforced with steel rebar and high strength. Above the rafters, propped up properly, can be laid for the creation of the TAVELLONE floor.
TAVELLONE would be better used to help large better insulation. For both solutions created in the floors on the ground floor is necessary to provide air inlets to allow adequate ventilation and air in the room created under the floor.
For the floors on the upper storeys is always advisable to use a skeleton skeleton is made from wooden beams properly sized and anchored to the bearing walls, above which is placed a table, such as beams, can be left exposed.
According to the principles of ecological design for insulation and waterproofing should be avoided as much as possible synthetic materials such as the polystyrene panels, those of asbestos cement, urea-formaldehyde foams that release potentially harmful substances, and being particularly affect the waterproof breathability of the walls.
Unfortunately, thanks to the easy installation and affordable it is these materials more widely used.
mineral fibers such as rock wool or glass, can produce very fine dust that pass through small openings and in contact with skin allergies or irritation can make when they are to breathe it is suspected that this dust could addittura be carcinogenic.
The mineral fibers in addition, if in contact with moisture, they lose their insulating ability. The disadvantages of polystyrene derived from several factors: the extruded polystyrene foam is CFC that damage the ozone while the polystyrene foam is CFC production, but during his free pentane which contributes to smog.
polystyrene panels in give good insulation but they tend to shrink after about four years from production. The polyurethane , besides being very expensive raw materials used dangerous and foam used for the panels or in the cylinder is made with CFC .
The foam glass (glass foam, CO2) is harmless and very resistant to moisture and the passage of time but, apart from being expensive, use of adhesives which are heated when can be irritating or even carcinogenic narcosis.
Instead are natural materials that, in addition to not damaging the environment (because the process by which you get no free toxic as is the case for some types of synthetic insulation), provide excellent insulation without affecting the breathability of the walls and prevent the passage of cosmic rays.
These include coconut fiber that as well as being natural, biologically pure, unchanging over time, rot, does not form nuisance dust and is also a good insulator against electromagnetic fields.
Excellent, from the point of view bioecological, including wood fiber, wool, cellulose, wool, flax, sheep's wool, felt of jute, cork although it should be used just granules of pure powder, ground and ventilated if they are present as residual bark could imbebersi moisture and rot emanating a foul odor.
One of the best biocompatible materials in terms of thermal insulation and the felt from coconut fibers. The coir crisped and joint opportunities are uniformly applied on a support of paper. The felt thus obtained, in thicknesses of 20 to 25-30mm, is cut into strips of 10 x 1 m with which the rolls are custom made.
The insulating layer is realized by combining the strips of felt good coconut fiber and placing them with the backing paper facing the floor. Layer of felt is covered with tar paper or other waterproof film, arranging the strips perpendicular to the first and overlapping them appropriately.
For better effectiveness against noise level is appropriate to advance the depressions created by the various pipes in the loft, which could create of sound transmission.
lime plaster
The increase in construction of the last fifty years has led to the use of materials, quick to prepare, easy to grip and rapid deployment such as mortars keeping, moreover, lower prices than the traditional mortar based on natural hydraulic lime in use since ancient times.
The first furnace for the production of lime addiritura dates back to 2000 BC, according to recent research seems to have been used in construction as early as 3000 BC The basis for the lime is limestone. Scale from very hot releases a molecule of carbon dioxide which get the calcium oxide, volatile and hygroscopic material. Currently
calcium oxide is produced industrially in large furnaces in which limestone, crushed and washed properly, is brought to high temperatures (1000 ° C) until it gets its full molecular scission.
calcium oxide, commonly called " lime in lumps" or " lime, water is greedy and in contact with the same crackles es'idrata, resulting in a highly exothermic reaction, must be handled carefully to avoid the steam and heat that develop can cause burns.
Quicklime moisturizing form " calcium hydroxide " also called "lime .
The "slaked lime" instead is a dense suspension of the hydrate of lime in water and is obtained by switching off the excess water with lime.
requires a reasonable period of maturation to take a plastic consistency and the characteristic "buttery . The best is made from slaked lime in low reactivity, chemically pure and perfectly DeCarbon.
obtained using plasters, lime, natural hydraulic, ensure better livability of the interior thanks high breathability. The lime also has a very low content of soluble salts and does not suffer the presence of moisture or water in the walls but it draws elements from it.
The use of cementitious causes but, due to water vapor impermeability of the binder, an accumulation of large amounts of water onto the underside of the plaster in the long run leads to detachment of the same.
addition of cement mortars, though having a high mechanical resistance to compression, are not sufficiently elastic, and therefore unfit to withstand stresses coming from the walls leading to the phenomena of cracking.
plasters lime instead allow excellent thermal shock resistance by acting as a real "environment hygrometric lungs", perfect adherence, excellent elasticity. All features, these, which guarantee long life and reliability. The index of water availability, the ratio clay / limestone lets you divide the weak hydraulic lime, hydraulic medium, proper plumbing, eminently hydraulic. The artificial hydraulic lime (or plastic) is essentially a concrete, or rather a clinker, diluted, and therefore can not guarantee that the permeability should be essential in establishing a bio-ecological building criteria.
Roof The roof is without doubt one of the most delicate parts of the house from the point of view bioecological as well as having to protect from the elements and man-made climate (noise, dust, etc ...) must At the same time allow adequate permeability to cosmic radiation and good breathability, things that the materials currently in use do not always guarantee.
For example, a concrete structure completely is not advisable because, in addition to failing to ensure proper transpiration can cause distortion of the magnetic field, which however does not happen if you use wood.
As for insulating materials, the panels commonly used in polyurethane or PVC closed cell foam insulation ensure a coefficient almost double compared to wood or cork, but keep out of steam and air, and then, being completely waterproof may create problems of condensation and mildew.
The use of biocompatible materials in the construction of a sheet to obtain, even in the attic, a healthy and comfortable in both summer and winter and with significant energy savings. One of the methods used is to fix the warping under the main roof of a wooden partition tables tapped pine, larch or spruce.
Sull'assito and joists will be appropriate in some cases pose a sheath of paper greased with brake function steam. At this point you will pay the bulk of cork shavings to fill up at the top level of the joists and then confine her with boards of fir unplaned thickness of about 4 cm.
On the second plank of this will need to place a sheath of paper or kraft feltpaper with windproof function. To achieve the ventilation chamber then need to put small joists spaced approximately 4x4 cm to 40 cm in the ridge-eaves direction, and above these beams of the same size, parallel to the direction of the ridge and spaced as necessary for ' support della copertura in coppi, marsigliesi, o altro tipo di tegole.
Queste camere dovranno essere aperte nella parte bassa sotto gronda e dovranno avere uno sbocco d'aria sotto il colmo: in questo modo nella stagione calda, per convezione naturale, si formerà un flusso d'aria continuo per impedire il surriscaldamento del tetto e quindi dei locali abitati sottostanti. In alcuni casi, secondo le caratteristiche climatiche, è possibile prevedere due intercapedini ventilate nel pacchetto di copertura oltre alla microventilazione sottotegola.
Bisognerà anche porre attenzione nel dare alla falda del tetto un'adeguata inclinazione, completata da un efficiente sistema d’allontanamento delle acque pluviali. The gutters and drains must never be walled sottomalta and will be away wells to collect rainwater from the foundations to avoid the risk of water infiltration and moisture. To improve the thermal qualities of the roof should provide profiles of copper or steel, on the ridge of the roof, suitably ventilated to allow effective ventilation for temperature difference.
flues and chimneys
The flues and chimneys, have the primary function of effectively disposing of the fumes from heating systems or other forms of combustion. Furthermore, it should pay particular attention to chimneys, why not create problems for keeping the roof surface. With the entry into force of the recent regulations on the safety of facilities and use of energy, the flue has assumed its rightful place in the heating system is no longer possible to reason in a disjoint between the chimney and equipment to its intended use. It is therefore necessary to assess correctly the size, materials and processes needed to reach the opening in the atmosphere.
The section of the chimney should be circulated to improve the draft. It can, however, also be carried out according to the tradition of square or rectangular, but in the latter caso è necessario che i lati non differiscano tra loro di più di due terzi.
Comunque, nel caso in cui la sezione fosse troppo grande ci sarebbe un aumento della superficie di raffreddamento verso l'esterno con un inevitabile abbassamento della temperatura dei fumi la cui uscita sarebbe rallentata.
La canna deve essere realizzata con materiali refrattari, resistenti alle alte temperature e impermeabili ai gas, deve inoltre essere autoportante e possibilmente avere una struttura autonoma rispetto alla parete. E' ovvio che non ci devono essere strozzature, gomiti o variazioni di sezione.
I comignoli devono innanzi tutto servire un'unica canna fumaria e il tratto della canna fumaria che sporge dal tetto o è a contatto con l'esterno deve essere ben isolato. Perché il tiraggio sia efficace la bocca del comignolo deve essere sistemata in pieno vento e ad un'altezza superiore di almeno 1m rispetto al colmo del tetto o ad altro ingombro o struttura portante meno di 8-10m. La sezione utile di uscita del comignolo, cioè l'area totale delle sue aperture verso l'esterno, deve risultare non inferiore al doppio della sezione della canna fumaria.
In bioarchitettura è indicato il legno per le stanze da letto e in ogni caso a completamento dei solai realizzati " a secco ", vale a dire senza posa di rete elettrosaldata e getto di cemento.
tiles or terracotta tiles or breathable materials, are recommended for locals but also very wet in places of transit and residence. Slatted floors are not recommended for pre-packed or ready for installation, using adhesives that are harmful from the viewpoint of the emanations that are present for long periods.
are denoted the slats of wood thick enough to rest on LAMBORD or joists. For the surface treatment is essential to use of petroleum-free products (as formaldehyde) as an alternative to relying on natural products such as waxes that will produce good results both in terms of aesthetics and functionality than the and breathability.
The tiles have a common support and a glaze. The enamel is obtained by oxidation of a number of factors that may be arsenic, lead, cadmium, manganese, titanium, etc.. For this reason, according to the porosity and texture of the tile could be released into the air for years, heavy metals, giving rise to potentially toxic fumes, even some tiles contain radioactive materials . (To control the materials from contamination before installation).
The enamel surface of the tiles makes them resistant to air and moisture but it prevents the permeability of the surfaces. The glazed tiles should therefore be limited to areas directly in contact with water, such as in bathrooms.
The unglazed tiles but no toxicity problems, but if placed in a damp environment, promote the formation of bacteria. A good possibility is formed of terra cotta tiles, made of clay quarry provided that, after cooking, it has been treated with products that prevent perspiration. E 'therefore better to use clay tiles " natural" that are treated with a procedure in place " degreaser and then with primers based on natural products , the limit of this solution is of course the cost.
Another material that has a good relationship biocompatibility / cost is finally linoleum. It will of course be made with natural linseed oil, cork powder, wood flour, resin, rosin, jute natural, properly seasoned so giving assurance of strength and flexibility to the loads. Must be free of film-type protective polyurethane. Furthermore, the continuous oxidation of linseed oil supports a specific feature bactericide that inhibits the growth of a bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus is often present in the environment.
Again, of course, you will need to use adhesives not toxic to the installation.
A painting can be defined as a mixture of a liquid and a solid reduced to fine powder. This liquid layer, solidifying, forms a "skin " adhering to the surface carrying the dual protective function and aesthetics. A coating is called "paint " when it is colorless, which is devoid of pigment, while in all other cases we use the term " painting."
Each coating consists of: resin or binder, pigments, solvents, fillers or additives. The binder or resin has the function di legare tutti i componenti, formando la pellicola protettiva. Esistono sia le resine naturali sia quelle sintetiche.
Le resine naturali possono essere d’origine animale o vegetale. I pigmenti sono materiali organici e inorganici in forma di polvere finissima. Hanno la funzione di impartire alle pitture un effetto anticorrosivo e dare il colore desiderato.
I cromati e i derivati del piombo sono pigmenti dannosi per la salute e quindi in via d’eliminazione. Le cariche sono materiali minerali che hanno la funzione di aumentare il residuo secco delle pitture per dare più corpo al prodotto.
Gli additivi sono utilizzati per vari scopi: essicazione, antisedimentativi, antipelle, dilatanti, plasticizers, antifermentatives. Finally, solvents and thinners allow drying and curing of coatings following two steps: evaporation of solvents and thinners before, oxidation and / or polymerization then.
bioarchitecture In the painting of surfaces not only has a protective function against external agents but must be able, at the same time, to allow air exchange between the interior and exterior of allowing it to " breathe "when it comes to the walls as in the case of products used to protect wood or other surfaces is important to check that they do not contain certain types of solvents (to understand, for example, those based of benzene, toluene or xylene, for which there is an obligation for the percentage contained on the product label, while other solvents is not required under the law are reported, making it impossible to assess the relative hazard).
In the case of inhalation of strong vapors from solvents can dissolve the fat content in nerve cells and brain, by changing the electrical properties and causing deterioration of memory and reactive capability.
The slow evaporation of residual solvents in paints and glues can also lead to chronic diseases. The problems arising from many of the products on the market are therefore the excess emanations of gas and low permeability.
To overcome these problems, we recommend that you use for the treatment of walls, ceilings and external time-based glue, lime and natural resins, they are free of substances harmful to health and allow proper ventilation.
The time-based glue are very inexpensive but are only used for internal and suffer much moisture. The lime-based paints (left to rest for at least a year) provide excellent breathability, opacity, and high fungicide. Lime is also a binder, these paintings should be diluted with water only.
Wanting to get an effect of water repellency and water resistance can be added additives such as linseed oil or low-fat milk. There are also murals covering very clean and prepared with natural resins. They are made from products such as vegetable oils, beeswax, essential oils, pigments and fillers are associated with natural resins extracted from plants such as deciduous or coniferous.
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