Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Kind Of Wet And Wavy Hair Did Bootz Have?


Principles and achievements

of environmentally sensitive architecture and life speak for some time, even if the achievements made in some of the houses built for themselves or for a friend homeopath, they are still very few.

The problem is that 'green architecture is not just a style applied to the finished product does not provide standardized solutions capable of transforming an insensitive action in the house of dreams.

It is about taking a more correct at any time of design and construction, able to mediate the various requirements (organizational, distribution, economic), combining them with the coordinates of Bio-compatibility and eco-sustainability.
In this sense, it is to recover a project culture that, at different scales, taking more substance to the image, pointing out that even the smallest action interferes with i precedenti equilibri e muta comunque l'interno, per cui costruire è sempre un atto di violenza sulla natura.

Quindi, prima di progettare, ristruttura, intervenire, bisogna parlare, ascoltare, sentire i proprietari il luogo il cielo il vento. Ecco alcune norme generali sull'organizzazione su una casa sana.

  1. Innanzitutto deve respirare, cioè consentire il ricambio d'aria, smaltire l'umidità e permettere il passaggio delle radiazioni che giungono dal cosmo.
  2. Attutire, filtrate, selezionare il mondo estremo (rumori inquinanti, freddo e caldo, presenze estranee, ecc.).
  3. Utilizzare materiali naturali (Wood, lime, magnesium, ground, cooked cork, wool, linen). Be wary of plastics and new (human experimentation is not recommended).
  4. Avoid energy waste during both construction and maintenance. Solar energy does not cost and it is essential for life: fresh air, gardens, glass, heat storage in the walls, solar panels etc.. The
  5. mimic the heating to the minimum. Avoid types of heating, air moving raise dust and microbes. The sun heats by radiation: this is the best way. So large radiating surfaces (stoves, walls, long distance system), no to radiant floors.
  6. highly Fear colle, vernici, solventi chimici di ogni tipo. Ricordare che i materiali posseggono un colore che è bello anche quando invecchia e si modifica. Non cercare una casa asettica e perfetta, ma una casa comoda che cresca con noi.
  7. Porre particolare attenzione all'inquinamento elettromagnetico, quindi cavi ed elettrodomestici schermati, ottima messa a terra, allontanamento dai luoghi di stazione d'ogni massa ferromagnetica. Ricordarsi che i campi magnetici non vengono schermati dai muri e quindi agiscono anche al di là delle pareti.
  8. Amare il verde affinché la natura entri tra le mura e collabori a purificare e ossigenare l'aria: piante dappertutto tranne che nelle stanze da letto.
  9. Destinare cura e riguardi alla bedroom, sleep well if you do not recharge your energies. Therefore, nothing but simple furnishing space and affection in the things. The bed is north-south axis, preferably with the head north. No synthetic materials. Springs, masses or metal rods and mirrors to look at the sleeper.
  10. Save, recycle, recover (the old cabinet or boxes of fruit, the tiles of the barn or the sink into disuse). If we have participated in the construction, the house will be ours.
  11. In some foreign countries is "required" to carry out technical surveys relating to radon gas (isotope 222) leading cause of death from lung cancer in the world.
  12. Also recommended are the geopathic surveys are useful to prevent the onset of many diseases.


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