Written by Fabrizio
All of us have attended waiting rooms, some time I attend waiting rooms - very much more than the waiting room -
oncology departments, so go with friends and relatives.
Waiting rooms here because everyone 'expects' something, waiting to do the chemo (that ugly word, known as a chemist, but is necessary because of venom can heal), waiting to relieve pain, waiting to heal. I look around and despite being a place of suffering I see so many faces quiet (I do not have a better word) full of great dignity and great hope and an expression with a very special smile sometimes enigmatic and extremely thoughtful.
The other day as I watched, as my usual, the faces of people and, I admit, I listened to some speeches but not for grim curiosity to understand, I noticed how much the approach of some clerical and whining that they should lay volunteers with their words and alleviate suffering instead, I think with the way they ask, did revive the path of suffering of the sick. It occurs to me to express my thoughts better, the wonderful character of Patch Adams, the creator of the ClownTerapia American doctor, who with his organization runs hospitals and war zones to relieve, with its fun but not limited to, the suffering of children. I think everyone of us has to do with the suffering should or could think through the true awareness of the suffering we can understand the true essence of life.
image cc by sarvodaya.org
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