Friday, December 17, 2010

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The lost vision of the Infinite Christmas Special

Written by Amber
The popularization of psychological tests, the production of books and pamphlets on the subject and the proliferation of groups dedicated the "growth" - come fashion by a certain age - have
meant that anyone who feels entitled to interpret the behavior of themselves or another, and a conclusion with absolute arrogance and certainty about the causes of these behaviors.
This pride and this senseless invasion of the soul - where humility and knowledge of human limitations have lost their raison d'etre - then there is no room for other disquisitions considered boring and nothing that is unconnected if not contortions with pseudo-analytical examination of an idea or a behavior.
And so you lose all sense of mystery and that of the nonsense that are part of life.
E 'disappeared the ability to return to the archetypes, the Mothers and Plato. The concept of metaphysics
own research and not so much of himself but of the wider meaning of their existence are unknown to the most mysterious and meaningless. Purpose
futile individualistic and orb of the future govern life and an increasingly hampered by false certainties of happiness to be achieved with a new car, a new dress, an exotic vacation or public sharing of his soul.
And the sense of the origins of their continuity, and the sense of the universe have been replaced by futile discussions on issues relating to their individualism.
not forget that one of the strongest repressions of our time is la morte, che pure esiste come assoluta ed unica certezza e il cui abbraccio riporta laddove nasce l’origine degli esseri viventi siano essi uomini, alberi o animali.
Il pensiero della morte e quello della vita dovrebbero darci il senso di appartenenza all’umanità intera e alla natura, se non fosse che l’una, la morte,  è stata scacciata e l’altra, la vita, è stata addomesticata a visioni del tipo grande fratello.
image cc by Alice Popkorn NoDerivsLicense


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