Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cubefield1 And Cubefield 2 Differences

Exchange of hearts

The testimony of Cristina
I volunteer as a carer for the elderly for over three years and me is a continuous discovery, but is above all a vocation.
It 's the heart and only he who takes you to embrace this mission and also to derive benefit from things that might seem insignificant in the eyes of others.
a nickname, a handshake, a hint of a smile, the simple sharing of a TV fan you know when you're on the field that you made the other day to those in need and this is the greatest gift, what gives you that inner strength, the momentum and that wonderful feeling that I like to call "warm heart" that nothing else can give you.
I personally think that I will never stop being a volunteer because I realized during these years that make a gift of "a part of me "has become a great, great need of my heart.
Cristina Izzo
image cc by oedipusphinx - - - - theJWDban


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