Text of John N.
Alex and Sonia set off for the usual walk serotina. not suspected that that was not a night like any other, that something was going to happen in their lives.
repeated to one another, which had to wait again. Alessio stated that it was better to wait until the storm of war was over and would begin to rebuild their city reduced to a heap of ruins.
Sonia was always agree: “ Tutto è destinato. Tutto è stato programmato e la nostra stessa volontà non è altro che uno strumento di quella programmazione fatta da Dio alla nostra nascita”.
Conversando del presente e dell'incerto futuro, giunsero vicino all'ospedale là ove la città diradava e si infittiva la vegetazione della campagna. Al bivio ebbero l'abituale incertezza. Sorrisero della loro ripetitività: “Pigliamo la strada a destra o a sinistra? Sonia avanzò la proposta. “Ce lo chiediamo sempre e poi sempre andiamo a sinistra. Perché non cambiare? Anche da quella parte ci sono panchine e anche un giardinetto”.
Alessio fu d'accordo e le strinse ancor più fortemente il braccio nell'avviarsi the direction established.
They had traveled a few hundred meters when the scream of sirens heralded a bombing. The alarm sounded with unexplained delay so that the squadron was already above the city. Came to their ears the rattle of machine-gun fire on the road that night had decided not to go.
When the siren announced the all-clear, the road was now invaded by dust and groans of the wounded.
Ripresisi Sonia distressed by the terror he turned to Alexis, hoping to be helped to understand: "That's awful because the planes have attacked?" Alex pointed out that the
still had to thank the sky did not take the same road. He commented: "Otherwise ....".
"Do not go ....". Sonia dried her tears. "I know you could touch us. I pray only that if something should happen we'll go together at the same time ...".
Sonia shook hands with Alex and with infinite gentleness he added, "so do not realize it."
Alessio did not answer but formulated a silent prayer: "God, if it has to happen, let us die together." When it resumed
anxiety both reached the decision in unison. Absurd to ask so many problems right now. Do not wait, but soon, as soon possible. Alessio
formulated the conclusion of their thoughts "From tomorrow we will look for home my love."
John N.
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