Ingredients: For the sponge cake
100 g flour 6 eggs
180 g sugar 140 g butter at room temperature
100 g of potato starch
half a bag of baking powder a pinch of salt
a teaspoon of vanilla extract For the filling:
4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons
sugar 3 tablespoons flour
1 / 2 cups milk
1 / 2 liter whipped cream
For the syrup:
200 ml water 100 g sugar 100 ml rum
Beat the egg yolks with sugar, then stir in the butter and mix, add the flour, starch, yeast, vanilla and mescolate.A Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt and add to the mixture, stirring the mixture in delicatamente.Versate a mold pan and bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Once it cools, remove the cake from the mold, place it on a plate and cut a disk about 2 cm thick and put it the other parte.Prendete parte della torta e incidetela ,tracciando come un cerchio interno,lasciando i bordi di uno spessore di circa 2 cm.Incominciate ora a scavare la torta e tenete da parte tutte le briciole.
Preparazione : LA BAGNA
In un pentolino mettete a sciogliere lo zucchero assieme all'acqua e al rum . Una volta raffreddata,bagnate con metà dose il fondo e i bordi interni della torta .
Preparazione : LA CREMA
Sbattete in una pentola i tuorli con lo zucchero;incorporatevi la farina,poi stemperate poco per volta il composto aggiungendovi il latte freddo.Ponete il recipiente sul fuoco a fiamma moderata e mescolate continuamente,finchè la crema non si addensa.Togliete,quindi, dal fuoco e fate raffreddare.Aggiungetevi la panna montata little by little and mix well together. Pour
, now, a half of cream inside the cake, cover with the record previously set aside, then wet it with the syrup left, then roll out over the remaining cream. Finally
coated everything with the crumbs from parte.Mettete first made the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, then serve it very cold. The filling of PS
mimosa cake can vary greatly: in fact, you can also add cream pieces of fruit, usually strawberries or pineapple, if you add pieces of fruit, the syrup will use both the liquor and the juice of the fruit you choose.
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