Monday, January 31, 2011

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. January 31 is coming and now we must decide where to go May 22.
We have collected and rearranged all the cities / regions where we live our blogger friends.
We took into account everyone, absolutely everyone. Who said SI ' , but also those who said MA or MAYBE or WHO KNOWS ' .
CLICK HERE and you will have the vision of Italy, and where all of us. There are 16
blogger that seems to be sure to come and 25 bloggers who are still uncertain. We have not taken account of carers of the blogger, not yet knowing precisely who is with whom, therefore, presumably the number of participants will be higher. Each blogger was counted as one person and totals are shown for the total number of bloggers from dalla stessa regione.

E qui sotto il dettaglio:

Abbiamo fatto una prima scelta di tre città che sono quelle facilmente raggiungibili via aereo/treno e a costi contenuti:
TORINO (si pensava a Nichelino,  ai mille incontri gastronomici intorno alla reggia di Venaria Reale)
MILANO (si parlava di Bergamo a 50 km. da Milano, nella città alta, molto suggestiva)
BOLOGNA (li avete mai provati i turtlèin bolognesi? Da gustare maybe in a little place on the hills?)

Now the choice is yours in what city. You can also choose two or three if you can fit all. And please, be generous to others and think, if you live in Turin, do not just choose Turin.
At the end collect the votes and win the city with the most votes. Meanwhile, in order
post give you an idea of \u200b\u200bcost / time of travel for those unwilling to use the car.
For the time being we have considered only the origins of " CERTAIN " Bologna and turns out to be, in general, the city less expensive and more convenient to reach.

We ask you to indicate in a comment by 15 February :

1. The city or cities chosen
2. The number of people who will be the Feast Blogger
3. The length of stay: only 22 or the entire weekend (21 and 22).

IMPORTANT: This information will allow us to take the step or successively , although some variation (except the city) will still be possible, at least by a date that will show you. The next step will then search the place for dinner and overnight accommodation for those who desire it.
A second later the location selected, one of us will personally visit the restaurant and farm.


(1) Schedules and prices for guidance only. They are designated times for first flights / trains of the day.
(2) Arrival: Saturday or Sunday - Return: Sunday night
(3) First connection can
(4) a / r possible in a day
(5) Travel time: approx. 25 minutes - cost: approx. 7 Euro - many possible connections

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Price Truffles Per Pound

Fusilli with tuna and tomatoes My first premium dry

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 g fusilli

2 cans of tuna from 80 g one o'clock

about 15 sun-dried tomatoes 2 cloves of garlic olive
' olive oil to taste

Separately, cook the fusilli in a pot, a pan fry the garlic with the oil, then add the tuna and sun-dried tomatoes cut into strips. Once the pasta is ready, add it to the pan and stir until the melted not blend in well with the other ingredients, and Serve.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Do I Buy Dental Alginate?

This afternoon, internet connection, I received a message from the cook Clarita de free-range, which gave me my first award!

Thank you very much for thinking of me for this award! Now I want to share
I this award, following the three rules:

-we thank the blogger who sent us the prize ... in my case only if there is
-7 are told things about himself ... a great way to get to know a little more
-turns the award to 10 other blogs
Regarding things about me:
a few years I have discovered a passion for the kitchen to the first, I never thought to cook, let alone to start a blog of cuisine: what to say, there's always a first time!
2 I prefer salty foods over sweet (maybe no one will believe it, but there it is) I hate nutella!

3 I love dancing, I took lessons funky, dance group, dances of Latin American and Caribbean countries.

4 But I have also practiced martial arts.

5 I love to travel, visit museums, learn about culture and traditions of each country.

6 am a very shy person, not always I make friends easily.

7 I can not stand people and jealous that exploit the kindness of others.

I blog to the bonus round:

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Somewhere towards the end

Written by Anna T.

the title fool you, suggest a dramatic narrative. It is rather ironic and a little book light-hearted, sincere and charming, written by an English woman born in 1917.

Diana Athill has always worked and lived in the midst of books, publishing, reviewing, presenting.
Finally she decides to write one, telling himself, his life and his old age with great tenderness, with no regrets or remorse, without fear. It is said without false modesty, without giving lessons of wisdom, conveying to the reader his new sense of freedom and his belief that he finally be completely herself. Would like to thank you, write or send her a bouquet of flowers, the gift of optimism and confidence in life than do those who read it.
Anna T

Diana Athill, somewhere towards the end, Rizzoli Editions, series BUR, 2010, Euro 9.00.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Indian Boobs Variety Pic

train people from 30 °-Sketchcrawl results

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free And The Bride Wore Game

The Sun

Post Mirco
Who has never been in a forest or the sea ... ... and looking at everything, in a moment of magic saw how everything
- small or large - is a unique harmony. ... there is no more, there is a lower, but everything comes together to make this unique symphony.

Thus, they feel they have heard or who have lived or will live this particular state of being, because they know this feeling of gratitude in bloom ...

and walking on a lawn will never be the same.

Musical life at all.

... I watch everything grow so wild

and faithful in the Sun

and I wonder why we are the only

terrible part of creation with the

privilege to refuse our flowering

who wish to know how much I wish that Sun and

flourish and what I want to reclaim my joy

and what I want to walk in life

surprised and speechless
for gratitude.
... I look at everything out

growing so wild
and faithfully beneath
the sky
and wonder
why we are the one
part of creation
to refuse our flowering
How I want to know
that sun,
and how I want to flore
and how I want to claim
my happiness
and how I want to walk
through life
amazed and inarticulate
with thanks.

David White
image cc by sweethardt NonCommercial NoDerivs License

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Floors In Aluminium Boat

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
8 gamberoni congelati
350 g di pane grattugiato grossolanamente
2 spicchi di aglio
2 ciuffi di prezzemolo
mezza cipolla
pepe nero q.b.
olio d'oliva q.b.

In una ciotola versate il pane grattugiato,aggiungete l'olio,il pepe nero,la cipolla a cubettini,l'aglio e il prezzemolo sminuzzato.Fate amalgamare gli ingredienti e riempite ogni gamberone (già  fatto scongelare)con la farcia preparata.Adagiate the prawns on a baking sheet and bake at 190 ° -200 ° and cook until they are golden brown.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Congratulate Someone On A New House

PREVIEW: the diary of my trip in China! 2

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Inside the refuge of fear

Scritto da Cristina
A volte la paura di crescere, di diventare adulti ...di invecchiare ci fa coccolare sempre nelle stesse paure ed insicurezze ...
Ci spaventa dire che ora ci sentiamo più sicuri, che questo e quell'altro che han sempre avuto spazio in noi non son più contemplati nel nostro essere più profondo, perché questo significa sì una svolta ma nello stesso tempo anche un ulteriore tassello che abbiamo aggiunto alla nostra vita e che ci rende "più saggi" e saggezza è sinonimo di vecchiaia ... Guardarsi allo specchio e non vedersi più con la freschezza dei vent'anni a volte ci fa male, ci fa restare attoniti, guardare delle fotografie di anni addietro e non riconoscersi ci destabilizza e ci appigliamo consciously or unconsciously on our fears as a pseudo-one is attached to a buoy at sea trying to avoid as much as possible the arrival of our mature ...
image cc by Alex Dram NonCommercialNoDerivsLicense

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Difference Between Impetigo And Cold Sores

PREVIEW: the diary of my trip in China!

here are two random pages of my new travelogue,
an ambitious and very full-bodied ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Proven Roulette Systems

The priests of the Fiat

Lyrics Elio
One evening we were waiting for Mary, my sister in law, under the 'office where she worked as secretary to the owner.
It was raining hard and we were under the canopy that protected the entrance. Suddenly we heard the sound of a starter motor for a Fiat Topolino: poignant insisted in a vain attempt to start the engine.
He and I were "deep" Experts from the mouse: we looked at each other, check the time and nodded silently. We approached the driver
"discouraged" the car and told him: "open the hood. That, rather puzzled, nodded and went down looking for the handle azionò. And there, in the pouring rain, with a dilapidated umbrella that we passed hands every few minutes, we began to disassemble the distributor. The owner of the mouse, he declined to oversee operations, and watched anxiously for our skeptical tinker.
Finally the head of the shell appeared in my hands and Adriano as serious as a priest officiating a sacred rite, he took out from his pocket a box of matches, lit one, took the head of the distributor from my hands and began to "scorching" metal contacts on the cap. As if it really
officiate a ceremony, even with the rain that runs on our faces after a while, 'he handed me the cover I risistemai on its base. Then turned to the owner of the car - we looked more and more skeptical - and said, "turn on". That hastened to close the umbrella and with a mocking smile, put the steering wheel and activated the key: a quick and sneezing engine starts. Face impassive face of the driver and our disbelief that we made a gesture of blessing, we closed the hood and we sheltered under the canopy.
course at the exit of Mary, his wife, for we felt like we were the concerts in the rain and dirty hands.
image cc by unusualimage

PS - Start with this series of stories about my brother Adriano missed 20 years ago (she was four years older than me). He was an exceptionally kind and our relationship has been especially true and deep friendship of brotherhood as well. I was his shoulder in the true sense of the word. We did not need to tell us about: we understood the fly, adapting to the situation at all times.

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Cake baked prawns with salty cheese and salami

Ingredients: 300 g

flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg

50 g of diced provolone

50 g of grated pecorino cheese 50 g (or provola)
diced 100 g of sausage of choice (I used salami napoli) into cubes (I prefer it in cubes, but if you prefer, you can chop them in a way that spreads over the entire cake)
12 g
yeast lukewarm water

In bowl, pour the flour, add yeast dissolved in a little 'water, egg, butter, water and continue to knead, slowly add the cheeses and salami and mixed to Mix it all up: the mixture should be a little soft, so if you find that it is not, add a little water at a time, until you get the right consistency.
Fate, then rise until the mixture reaches the edges of the bowl, then pour into a mold, which has been buttered and floured, and bake in the oven already 'hot at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes, at any rate up to it becomes golden and, of course, cooked (toothpick test).
Wait for it to cool, then lift up the cake from the mold.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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one evening
three damsels-web
chat via e-mail.
Put the ability to communicate enthusiasm.
Put the desire to share
and widen the circle to other blogger friends.
was fatal.
that had to happen We plucked
The desire to know
his eyes.
Amber , Erika and Sandra
to all blogger friends:
's meet May 22 and
spend together on Sunday!
This post is published simultaneously from all three, of course, expect your membership number and, if you will, of husbands ... wives ... children ... lovers ... dogs .... cats .... goldfish ...
enthusiastic Tell us your intentions by leaving a comment in one of three blogs by January 31 indicating the number of participants. Do not forget THE CITY 'OF ORIGIN so that we can better identify the most appropriate site for this mega-party. Thought ad un Agriturismo che dia, a chi abita più lontano,  la possibilità di pernottare.
E allora si aprano le danze !
( A.Renoir, Bal au Mulin de la Galette-1876)

Monday, January 10, 2011



Ingredients for 15 baba ':

00 250 g flour 5 g salt 30 g sugar

85 g butter 13 g yeast 250 g of eggs

For the syrup: 320 ml of water

150 g sugar zest of one lemon 120 ml of rum

2 vials of rum

Place all ingredients in order into the mixer and add an egg time, then knead for a long time, until the mixture becomes very elastic and detach from the wall of the dough.
Now cover the bowl and let rise until the dough doubles in volume resume originario.Dopodiché the dough and, in any stencil already 'buttered and floured, place the dough, but not great, otherwise, when rising, comes out of the mold: the right amount and 'about 3 cm for stampino.Mettete molds into the oven off and let rise again until' the dough will not reach the ends' of the mold.
Turn, then, the oven to 180 degrees (just under though) and cook until the baba 'will not become very red.
Remove, and then, from heat and let cool, take them out, then, by molds. Prepare
, meanwhile, the wet: Boil water in a saucepan, sugar and lemon rind cut into "slices", remove from heat and let raffreddare.Aggiungetevi, then, the vials and rum ; proceed, then, to drench the baba and place them in paper cups, place them, and then, in the refrigerator.
Before serving, sprinkle can, at will, a few drops of rum baba on each to enhance the flavor even more.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ideas For Picnik Facebook


Testo di Cristina I.
Son stata ad un matrimonio … il classico matrimonio in chiesa. Una bellissima cerimonia nulla da dire non nego di aver avuto persino un
moto di commozione quando ho visto la sposa varcare la soglia della church.
But what led me to a ceremony in mid-thought and I said to myself, but because we human beings always need the testimony of others to affirm our feelings?
I do not think it is just familiar indoctrination or religious issues if many of us make the big step, I think perhaps it is in some ways is the great desire of wanting to share and celebrate with those who hold most dear (though sometimes there's more expensive to be even a hundred) ... that is dictated by mental legacy according to which if not officially, if not before the next state our intentions, feelings, and these projects are likely to be considered "second class" and not all are willing to "succumb to the impressiveness of this hard burden" ... After all how many times have we heard "But not only live together are married ..." ... what does this mean? What a great feeling as love (I really want to write always with a capital letter), requires an official? ... Is this not in some way diminish, distort and want to box in a box as this essential standard of living heart?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shelly Martinez Notorius

Dinner with the authors of the blog

Amber Text
's team blog - Made by the authors 'historical' as well as by Amber and Mirco (blogger and assistant) - meets on average every two months for
a dinner in the name of choral music and happy atmosphere, where a circle of sympathy, playfulness discussions and semi-series or, more rarely, really serious.
The number of photos depends simply on the success or failure of the shots (made from super-amateur).
The authors considered "historic" - a dozen - are volunteers who write with diligence and regularity on the blog, even if, occasionally, some forty other public or published one or two posts. The staff with its 10 authors is now complete, the rest can not be add a seat at the table because the spaces are sold out!
Here are some flash on the evening between the authors.

Anna T., new signing, the journalist blog

Even Anna T. left side of Mirco hiding because they do not want to be photographed (fear of triggering a frenzy among his many fans), at the head Amber to dinner now begun, based sausage, porridge and lentils.
Cristina I., the mascot of the group

Cristina tastes a bit 'puzzled, mustard fig

Still Cristina

Always Cristina

Cristina with her boyfriend

Helios, the dean of the blog

Elio, a gentleman of the past, embraces Amber

Fabio, both serious and facetious

Fabio does not agree with Amber

Fabio enjoys among the sardonic and the ironic

Here Fabrizio (right) (frightened by the size of incoming sausage?), Elio at the head, while the boy Cristina enjoying lentils.

Amber tries to remove the arms held in front Mirco the face to avoid being photographed

Fabrizio Back to blog alongside another dinner Amber

Finally Mimma to the right of Fabio. Stands a glass of red ....