Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Simple Bill Of Sale

Mauro Aldo Bottura Bottura

diploma in electrical engineering at a young age, Mauro Aldo Bottura starts at only 18 years his experience as an entrepreneur in the textile sector.

Over the years, his professionalism spread in Italy and abroad, in many activities of commercial and industrial planning. Particular attention is given to products for home health.

professional experience Mauro Aldo Bottura is supported by extensive personal studies and research in the field of psychology and transactional analysis improved the achievement of different Dynamic Master Mind, Leadership, Sales and Dynamic in California USA in Italy, dowsing, radionics, Reiki, Feng Shui, Ripple Mobile Lakhovsky George, Kinesiology and Geobiology.

Naturopath writing in the National Bio-AI. MI University of Milan. Lecturer in various disciplines aimed at companies, corporations and individuals.

always been interested in Parapsychology and the correlation of forces between cosmo-telluric human organism and habitat, Mauro Aldo Bottura now dedicated his life to further study and research and to the profession of Geobiology .

collaborates with physicians, researchers, homeopaths, therapists and holistic bioarchitetti, pursuing a clear mission: to spread knowledge and awareness the Culture of Prevention .

Add Wheels To Luggage

graduated at a young age, Robert Henry Bottura starts at only 18 years his work as we're lying with his father Mauro Aldo Bottura, now Honorary President of Ferrari.

Henry Robert's professional experience is supported by extensive personal studies and research in the field of dowsing, cellular oscillation George Lakhowsky, Geobiology, Science of 'habitat and Bioenergy, under the expert guidance of renowned doctors, first of all, Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Franceschi, an expert in Bioelectronics of Vincent.

fascinated by these matters from an early age, has accumulated considerable practical experience and sensitivity, which have facilitated nel conseguimento di diversi Master.

È un Bio-Naturopata iscritto all’Albo Nazionale dell’A.MI. University di Milano.

Interessato da sempre alla correlazione delle forze cosmo-telluriche tra organismo umano e habitat, Henry Robert Bottura dedica oggi la propria vita all’approfondimento e alla ricerca e all’esercizio della professione di geobiologo .

Dotato di un carattere aperto, gioviale, solare e disponibile, utilizza la sua particolare sensibilità umana ed energetica. Facilitato nelle indagini radiestesiche e tecniche, riesce a raggiungere risultati straordinari.

collaborates with many doctors, researchers, homeopaths, osteopaths, bioarchitetti and holistic therapists, continuing the clear "mission" of the Ferrari knowledge and awareness to spread the Culture of Prevention .

Home Remedies To Improve Cervical Mucus

Robert Henry Dr. Luisa Federici

Counsellour Psychologist and

Beautiful (and brilliant) wife of Aldo Mauro Bottura, is an engaging speaker, who participate in courses and seminars for Ferrari, instilling cultural depth and simplicity
extraordinarily communicative.

He also di Counselling e di molti altri aspetti legati alla psicologia.
Sa entrare subito in empatia con le persone, chiara, trasparente, profonda conoscitrice dell’animo umano, dolcemente e gradevolmente ti tende le sue mani.

Male Brazillian Wax Philadelphia

Introduction to Geobiology

La Geobiologia - dal greco Ghèa (terra) e Bìos Logos (scienza della vita) - è la scienza che studia gli effetti dei fenomeni della Terra sulla vita degli esseri viventi.

Si tratta di una scienza recente. Tuttavia, già nell'antichità, i cinesi già seguivano una dottrina chiamata Feng-Shui, letteralmente Vento e Acqua, i cui maestri sono chiamati geomanti. Essa designa con questi due elementi elusive forces that rise from the earth up to heaven. In this doctrine we speak of the currents of vital energy traveling through the Earth in the direction of the parallels and meridians.

About thirty years ago, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, Ernst Hartmann, then rediscovered what the ancients already knew. All over the earth's surface from underground to the biosphere, there is an invisible grid formed by bands of telluric radiation width of about 21 cm. These bands intersect every 2 m. in the North-South direction and every 2.5 m. in the east-west, forming a true network that has been given the name of its discoverer that Hartmann's network.


Questo reticolo, come i paralleli e i meridiani, si restringe verso i poli, ed ha il massimo dell'espansione  all'equatore. Nel corso di approfondite sperimentazioni, si è stabilito che i punti d'incrocio di questo reticolo,  definiti "nodi Hartmann" o nodi geopatogeni, hanno ripercussioni negative sulla salute delle persone e di  qualsiasi essere vivente che inconsciamente vi soggiorni sopra, dormendo o riposando. Le parti interne,  invece, sono definite "zone neutre" e non comportano nessun problema. Come ogni regola, però, anche quella dei nodi geopatogeni has its exceptions, as there are some living things - like the cat, ants, bees, snakes, etc.. - As the search for those nodes for better living.

Many studies and tests have been performed by Dr. Hartmann, Dr. Curry, Dr. Picard and others, noting that the telluric radiation may be further aggravated by other causes, such as faults're lying courses underground water, soil types, etc..

The Geobiology, in addition to the study of interference due to human causes cosmo-telluric, also takes into account the aggravating factors defined techniques. After thousands and thousands of years lived in harmony with nature, almost suddenly, the man has altered their lifestyles. In fact, over the past 100 years, has discovered new forms of energy that accelerates the progress to the point that the benefits are immediately obvious, but the disadvantages and risks to health are discovered very late.

DAMAGES OF THE 'ELECTROSMOG "AND" sick building syndrome "

Just think about the pollution of air, water and food to see what level we get In the last few days. ; But not all. Now we live in the Age of electromagnetic or electro. In the last few twenty years, the use of electricity has become part of our existence in a way so pervasive that we can not do without. Our country is crossed by millions and millions of kilometers of electric cables.

With thousands of radio links, broadcasting antennas, military radar, are downloaded into the wild every year thousands of kWh of energy that alters our artificial-natural magnetic balance. It should be also considered that the man, in recent decades has left nature to live more in urban areas, often built wildly tending more to the logic of profit and human health. Buildings sempre più con il cemento armato creano una sorta di barriera contro le onde armoniche positive, e  favoriscono invece la diffusione di radiazioni elettriche e telluriche-nocive.

Se ci addentriamo un po', ci sovviene una domanda: "Qual è l'interrelazione tra uomo e ambiente?" Parliamo  chiaramente dell'uomo moderno, dell'uomo che vive in città, e se andiamo ad esaminare attentamente  riscontriamo in esso un abbassamento delle difese immunitarie ed una predisposizione ad attacchi di agenti  esterni ed a degenerazione cellulare (tumore).

I primi e più attenti a queste tematiche sono stati gli americani, che l'hanno definita "Sick Building Syndrome" cioè sindrome da edificio malato. Gli studi, effettuati con molto pragmatismo, hanno provocato allarmi, facendo sì che molti cercassero di correre ai ripari.


Potremmo aggiungere molte altre cause tecniche che sono fonti di disturbi: infissi metallici, poca circolazione di aria pulita, materiali ed indumenti sintetici, specchi, eccesso nell'utilizzo di ferro, acciai, minerali sintetici, mobili  per la cui realizzazione sono state usate colle tossiche o folmaldeide, pitture tossiche, colori e isolanti sintetici. Pertanto, rimanere eccessivamente esposti ad onde perturbanti, o rinchiuderci in Faraday cages, force the body to a higher energy expenditure for the maintenance of homeostasis.

The disturbance field is spread horizontally and vertically. They are often strengthened through equipment and technical installations, and in the presence of ferrous parts. The trouble spots geopathogenic affect the autonomic nervous system through the skin, which by its internal controls many organs of our body.

If this balance is disturbed through fields geopathogenic, diseases and other problems can occur, especially those for which the doctor can not find a precise cause. But work mostly resting or sleep on disturbed areas may initially disturb the body in a mild but prolonged exposure, which manifests itself initially as a small disturbance can, over time, cause serious or very serious, to the bitter end.

However, in conclusion, it is important to note that in parallel to these grim findings, medical researchers and scholars have identified, after scientific experiments lasted decades of effective systems of protection and compensation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Can I Get Military Immunization Records

Poisoned home

produce too many toxic substances
di Johann Rossi Mason

Se è vero che l'inquinamento atmosferico nuoce gravemente ai bambini, addirittura già quando sono nell'utero della madre, tenerli in casa non sembra un rimedio salutare. 

Qui nell'aria circolano ftalati, alchifenoli, pesticidi, parabeni e altri inquinanti estrogenici. Oltre ai temibili PCB 'idrocarburi aromatici clorurati' che sono stati riscontrati in maggior concentrazione nell'aria interna rispetto a quella 'outdoor'. 

A dichiararlo è stato Claudio Minoia, della Fondazione Maugeri di Pavia durante l'incontro 'Salute del bambino e sicurezza alimentare' tenutosi presso l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Sull'esposizione ad inquinanti domestici negli ambienti chiusi si è pronunciato anche Alberto Mantovani, del Dipartimento di Sanità alimentare e animale dell'Iss: "Nei paesi industrializzati si stima che la popolazione generale trascorra sino al 90 per cento del proprio tempo in ambienti confinati”: in Italia per esempio nel complesso le donne passano in ambienti indoor circa il 66 per cento del loro tempo, gli uomini il 54 per cento. 

Rispetto agli inquinanti presenti in casa i bambini rappresentano una categoria ad elevata suscettibilità, sia perché trascorrono more time within the walls of home and school, either because they are not, as is often supposed, however, adults in miniature.

The child from a metabolic point of view has a higher respiratory rate and greater intake of food and water per pound of body weight than adults do.

What are their weaknesses?

"I am particularly sensitive development of the respiratory, immune, reproductive and nervous systems. Not only the mode of exposure for a child, in many cases the amount of exposure is greater: for example the fact that stature makes children closer to the ground, along with their habit of bringing everything to mouth, "replied Francesca Maranghi.

therefore an ideal target to become a receptacle for pollutants of all kinds.

In recent years the danger of pollution citizen was much reduced in proportion to the power of the indoor air: a study of the Environmental Protection Agengy American in 1998 led to an estimate that indoor exposure to toxic agents is 10 to 50 times higher than outdoor.

We are also surrounded by ' phthalates', substances used from the thirties to adjust the degree of elasticity plastic and contained in inks for printing on plastic, boards, metals, adhesives, but have also been found in powdered infant milk, cheese, margarine, potato chips, the linoleum, paints and toys for children.

"phthalates are particularly at risk premature babies," said Giuseppe Latini, neonatologist Perrino Hospital of Brindisi, "DEHP is the main component of PVC-based plastic bags and tubing used for medical . In addition, DEHP is not covalently bound to PVC, so it is easily released from the material it contains. " (

Zebra Table Cover For Sale

Amino acids and DNA

Gli Amminoacidi , composti organici che contengono la funzione acida e quella amminica, essi costituiscono un importantissimo gruppo di sostanze in biologia, perché entrano a formare le molecole dei protidi; molti di essi si ottengono per scissione biochimica dei protidi. 

Essi sono degli acidi organici in cui uno o più atomi di idrogeno sono stati sostituiti da uno o più gruppi di amminici primari o secondari; essi rivestono una grande importanza nella costituzione biochimica dei tessuti dell’organismo umano ed animale e di conseguenza nella alimentazione, che DEVE fornire tutte le sostanze necessarie (giusti fattori vitali Nutrition) to our energy needs, as they are the building blocks of complex molecules of scaffolding proteins that are the material "plastic" construction which they are formed living cells of various tissues and organs of the body, among them there some are called "essential" and other such "secondary".

Proteins are organic substances of plant or animal containing all the above four essential elements of life: Nitrogen , Hydrogen, Oxygen , Carbon , these are mixed depending on the type of protein, minerals, proteins enter nelle combinazioni enzimatiche, nell’architettura dei cromosomi del DNA e gli amminoacidi si combinano per fornire delle molecole proteiche particolari e complesse e dei peptidi. 

Un esempio pratico: nei casi di “Piorrea”, forte infiammazione alle gengive, gli amminoacidi possono essere iniettati in loco e riordinare quel terreno infiammato e quindi non perdere i denti.

Ma molte altre sono le applicazioni pratiche di questi elementi vitali indispensabili agli organismi degli esseri viventi. 

Genetica : il DNA è un acido organico ad alto Peso Molecolare ed ad alta ripetitività che permette, tramite una sequenza variamente combinata di basi: tiamina, adenina, guanina e citosina, di immagazzinare la sequenza di aminoacidi di una proteina. Il codice di lettura del DNA è composto da triplette di basi che corrispondono ad Aminoacidi, questo è il Codice Genetico. 

La sequenza di basi che corrisponde alla proteina è un gene. Nel Genoma sono presenti diversi geni che codificano per diverse proteine. Nel genoma umano sono presenti circa 30.000 geni che codificano le proteine dell'organismo uomo. Nelle varie specie di animali variano la quantità e la tipologia. 

Il genoma dell'uomo è organizzato in 46 chromosomes, 23 to be exact, because 23 copies are 'unused', and precision, because 22 is a sexual one.

If you replace a chromosome monkey to a human cell does not gain anything.

DNA (DNA in Italian) is a nucleic acid and is an indispensable element for all living forms, is contained in the chromosomes which are rod-shaped structures (shape: X and Y) is still little known in and locked them up in the nucleus, the innermost part of every cell and in the mitochondria and is composed of morphologically by a "double" helix spiral wrapped on itself; but probably the origin of the human species, this "genetic level" was more complex, that was the set of 12 stairs wrapped around themselves, it is then "reduced" only 2, hence the term "double" by means of genetic manipulation took from a race of beings connoisseurs of genetic science, we have put hundreds of thousands of years ago on this planet, as a prison of the Galaxy.

The proof is that those who study the DNA they found some "strange" fragments of DNA within the spiral staircase, which can not explain the source.

Having more "scale" wound would allow, for example, to ring the cells of human bodies on many more frequencies Universal Electro Magnetic Field Psycho (CEIU) of the Universe and get many more degrees of freedom and then the knowledge that it is almost certainly the case, we can guess the fact that we have a brain so well structured that they can handle far greater immensity of information than we need for now, then it is clear that there was at the base / origin, a different use of the brain, which has been altered or modified to a certain period of human history.

E 'reputation that we use more than 10% of our brain for life, and the other 90% what is it??

With more helices in the DNA, for example, could "make up for " a limb amputee, or we may view X-ray telescope, to hear more frequencies, stretch or shrink at will, would in fact beings humans with enormous possibilities, even to fly with our wings auto generated on the back of the shoulders, etc..

All " instructions" for the "construction and organized a tour of every living organism "are" written "on the DNA molecule, as on a magnetic tape in the form of binary code ultra microscopic molecular bio.

Because the cells die, not only because it is poison so well, but for the fact that they are governed also by information contained in the atoms that make up the genes of mitochondrial DNA, the genes are activated to act on cell death ultimately, to the fact that pollution endo exceeds the limits programmed by the cellular DNA and can not even overcome the "time " program.

The death of a cell is not a mysterious event, the secret of his view is also hidden in the mitochondria, and these are the powerhouses of cells.

In the U.S. the University of Pittsburgh researchers have been able to see in laboratory cell death and understand where it comes from.

Research has shown for the first time that mitochondria are the real executors of cell death and that contrary to what was believed until now a cell can to survive even when the mitochondria stop working for short periods, the researchers compared two groups of cells of rodents, those with disabled mitochondria have survived, the others are dead.

With only four "letters" (the sacred name of God YA-OU-E 'of the ancient priests / doctors) Nature, through the Aelohim / electrons in the atoms of the genes, says the genetic information in DNA physical and spiritual needs of the species, breed and individuals.

Remember that light information (frequency modulated received or created by ' be) is stored in living bodies, in which the base substrate, the "land " physiological, ie, in amorphous metals based on rare minerals.

A recent discovery of a French mathematician Jean Claude Perez, who wrote a popular book titled "Planète Trasgenique " confirmed the nature of mathematical perfection and immutability (unless tampered with) DNA ; it in mathematical architecture of thousands of " sequences of DNA within the genome, obeys exactly the order of the Fibonacci (mathematician of the West, which introduced the" zero ", hitherto unknown); this order: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ........, shows that the ratio between the numbers " whole " is such that each new number is the sum of the previous two, this ratio is called the "golden ratio " This report has long been misunderstood by the "official science", but another English botanist this Anglais d'Arcy Thomson, discovered with surprise that there are numbers in nature, as in artichoke and pine cones or (in the cone) there are 5 spirals in one direction and 5 in the other; in sunflowers there are about 34 and 55 or 89 and 144, these numbers are not random but follow the order of Fibonacci.

The discovery of the French mathematician, of course revolutionizes the latest discoveries the genetic code, the discoverers of DNA, Crik and Watson (1953) argued that the sequence of nucleotides was only the result of "chance", while Perez on the contrary shows that these sequences do not follow the "case", but rather more precise: order Fibonacci, this "hidden code " has also been traced in fossils 135 million years ago and is evidence of slow but progressive evolution of the unchanging spirit / matter-ia, and it is found in every living.

So Perez said: "Studying the impact of minimum nucleotide mutations on a sequence of 90,000 bases of the human genome dimostro l’effetto nefasto a lunga scadenza su migliaia di basi; l’architettura del DNA è un’orologeria perfetta alla quale contribuiscono anche le regioni non codificate dei geni, al contrario di quanto si ritiene normalmente: Inserendo un gene estraneo nel DNA, si rompe questa “orologeria”; il gene si posizionerà in qualche altra parte del genoma, ma non sappiamo ancora bene, dove, come, quando e perché”. 

Cosa può succedere praticamente ? Perez risponde: “è possibile che si entri in un ciclo di mutazioni genetiche scollegate fra loro e che la velocità delle mutazioni aumentino facendo perdere al genoma la sua stabilità and therefore the production of "new destructive virus." He goes on to say "change the DNA is not like playing at Mecca; change what evolution has created millions of years can be dangerous."

The Italian geneticist Professor. M. Buiatti University of Florence, questioned about the discovery of Perez, said: " Mathematics is important and shows the constraints in working manipulations, we must respect . He goes on to say that: "The Body Genetically Mutated (OMG) is unlike any other body, NOT can be predicted, knowing the individual genes, such as whole body will react, because the interactions, which are very important, we do not know .

An example: the company Showa Denko (USA) was placed on the market an amino acid colloidal not very common, "tryptophan" produced by genetic manipulation of a specific bacterium, the cost of production had to be competitive with methods traditional (do not know the extent of savings), the tryptophan produced in this way entered into the composition of one of the many dietary supplements, in vogue in America and because of that product obtained with a genetic mutation, There have been 37 deaths, 1,500 people paralyzed seeds, 5000 with temporary damage ..... as the source " transgenic " of the product was not indicated on the label, U.S. health officials took several months to understand and find the "responsible", it just so happens that the product had passed all the "test" even under the strict American law, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had granted permission for human consumption and now the company must compensate with millions of dollars damage, but who will pay the future children of those citizens who have used that product, given that the genetic mutations, passing through the DNA to future generations?

This is a demonstration of DANGER 'of any manipulation or genetic modification of foods, substances, or drugs that produced by vaccines.

Back to DNA : it is rolled in a "spring" logarithmic spiral helical sequence of reading analog / digital-based electrochemical bio.

The 4 substances that determine and make up the spiral staircase of DNA, are constantly multi-harmonic Frequency interaction, with the issue of CEIU (Campo Psychic Energy Aware Universal) Universe containing the frequencies of the 4 Forces / basic energy of creation.

Cr-type-body (or the ark (Cr) the container, the same (homo) to the body (soma) that helps to live is the detector antenna and receiver / transmitter / repeater, the rhythms of the Universe in the cells of living bodies, that detects and retransmits providing the "pulse " Psycho Electro Magnetic Field of the Universe in the circuit where it is placed; each pulse of the Universal Field, the spring loading chromosome, that is compressed, storing the energy / frequency dynamics also received from the field, resulting in de facto a difference of potential energy / dynamic when it expands and releases the dynamic energy, pouring liquid into the pulse revealed where he is, which is immediately amplified by determining the pulsation of the cell, which in turn sends it to the external environment corresponding organ or system to which he belongs and which will reveal only the pace suited to them resulting from their specialization as the heart beats at about 65/70 times per second, it receives its pulse from the cells that make and these receive the revealed through the chromosomes from the CEI Universal.

The Chromosome behaves in fact as a dynamic engine of life "CEIU reveals that interfering with the motion and it suited playing in the scale corresponding to the PACE / MOTOR wonderful" embrace "in / out, forward / backward, Male Universe / Female - Hot / Cold - Yin and Yang.

Here is the wonderful harmony (whose root is love), all of nature that permeates addressed to Life, but teaching the complete interdependence of all for all, the law of love.

Effective but simple phenomena of DNA are determined primarily by the " oscillating circuit "formed by the cell and the chromosomes in it, it lets you play all the rhythms / pulse / frequency with this simple mechanism: the genes in the chromosome contains atoms of the spiral staircase chromosomal" pulse ", the cell contains other atoms that "pulsate " themselves; biovivente oscillating circuit represented by this chromosome as a whole and its environment together with the liquid external cell phone, (which varies continuously conducting its power as a variable capacitor), to ensure every instant detection frequency buttons (rhythms) of the Field (CEIU), the frequencies of the demodulator switches and re-formulating the bases CEIU carrier frequencies, revealing the harmonics, those interested in the same cell, leading finally to drop the harmonic " systole and diastole " the breathing of every cell, organ or system of living bodies themselves, which means that each Electromagnetic Field in nature and not interfere more or less in the structure of DNA.

The letters are the basis of the language of DNA 4 and 4 are precisely the biochemical basis for the transmission of essential ' information (information), they are also the letters forming the ancient " Name of God" the Tetragrammaton of Moses, namely: Yaou (OU are a single letter), which are biochemical terms: adenine, thymine , guanine, cytosine ; biochemical basis of these come together in dual combinations, two two fixed pairs: adenine with thymine, cytosine with guanine to form the basis for the transmission of information.

structure, the shape of DNA resembles a "staircase pins, spiral, (this "scale" and that described in the Bible (Gen.) from which the rise and fall " angels of heaven," the messengers di luce ovvero di informazione) avvolta a spirale tronco conica, logaritmica (da logos e ritmo), le cui traverse sono formate dalle 4 basi ed i cui montanti sono costituiti da uno zucchero il desossidoribosio e dall’acido fosforico. 

A seconda del tipo di combinazione delle coppie di basi, avremo la trasmissione di un ordine particolare. 

Nella lunga molecola del DNA, l’ordine con cui si possono susseguire le varie coppie di basi è praticamente Infinito; in esso possono essere contenuti tutti i “ programmi pensabili ” ed i messaggi per la costruzione di un organismo più o meno complesso BioVivente.

An example of what can be complex genetic language with only four letters: to build a "virus" or virus information, it takes 5,000 points to build a man they needed 5 billion.

The information that is contained in DNA is solely controlled and collected by electrons in the atoms that make up the genes and molecules of the same.

DNA is virtually immortal and is passed, he moved within the species, breed, individual, through the seed of the species itself.

For each division, cell replication, it is divided symmetrically, so as to maintain its informational power even in the next cell mutation, cell replication or without this mutation would not be possible to build living organisms.

For this reason, the informational assets must be transmitted without alteration and must be delivered intact to the cells' daughters.

Chromosome But with his DNA is not only the vehicle information from the past to the future (it's the ship degli Aelohim, gli Dei: gli Elettroni/Positroni, che essi utilizzano per andare a “spasso” nella Materia), della duplicazione cellulare per la costruzione e trasformazione degli esseri viventi, ma esso è all’interno degli stessi, la più perfetta e complessa antenna ricetrasmittente per la comunicazione delle informazioni all’interno ed all’esterno dei corpi viventi anche mentre essi sono in vita; esso serve per comunicare in tempo reale, le InFormAzioni sia all’interno del corpo stesso, sia per comunicare con l’ambiente esterno ovvero l’UniVerso . 

Vediamo di comprendere il come ? l’elicoide tronco conico del DNA fixed on chromosomes, is an antenna in liquid and floating like a compass is oriented in all directions to capture and transmit the messages at any moment to arrive from all parts (body and bodily university or CEI + CEIU Universal).

It 's the best radio antenna you can imagine, since it receives a vertical polarization and horizontal omnidirectional is 360 °, is sensitive to any frequency as a "calibrated" as a whole, (using harmonics) are basic universal and body.

Through the chromosome that can vibrate in which is immersed in the liquid, the antenna + Chromosome DNA, allows the transponder without noise and amplifies the liquid through its vibrations and then the cell ( disease is an alteration of these "mechanical vibrations" due to ' thermal alteration of the molecular and atomic changes) is then transmitted to the brain of the individual organs and systems in the mind which gives them the Ego / I in the form of sensations, flashes of images, dreams, visions (3-dimensional ) partial or complete, both in the waking state (it is more difficult, need to be trained to listen in or transmit), or is in a state of hypnosis or presonno di rilassamento indotto, oppure in stato medianico, cioè quando si è in onde theta.

Per informare infine tutto l’organismo, vengono utilizzati anche altri mediatori bio elettrochimici, gli “ ormoni ”; queste sostanze vengono prodotte oltre che dalle ghiandole endocrine anche da cellule specializzate contenute in tutti gli organi ed apparati del corpo. 

Un piccolo esercizio di controllo : provate ad inviare un messaggio di forte piacere o di grande consapevolezza, per mezzo della vostra mente, ebbene in un attimo (se ne siete capaci) avrete una vibrazione in tutto il corpo, che partirà dall’alto and will be up to the toes, this vibration is called " goose bumps" and all unconsciously hear many times in their lives.

consciously try to control and you have proof of what was stated above .

When you make love is when "Enjoy " whole body "vibrates " But there are probably not ever realize.

antennas are always + Chromosome DNA of the whole body, which receive the message of peace and vibrate strongly.

Quest’antenna speciale entra in Armonia (risuona) sopra tutto sulle frequenze fondamentali dei suoi 4 componenti o lettere fondamentali, come le 4 lettere del nome di Dio (nella Bibbia) = Y-A-OU-È e cioè: la Timina con l’ Adenina ; la Guanina con la Citosina ; ma attraverso la “composizione” della musica letterale, essa “parla” in Armonia con tutto il Creato, Passato, Presente e possibile/probabile Futuro. 

Queste sono le meraviglie della Natura Universale, che gli uomini stupidi che governano questo pianeta non hanno ancora understood.

is why we say that we have the machine "more perfect" that the mind can imagine: our body and it can get in touch with the past, present and probable future of the whole of creation, just know the techniques to do so.

Professor. Calligaris (Italian physician) has discovered some of these techniques and described in his treatise:

" chains Linear Body and Spirit", but modern medical science, has given the " crazy" and he immersed volontariamente nel buco nero del silenzio e dell’oblìo. 

Egli ha scoperto come attivare (sfregando) sulla pelle, in certi speciali punti o placche, ottenendo la risonanza dei Cromosomi ed attivando il DNA locale, per entrare in “ contatto visivo o dialettico ” con qualsiasi parte dell’Universo interno ed esterno. 

Ricordiamo che nei Cromosomi vi sono i Geni, ecco spiegata la metafora (il significato nascosto) della fiaba della “lampada di Aladino”, la quale narra che “sfregando la lampada”, esce il Genio che servendo Aladino, trasforma e materializza i suoi desideri; here is the following analogy to describe the lighting, (Mindfulness of informational lived), it is the body by rubbing the lamp, the Genie is contacted and " out" to serve, that is to enlighten ourselves, the story also tells us that there are "others" that try to steal the lamp to Aladdin to use his genius, these thieves of "light", the politicians, religious leaders, gurus, those who enslave coat, possibly by means of credulity in the "faith" is otherwise known as "vampires" that suck your blood (money), your life (your personality dominated, when you do not know the true meaning of life) and try in every way to hide or steal this immense and real power (on yourself and Nature), saying that you are not worthy, not that you may be able, whereas the mediator (or mediators themselves invented by them (like Jesus Christ) to be timely and according to the religious beliefs of the place where "exercise" their "profession" of priests, pastors, enormous, rabbis, bishops, gurus, psychoanalysts, psychologists, doctors, etc..

As the DNA, "writes" the words, that make up the information in it through the experience, nature is informed and turns, the electrons in it, rejoice in gaining new experience more complete and complex information, and then supplying them to the new bodies in which they will aggregate in the future.

ll DNA groups and contains what we improperly call unconscious.

Side " conscious," is nothing other than the passage of information from DNA (the unconscious) to Universal rational mind and that we, with our Ego / I and that in turn electron-atom at information, it is a God in training, here is the God who became flesh and learn, Acts and empower.

Here's the simple truth about ourselves! if we are of the righteous, we will act in Good Nature, whether we are of the wicked, we will destroy ourselves and the knowledge of the aims of the Life in the Universe.

The DNA then is par excellence the "knot" of union with divinity, or better yet the "spiral staircase " for "Paradise .

Only using that road, speaking to the unconscious conscious, to rediscover the lost home Father, we will find the Golden Fleece, go back to the Garden of Eden, we enter the heavenly Jerusalem (City of Peace); meet Cristos or the Enlightenment, the Buddha, Nirvana, come out of the maze of life without meaning.

DNA is also the field of Psychic Energy Aware modulator, which surrounds every living being.

No one is excluded from this possibility because we all have the DNA and chromosomes , in spite of all religious leaders, politicians, leaders, gurus, doctors, etc.. who want to mediate the Divine for their own purposes vampire, which is that of living of our adherence to them (behind us) exploited to steal our money, our effort and our psyche.

Even the kingdoms below man called improperly, (animal, plant ) have this possibility, in spite of all those who say the opposite, which is why we must re-accrue to (wait again), because they are our companions 'journey' in knowledge of ourselves and the divinity within each of the Creature of universal nature, but through ignorance do not know yet to revive themselves.

These are the wonders of creation, that's why we bow down before it (respectively) and thank you for Essent (They-bodies, thinking they Entities).

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A school stress. Interview with Aldo Bottura

Geopathic Stress involves the many areas where the man spends most of his life. The house, hotels, offices and, of course, also the school. Dr. Bottura What can you tell us about the health of children in school?

"Over the past few decades have been conducted in Europe and the USA, several population studies involving school the entire training process, from kindergartens to universities. These investigations, carried out by educationalists in close collaboration with teachers, showed that retention of a pupil on a network node Hartmann or Curry producing a series of symptoms that may degenerate over time into genuine pataologie. "

What behavioral abnormalities have been identified?

"Nervousness, irritability, restlessness and distraction, that problems will inevitably have an impact on the intellectual development of the student and his academic performance.

The occurrence of these symptoms is rarely considered by the competent bodies, not addressing the problem, simply blaming the student and his household. History shows that when no one takes responsibility for something, it is easy to use well-known cliché, "will be the company or bad company!"

So the problem is not addressed ...

"Certainly, doing so raises the further detriment of guilt that, by engaging students and their families, both on the psychological distress leads to compromising on the physical brilliant careers and creating many diseases not easy to solve. "

In this regard, what is the position of traditional medicine?

"The Most doctors do not know the damage caused by geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution, and not removing the cause, no treatment can be effective. Infiniti
studies in many countries by research institutes have shown that the patient tends to geopathic and inadvertently led to take up, wherever he goes, a position of geopathic stress in reinforcing and exacerbating the problems and the resulting diseases.

How involve other countries?

"Many countries have carried out stringent checks on school premises by institutions and skilled technicians, others advise to change the place of daily, others are still screening the classrooms under construction. About prevention and health protection, remember the extreme importance of controls on radon gas, the first cause of death from lung cancer.

What is the situation in Italy?

"There were numerous cases of children died of leukemia caused by the presence of power lines near the school. Each geopatologo or expert in bioelectronics can confirm how the nodes geopathic interfere with the complex bioelectric machine called "human body". Sometimes only the rigid position taken by some families ended dramas that would otherwise have remained unsolved. Research, dissemination and prevention are, in my opinion, urgent that a Was responsible should be pursued. Unfortunately, when the institutions responsible to circumvent the problem, it's up to each of us to ensure the health of their loved ones. "

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never forget that our health is always related to food, air we breathe, the environment in which we live and emotional situations that accompany our lives. Assumiamoci therefore our responsibility to be aware of the subject of our ills, not the object of mysterious occasions, recalling that the disease is only the consequence and not the cause of an imbalance.

Children more education for healthy organic diet

The education of our children must necessarily include proper nutrition, especially for children in the early years of life lay the foundation to become future biological men and women. In addition to standard nutrition education, which fortunately now beginning to be the object of academic study, it is imperative that our children get used to a real taste education . This means that not only the boys must know the foods good for their health and those that may be granted from time to time even if they are not, but above all that they can re-learn the elements of taste of food. For example, in a simple plate of pasta boys must be educated to recognize if the dish is too salty, too seasoned oil or cheese, to recognize in it the ingredients and flavors.

A basic rule is that the sauce should not cover the ever flavor of the dish. Teach your children to enjoy the taste of food, which never stays the same even if always done by the same person and is not even in the same time because the flavors change depending on the season.

never associate the food reward or a trigger for the bad habits that are also found in some adults that are granted to reward candy and chocolates. The food should not be never an aim of action, such phrases as:-I give you the candy bar if you do this ...- does not induce the child to a healthy diet but only to act to satisfy the throat, desire of the moment, unfortunately, in this case is becoming a matter of custom, see the case of fast-food among adolescents: a meeting place for young people, with music, which is considered fashionable. Our young people surveyed said they choose these places to eat 70% for the post itself and only 30% because they truly love the food they offer.

teach our children to recognize a healthy food, pure and simple from a man who, although seemingly more appealing, there heavy, there is hard to digest, it makes us sick, makes you fat or weak to travel, play and study .

remember that the small child is not autonomous and therefore we are parents who for better or for worse we must assume the responsibility of what we give them. Recall that an obese child after seven years has about 80% chance to remain so in adult life. Not only does it cause serious emotional problems in adolescence will force him to big sacrifices if the situation will remain that after 18-20 years, if not forced, as in severe cases, to undergo costly visits and specialist programs.

Nutrition education also means education to their feelings such as hunger and thirst. For example should make it clear to our children that it is impossible drink with a carbonated drink heavily or very sweet, they do so only in appearance, actually wants to gratify a momentary not eliminate the sensation of thirst but feeding it.

Hunger is similarly a need that must be filled up to the feeling of satiety , the food is definitely also a pleasure, but in a secondary, first is a basic human need. In any case, the pleasure must never become an end in itself, which means that we must teach our children that can not systematically replace a scope to get their favorite dish. Does not apply the law of compensation, all too often much in vogue even in adults, for example, that giving up the bread to eat cake.

Although there are commercial foods that should be avoided, we feel strongly recommend a 'prohibitionist nutrition education in that they suggest not to create prohibitions or taboos food to our children, they it will automatically become the most coveted and sought after. We try to explain to them that you can eat everything in moderation, but especially in the quantities and in moderation over time. The classic bag of chips for a child of primary school may be granted once a week, but if it becomes a habit becomes too much food daily. If children get used to eating healthy foods with simple flavors, not too sweet or too salty, growing unlikely to have improper eating habits.

teach them not only to taste the food, to try to recognize the ingredients that compose them: we can do it in a thousand ways in the form of game or riddle. Will also be important to recognize the cooking method: If the food was fried, pan-fried, baked, boiled, etc.. etc..

A proper diet should follow the rules of organic diet from birth of the child. Below we summarize briefly the concepts of infant feeding at the base of pediatric practice.

Ideally to breastfeed the child for at least six months. Thus, in addition to creating a fair and fruitful psychological attachment to the mother figure, it strengthens the immune system. Then you have to pay much attention to weaning period is a delicate and at risk for allergies, should not be started before the five or six months. We recommend the use of organic baby food, or even better, the homemade "baby food" with food and always simple of biological origin. After a food should be introduced at a time , always following the rule that goes from the food simplest to the most complex , then insert in the diet for the first cereals and vegetables. To start with the meat and lamb, followed by rabbit, chicken and turkey. Do not exceed early childhood with the recruitment of meat should not be given less once a day, in fact it is likely to strain the liver and kidney from an early age. After eight or nine months you can begin adding fish and egg yolk, not the white, which may be causing allergic reactions. For cow's milk hard to digest for the human body, like beans, wait a year old.

After weaning, we must immediately begin to adapt the taste and the digestive system get used to the administration of vegetable proteins and vitamins: we strongly recommend the inclusion of vegetables in season, they have the advantage of non-organic have been grown in greenhouses and are best suited to the nutritional needs of the period. We educate the seasonings to taste from vegetable rather than animal, a good extra-virgin olive oil is always preferable to butter, margarine, lard and so on. for each type of diet. For lunch, back to healthy habits once and we encourage our kids a nice refreshing fruit and full of vitamins useful for its development.

appearance may seem strange, given the new habits and customs, but you are strongly advised also to impose a specific feeding rate , where rhythm is meant for a certain regularity in the time and manner of administration of food. And 'good habit Always eat at the same time , although it seems increasingly difficult in the years running view of hectic pace of work and commitments to which the company is forcing us daily.

Below are the notions of a general nature for a healthy diet for school-age development, but also include tips for adults in general.

The 'power of' man demands: fats, sugars, proteins or proteins, vitamins and essential for catalytic converter, everything is on a diet VARIO and composed mainly of fruits, cereals and vegetables. The foods are best quelli non trattati, non surgelati, non inscatolati o preconfezionati, bisognerebbe non solo preferire vegetali e frutta di stagione ma preparare questi con metodi di cottura che non disperdano le proprietà dei cibi; quindi cottura a stufato o a vapore, poiché usando per cuocere abbondante acqua si perderebbero in essa i preziosi sali minerali. 

Gli alimenti troppo cotti o sterilizzati, sono impoveriti di vitamine e secondo alcuni studiosi si comportano come " antivitamine ", infatti gli alimenti per essere assimilati devono possedere l'insieme equilibrato datogli dalla natura. Quindi privato delle vitamine o non verrà assimilato oppure dovrà sfruttare le vitamine necessarie presenti in 'body and therefore in the long run the' body is found more or less devoid of these vitamins.

says A. Orain (Guide de la santé par les aliments des vitamines .- 1958):

'The man must admit that, to feed, not just absorb the inert substances that produce or give off energy in the body, but that, to stay alive, must appeal to life and that killing its food, considerably shortens his life "

The diet should generally be: simple, healthy, organic, varied and appropriate to needs. Foods we eat the body move that consumes them, their quality, so proper nutrition is necessary to take account of 'age, sex, place of origin of genetic predisposition to certain diseases and the stress state of' body. ;

We must not overlook the fact that often the emotional and mental problems are the result of poor diet, in fact the condition of the human mind is determined by the condition of the body. Therefore understand how important the quality of the food we eat, the build-up to 'inside of a cell, waste products and toxins, lowers the immune system also nutrirsi con cibi non naturali comporta un' alterazione nella funzionalità delle cellule. Ci rendiamo conto di uno stato di pre- malattia attraverso il lavoro "anomalo" degli organi emuntori, preposti all' espulsione delle tossine, ovvero, la pelle, i polmoni, l' apparato urogenitale, il sangue e l' intestino; ad esempio saremo in presenza di disturbi quali: costipazione o diarrea, importanti segnali d'allarme.

Dovremmo preferire cibi integrali, contenenti zuccheri polisaccaridi, che danno energia e stimolano in modo naturale la peristalsi intestinale, inoltre forniscono all' organismo vitamine e minerali. Recenti studi medici concordano sull' importanza di una corretta alimentazione anche per quanto riguarda la prevenzione del cancro; oltre alla frutta e verdura, nella prevenzione si consiglia il consumo di pesce, poiché ricco di Omega 3 che rafforzano la membrana cellulare e inibiscono lo sviluppo di cellule tumorali. L'azione protettiva svolta dai cibi dipende dall' integrazione delle diverse sostanze, dal nutrirsi in modo equilibrato, con preferenza verso i vegetali e cercando di ridurre il più possibile i grassi animali. 

È un errore pensare che proteine o protidi siano sinonimo di carne e pesce: la soia, il mais, i piselli, i ceci, i fagioli, i funghi possiedono una notevole quantità di proteine. Le Alghe brune ne contengono il 13%, le rosse il 30%, mentre la carne dal 15% to 20%. Plants, as everyone knows, are foods that provide vitamins to our body, we can not replace the natural vitamins by synthetic ones, many scientists reported cases in which some conditions, not cured by large doses of synthetic vitamins are been cured with minor amounts of natural vitamins.

Precisely because the nature of the products we provide "complete", which should be consumed as they are born, because in them there is a delicate balance, minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc.. act in perfect harmony, so it is counterproductive to separate these elements. The deficiencies of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) sono molto frequenti nelle civiltà in cui c'è si abbondanza di cibo, ma si fa uso di prodotti: "raffinati" e conservanti, che rendono gli alimenti sprovvisti dei principi vitali indispensabili, tra cui le vitamine. 

Importante è anche la scelta dell' olio, magari vergine e di prima torchiatura a freddo, il cui uso mantiene l' elasticità dei vasi e la loro permeabilità, preserva dai calcoli la vescichetta biliare ed il sistema renale, inoltre aiuta il sangue a mantenersi limpido. Gli oli vegetali hanno potere anticolesterolico, in generale antilipemico, grazie alla concentrazione di acidi poli-insaturi, dei quali sono sprovvisti i grassi animali. Però ci sono alcuni grassi animals, such as fresh butter, which have vitamin constituents that help maintain good overall health. Then a return to healthy, natural, and above all aware, as we learn about what we put on our plate and that of our children, and learn to respect our bodies and what we eat.

not forget the theory that, when we eat the flesh of an animal, we eat also of his emotional state, it is true that stress produces toxins in the body, the flesh of a chicken reared in battery which is made to lead a life sacrificed and against nature, will be full of toxins. It is therefore best to choose organic farming not only for what regards the plants, but organic meat farms that meet the needs of the animals that live there.

Finally we give our readers some friends advice, which, although quite a discount, now too often are dismissed from the hustle and bad habits of modern civilization. These suggestions relate closely and individual foods:

Foods plant and animal
For a healthy diet, the first and essential criterion for selection is to prefer foods of plant origin compared to those of animal origin . The plant foods (fruits, vegetables, oils, vegetables, etc..) Are in fact cholesterol free, and very poor in particular fat, technically referred to as "saturated", which tend to raise cholesterol levels in the blood.

Dietary fat
foods of animal origin, excluding fish, are rich in saturated fats. Then put first emphasis in the choice of fats used in the preparation and seasoning of foods. Limit use of butter, lard and hard margarines in stick, and prefer instead the vegetable oils, sia l'olio di oliva extravergine sia l'olio di mais. Per quei cibi che necessitano, in fase di preparazione, di un grasso solido, possono essere utilizzate le margarine molli in vaschetta. 

I primi piatti
Se il vostro peso non è in eccesso, scegliete liberamente e a vostro piacere i primi piatti . Fate attenzione al condimento, che va preparato seguendo le indicazioni del punto precedente.

La carne e i salumi
Limitate la carne a non più di 3-5 pasti settimanali, dando la preferenza al pollame, ai tagli magri di manzo (anche canned), pork, rabbit meat. The sausages not be demonized for modern pig breeding techniques have improved nutritional characteristics. They can be eaten once or twice a week by giving preference to dried beef and ham.

Facing the meat 3 or 4 meals of fish weekly . The fish represents a food very low in saturated fat and at the same time rich in protein and polyunsaturated fatty parts (omega-3) with beneficial effects on health.

Milk, yogurt and dairy
Regarding the milk and yogurt is preferable to use those semi-skimmed milks. Regular intake of milk and yogurt is also important especially in the early stages of life when the body has a great need for calcium (childhood) or tends to become poor in it (old age). Should not exceed the consumption of cheese. Instead, they can be made more freely ricotta and so-called "cottage cheese".

The starchy and legumes
Foods eliminated or reduced to be replaced by increasing consumption of starchy (Bread, pasta, rice, preferably whole), of legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, etc..), Which represent a valuable source of protein and fat-free, and increasing consumption of vegetables and greens of any type.

The fruit can be taken freely at the end of the meal, but also represents an excellent solution for occasional snacks.

eggs, liver and brain
should also limit your intake of foods particularly rich in cholesterol, reducing the use of eggs to no more than 2-3 per week and also taking into account those that may be used in the preparation of food (pasta, cakes, breading, etc...) Should be used only occasionally offal (brain, liver and kidney), which are particularly rich in cholesterol.

Preparation and cooking
In conclusion it should be noted that, in addition to the choice of foods, particularly important preparation techniques and cooking themselves. For meat and fish are generally preferable to cooking that requires minimal added fat (cooking on the grill to foil, the plate ), while it limited the use of those techniques that require abundant cooking fats (fried, roasted, wet). Vegetables should be eaten raw. Otherwise, go inside the steaming or boiling in a little water. Possibly also the fruit should be eaten raw.

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and children know the fat

What is proposed is for informational purposes only and does not replace the doctor to whom should I contact for issues related to health.

The balance between acids Essential Fatty is a solemn event for the life of the cell: this balance can be disrupted at any time of life, our life is measured continuously with Nature, which is a boundless ocean of investigation that unfolds before us as problem. (George Perry)

Essential Fatty Acids (AGE)

Among the unsaturated fats, there are two that are necessary for the human body, so they are defined Essential Fatty Acids (AGE) or EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) . Sometimes they are also called Vitamin F . Are considered essential because the human body does not può generare, pertanto, per evitare disturbi da carenza, occorre assumerli con il cibo.
Questi due grassi essenziali sono l' Acido Linoleico e l' Acido Alfa-Linolenico . Da essi, attraverso complesse trasformazioni prodotte da alcuni enzimi, derivano altri AGE definiti PUFA (Polinsatured Fatty Acids) .
L' Acido Linoleico e l' Acido Alfa-Linolenico sono necessari per la formazione delle membrane cellulari, il corretto sviluppo e funzionamento del sistema nervoso e del cervello. I loro derivati sono i precursori di sostanze simili agli ormoni chiamate Eicosanoidi (Prostaglandine, Thromboxanes, leukotrienes). These organic substances regulate numerous activities, among which are: blood pressure, blood viscosity, vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory reactions.
The need for essential fatty acids in adults is not very high and is easily met by a varied diet. Children, however, require especially linoleic acid for their growth. It should be noted that AGE are destroyed by the process of hydrogenation that is used to give more texture to vegetable oils and, nota bene, to produce margarine.

Essential Fatty Acids (AGE), are divided into the following two series:

  1. omega-6 series, which starts with ' linoleic acid (LA) ( plant origin).
    • gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
    • homogamma-of-linolenic acid (DGLA)
    • Arachidonic acid (AA)
    • (More details)
  2. Series Omega-3 , which starts with ' alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) (derived from fish).
    • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
    • Acido docosapentenoico
    • Acido docosaesaenoico (DHA)
    • (Maggiori dettagli)


  1. Per ottenere questi importanti derivazioni è necessario che sia funzionalmente valido un enzima chiamato "Delta 6 Desaturasi" che, purtroppo, può essere depresso nel suo funzionamento dai seguenti fattori:
    • Alimentari : digiuno, glucosio, fruttosio, glicerina, grassi saturi, grassi idrogenati, colesterina, scarsità di proteine, scarsità di zinco, eccesso di Acido linoleico .
    • Ormoni : glucagone, adrenalina, glucocorticoidi, tirosina.
    • Varie : fumo, età avanzata, età neonatale, alta temperatura, radiazioni ionizzanti.
  2. Se nella dieta i grassi saturi superano di molto quelli essenziali possono subentrare alcune patologie del seno ed alterazioni del ciclo mestruale.
  3. Gli acetilsalicilati, gli antiartritici, il cortisone e i beta-bloccanti, inibiscono la produzione degli acidi grassi derivati della Serie Omega-3 .

Importanza degli Acidi Grassi Essenziali (AGE)

Gli AGE risultano assai importanti to
  • processes involved in growth,
  • the formation processes of the cell membrane,
  • the synthesis of hemoglobin,
  • the proper functioning of the thyroid, adrenal and various mucous membranes,
  • the duties attached to sex and reproduction,
  • produce energy,
  • act as adjuvants in the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, etc..), cellulite and edema,
  • preventing increases in blood pressure, thin the blood
  • maintain and monitor coagulation,
  • modulate the activity of the immune system, facilitating the healing of wounds and infections,
  • maintain healthy cell membrane and that of mitochondria,
  • keep the skin soft and supple, elastic
  • keep the wall of blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries),
  • prevention of bronchial asthma and rheumatoid arthritis ,
  • reduce cholesterol by preventing excessive build-up on artery walls,
  • vitalize the cells of the central nervous system (CNS).
  • increase protein synthesis of liver mitochondria and contribute to the regeneration of liver cells.

damage from lack : retarded growth, weakness and immune deficiency, possible sterility, transporting unstable degli ioni attraverso la membrana cellulare, alterazioni della pelle (eritema e desquamazione del cuoio capelluto, caduta di peli e capelli), carenza nella produzione di prostaglandine e particolari acidi grassi che sono presenti nel cervello, nei reni, nella prostata e nel liquido seminale e mestruale.
Danni da eccesso : predisposizione alle emoraggie, disfunzioni del sistema immunitario, intossicazione, interferenze con la vitamina E.

Importanza dei PUFA (Polinsatured Fatty Acids)

I PUFA (Polinsatured Fatty Acids) sono gli acidi grassi derivati da quelli essenziali ( AGE ). Nell'organismo servono per alcune importanti funzioni tra cui:

  • sviluppare il tessuto nervoso dei neonati. Qualora carenti possono causare problemi alla vista o al sistema nervoso centrale; questo vale anche per gli adulti,
  • controllare l'aggregazione delle piastrine del sangue,
  • evitare alcune malattie della pelle (dermatiti e eczema atopico),
  • facilitare una miglior tolleranza ai carboidrati nelle persone affette da diabete,
  • mantenere la pelle in buona salute,
  • mantenere riflessi pronti e un sistema nervoso in perfetta forma,
  • regolare l'equilibrio delle prostaglandine,
  • ridurre il colesterolo qualora fosse eccessivo.

Metabolismo dell'Acido linoleico (Omega-6)

  • Inizio della Serie Omega-6 con l'Acido linoleico
  • Fonti: olio di enotera (70%), olio di cynara (57%), olio di mais o girasole (56%), olio di soia (52%)
  • enzima delta-6-desaturasi
  • Acido gamma-linolenico (GLA)
  • allungamento
  • Acido di-homogamma-linolenico (DGLA) - genera Ecosanoidi "buoni" come le Prostaglandine della Serie 1
  • enzima delta-5-desaturasi
  • Acido arachidonico (AA) - genera Eicosanoids "bad" (such as PGE2 and TxA2) and the good ones (such as prostacyclin, prostaglandins Series 2).

Metabolism of alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3)

  • Series Start with Omega-3 Alpha-linolenic acid
  • enzyme delta-6-desaturase
  • acid eicosatetraenoico
  • enzyme delta-5-desaturase
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - Series 3 prostaglandins ggenera
  • enzyme delta-4-desaturase
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)


Eicosanoids are substances (superormoni) that control the hormonal system. They are represented by different families of substances (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, lipoxins, etc...) We need researchers Bergstrom, Samuelson and Vane (Nobel Prize 1982) a valid study of these elmenti that allows us to understand its importance. The
eicosanoid derived from ' arachidonic acid (AA) ( Omega-6) have the ability to increase allergic reactions, cell proliferation, blood pressure, inflammatory reactions, aggregation platelet thrombogenesis and vasospasm.
those derived from ' eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ( Omega-3), have opposite effects.


The Prostaglandins are part of the family of Esonoidi and present themselves as hormonal substances. They manage imported functions such as cell permeability, coagulation, nervous system function, sexual function and reproductive fat mobilization, capillary fragility and vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory responses. The
Prostaglandins, unlike hormones are synthesized and operate the place where they are needed. They are usually divided into three groups:

  1. Series 1 (PGE1) , considered "good", derived from ' dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA)
  2. Series 2 (PGH2) , consider "bad", derived from ' arachidonic acid (AA)
  3. Series 3 (PGI2) , considered "good", derived from' eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

While prostaglandins of the 1 Series and 3 :

  • are vasodilatory,
  • collaborate to coagulation process management,
  • play-inflammatory action,
  • lowering LDL (low density lipoproteins) (low-density proteins that carry fat mainly phospholipids and free cholesterol), increase the
  • Cholesterol HDL (high density lipoproteins) (proteins that carry fat high density phospholipids and esterified cholesterol to the liver where it is eliminated through the bile. The esterification is a reaction between an alcohol and an acid.

those Series 2 of have the opposite effect.

Va precisato che gli AGE della serie Omega-6 e Omega-3 non sono intercambiabili; pertanto è necessario che vengano entrambi assunti con l'alimentazione. Non solo, ma va tenuto presente che gli Omega-6 e gli Omega-3 competono tra loro per l'utilizzo degli enzimi coinvolti nella loro desaturazione. Per tale ragione il consumo eccessivo di cibi ricchi in acidi grassi Omega-6 può compromettere la conversione dell'Acido Alfa-linolenico in Acido eicosapentenoico (EPA), e creare dei presupposti per disfunzioni o malattie.
Le ricerche attuali suggeriscono che i livelli di AGE, e il loro equilibrio, possano play a key role in the growth and development. It also seems that may be crucial in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases including: coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type II, arthritis, cancer and other immune and inflammatory disorders.
fatty acids Omega-3 series, and in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are very important for health. Unfortunately, in common foods if they are of very small quantities, the only foods that contain them are fish and dairy products.
For this, the traditional diet are used as many as 10 parts of Omega-6 against a single part of Omega-6 (ratio Omega-6/Omega-3 = 10:1), while it should be about 6:1. To correct this ratio is necessary to consume more foods that contain alpha-linolenic acid

AA: arachidonic acid
AGE: Essential fatty acids (EPA in English)
DGLA : Acid-homo-gammalinolenico
DHA: docosahexaenoic acid
EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid
GLA: gamma linolenic acid
LA: linoleic acid (structural role and functional)
LCT : Acidi grassi a catena lunga (ruolo energetico)
LDL : Colesterolo LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins).
Proteine di grasso a bassa densità che trasportano, principalmente, i fosfolipidi e il colesterolo libero.
LTB4 : Eicosanoidi della serie 4 (cattivi)
LTB5 : Eicosanoidi della serie 5 (buoni)
LNA : Acido alfa-linolenico (ruolo strutturale e funzionale)
HDL : Colesterolo (High Density Lipoproteins).
Proteine di grasso ad alta densità che trasportano i fosfolipidi e il colesterolo esterified to the liver where it is eliminated through the bile. The esterification is a reaction between an alcohol and an acid.
MCT: medium-chain fatty acids (the role of energy)
PGE1 : Eicosanoids Series 1 (good)
PGH2 and TXA2 : Eicosanoids Series 2 (bad)
PGE3 and TXA3 : Eicosanoids Series 3 (good)
PUFA : Polinsatured Fatty Acids (AGE in Italian)


What Kind Of Wet And Wavy Hair Did Bootz Have?


Principles and achievements

of environmentally sensitive architecture and life speak for some time, even if the achievements made in some of the houses built for themselves or for a friend homeopath, they are still very few.

The problem is that 'green architecture is not just a style applied to the finished product does not provide standardized solutions capable of transforming an insensitive action in the house of dreams.

It is about taking a more correct at any time of design and construction, able to mediate the various requirements (organizational, distribution, economic), combining them with the coordinates of Bio-compatibility and eco-sustainability.
In this sense, it is to recover a project culture that, at different scales, taking more substance to the image, pointing out that even the smallest action interferes with i precedenti equilibri e muta comunque l'interno, per cui costruire è sempre un atto di violenza sulla natura.

Quindi, prima di progettare, ristruttura, intervenire, bisogna parlare, ascoltare, sentire i proprietari il luogo il cielo il vento. Ecco alcune norme generali sull'organizzazione su una casa sana.

  1. Innanzitutto deve respirare, cioè consentire il ricambio d'aria, smaltire l'umidità e permettere il passaggio delle radiazioni che giungono dal cosmo.
  2. Attutire, filtrate, selezionare il mondo estremo (rumori inquinanti, freddo e caldo, presenze estranee, ecc.).
  3. Utilizzare materiali naturali (Wood, lime, magnesium, ground, cooked cork, wool, linen). Be wary of plastics and new (human experimentation is not recommended).
  4. Avoid energy waste during both construction and maintenance. Solar energy does not cost and it is essential for life: fresh air, gardens, glass, heat storage in the walls, solar panels etc.. The
  5. mimic the heating to the minimum. Avoid types of heating, air moving raise dust and microbes. The sun heats by radiation: this is the best way. So large radiating surfaces (stoves, walls, long distance system), no to radiant floors.
  6. highly Fear colle, vernici, solventi chimici di ogni tipo. Ricordare che i materiali posseggono un colore che è bello anche quando invecchia e si modifica. Non cercare una casa asettica e perfetta, ma una casa comoda che cresca con noi.
  7. Porre particolare attenzione all'inquinamento elettromagnetico, quindi cavi ed elettrodomestici schermati, ottima messa a terra, allontanamento dai luoghi di stazione d'ogni massa ferromagnetica. Ricordarsi che i campi magnetici non vengono schermati dai muri e quindi agiscono anche al di là delle pareti.
  8. Amare il verde affinché la natura entri tra le mura e collabori a purificare e ossigenare l'aria: piante dappertutto tranne che nelle stanze da letto.
  9. Destinare cura e riguardi alla bedroom, sleep well if you do not recharge your energies. Therefore, nothing but simple furnishing space and affection in the things. The bed is north-south axis, preferably with the head north. No synthetic materials. Springs, masses or metal rods and mirrors to look at the sleeper.
  10. Save, recycle, recover (the old cabinet or boxes of fruit, the tiles of the barn or the sink into disuse). If we have participated in the construction, the house will be ours.
  11. In some foreign countries is "required" to carry out technical surveys relating to radon gas (isotope 222) leading cause of death from lung cancer in the world.
  12. Also recommended are the geopathic surveys are useful to prevent the onset of many diseases.

Blue-haired Woman Singer

Introduction to Geobiology and Bioarchitecture

site selection

To apply the best principles of ecological design to your home, it is essential to place a special focus on the choice of the site on which it will arise.

important condition that is the basis of a correct way of living is that the house is suitable to the soil in which it resides. It should be located as far away as possible from sources of pollution chemical, electrical, acoustic, as well that the disruption of underground .

important is also the exposure to sun, wind direction, precipitation.

that there must be applied to a speech by heating and passive cooling is also important to determine the correct orientation.

Another aspect to consider is related to the presence of electromagnetic fields because, as we saw in that chapter, the energy grids that you create in the ground, may influence the mechanisms of cellular regulation of our body. There are some real studies, performed in the specific area, they are able to establish the presence of faults and aquifers, geopathogenic knots, moisture or radiation .

As for the composition of the soil are optimal ones and recent alluvial, rich in sand and gravel, limestone or sandstone.


The Geobiology acting on the assumption that from the point of view of ecological design, the study of the site where the house will be built is of great importance. She, dowsing, but starting from extending to other natural phenomena such as cosmo-telluric lattices and artificial electromagnetic fields such as other is the preliminary study and diagnosis of those diseases from exposure to this type of phenomena that diseases are precisely called " geopatie .

The geopatie arise from long exposure to energy phenomena not biocompatible, so even the weather, coupled with the intensity of exposure, is of great importance.

Through the use of dowsing was possible to identify the aquifers e delle faglie geologiche. Mentre le faglie sono sempre nocive, solo alcune falde sono nocive anche se le acque che scorrono nelle falde artesiane emanano un'energia non biocompatibile.

Tali acque producono fenomeni elettrici e magnetici dovuti, secondo alcuni, alla presenza di sali in esse disciolti e allo sfregamento contro materiali di contenimento. Queste acque perdono di solito la loro nocività sboccando in superficie divenendo invece utili come acque curative perchè ricche di ferro, zolfo, ecc. Visti questi presupposti, il geobiologo non deve essere solo in grado (come il rabdomante) di determinare la presenza dell'acqua ma anche di individuarne la natura e le caratteristiche rispetto alla geopaticità, applying the basics of hydrology and related cases to the medical effects of time on the vertical tails.

Reference Geobiology were important for the experiments of Ernst Hartmann, finds a strong correlation between certain places and 'onset of specific diseases. He postulated the existence of so-called "H network", in other words, a network of terrestrial radiation, a chess-oriented, with a distance of about 2m and 2.5m from east to west in the north-south, which forms an invisible wall which rises and extends through the biosphere on the surface of the planet.

These bands network, about 20 cm wide, but can be expanded up to 80 in particular conditions such as the full moon, you have a dead zone, a site that is where the waves cancel each other cosmic and telluric.

When the mesh overlap, near the so-called nodes, she feels much stronger influence of the magnetic field, so that in this case we speak of "cancer points.

The observed effects on the nodes are powered and deformed under them if they are underground streams, geological faults, natural magnetism, metal masses. And 'the Geobiology, which shall conduct a thorough detection " lattice Hartmann," under which it will proceed to the design and layout of the premises of the house that will be decided taking into account the position of nodes geopathogenic.

Radioactivity and Radon

Radon gas is a little heavier than air, odorless, colorless and weakly radioactive. It 'a harmful substance to humans, if in no danger of being half an hour later in a closed room with a high concentration of radon, if accumulated thousands of hours in a house or in an environment exposed to such gas can receive health damage.

fact that gas - which has always existed but which only now are beginning to know the dangers - is suspected to be carcinogenic and responsible, in particular, of some forms of lung cancer.

If by the time he still speaks little Italy, in America this phenomenon is taken into great consideration and thoroughly investigated by those concerned with environmental issues.

Radon comes mainly from the rocks of volcanic origin in the basement (granite, pozzolana, tuff, lavas) and reaches the external environment, the presence of fractures in the superficial layers of the land or through groundwater and rivers.

Where there are cracks in floors or walls or roads can lift, the penetration of local housing is facilitated. Radon may also be also emitted from building materials such as stones or aggregates that are used for concrete.

E 'is true, however, that the concentration of radon in a depends very much on its ventilation at ground level, in the absence of this gas tends to concentrate reach high concentration values. The antidote to radon is thus providing in design, adequate ventilation of the premises located under the floor plan and verify that the gas can not go back into the building through ducts arranged for the passage of the facilities.

The living areas will also be provided with adequate natural ventilation, avoiding insulation or coatings that may affect the permeability of the walls .. Modern technology has also developed a " antiradon barrier" that can be placed in new buildings but also in existing ones.


Without doubt, one of the factors that contribute to creating a welcoming environment for humans is the absence or at least control factor noise .

Over the years it has become increasingly relevant.

should be noted that at certain levels of frequency, the perception of sounds as "noises " often depends on subjective assessments (who uses a motorcycle does not consider the noise nuisance, unlike those Instead he is forced to suffer it against his will). There are, however, sounds that a large majority of people feel as uncomfortable and therefore are associated with discomfort, annoyance or discomfort.

searches were conducted to precisely define the relationship between exposure to certain noises, intensity and origin, sources note (noise dose), and the feeling ' irritation or discomfort felt by a group of individuals exposed to such noise.

For the most part have been obtained assessments based on quantitative considerations, which has tried to show how many people, in percentage, since noise is perceived as a disturbing element. Beyond the subjective reactions, particularly with regard to sound high and intense proceedings was virtually unanimous: the sound was perceived as harassing. In other cases, the negative opinion has been influenced by factors such as duration of exposure to noise or the time within 24 hours, where the noise was produced.

When it is not possible to operate on the choice of location, to avoid the negative influence of noise, it is necessary to resort to systems that are available to cancel or at least dampen the vibrations caused more often by traffic or proximity to industries with a high rate of noise. To do this you can use sound-absorbing panels, noise barriers, etc..

building orientation and layout of the premises

The building should be positioned so as to exploit the sun's radiation.

must therefore identify the area that receives the most amount of sun during the hours of maximum radiation, placing the building in the northern part of that area.

The form will allow maximum penetration of sunlight such as a building elongated along the east-west axis will expose a larger area outside the South, minimizing the need for heating during the cold season.

would be optimal to have a situation where exposure to the north is low, and this can be achieved by placing the building on a slope along the north-south axis in order to shorten the possible that wall. The highly populated areas of the building, which therefore need to be heated more, should be placed as far as possible along the south side, while on the contrary, the spaces accessories, such as laundry rooms, garages, closets will be located on the north side acting a buffer between the heated space and the cold wall.

So the bedrooms and living area will occupy the south-east or south-west and the south front, a greenhouse can be placed, with the function to maximize solar gain in winter.
will then be a good idea to provide that the entrance is covered and driven out of the direction of winter winds. Better yet would be to transform this area into a kind of " decompression chamber" between inside and outside, preventing heat loss at each door opening with consequent savings in terms of energy.

With regard to the provision of some local advice can also come from Feng-Shui.

Zona notte

La stanza da letto è una delle zone più importanti della casa, non solo perchè vi trascorriamo gran parte della nostra giornata, ma anche perchè la posizione distesa che assumiamo dormendo non favorisce l'eliminazione a terra delle cariche elettromagnetiche. 

E' quindi indispensabile che siano adottati alcuni accorgimenti per " dormire al naturale ".

Innanzi tutto il letto dovrebbe essere orientato con la testa a nord, visto che le cariche elettromagnetiche hanno una direzione nord-sud. Sono inoltre da evitare grandi specchi, letti con struttura di ferro o materassi a molle che fungono da antenna, alterando in misura dannosa per la nostra salute, il campo elettromagnetico . 

Per evitare i problemi dovuti alla presenza di elettricità devono ovviamente essere tenuti in conto nella progettazione tutti i parametri suggeriti nei capitoli sull'impianto elettrico e sui disgiuntori di corrente.

Anche i materiali dei rivestimenti e degli arredi, colle, vernici, imbottiture ecc.., devono essere il più naturali possibili, per evitare emissioni di composti tossici e di cariche elettrostatiche. 

La camera dovrebbe essere inoltre arieggiata e quindi dotata di aperture enough, quiet, restful colors and painted, lit with soft lights that let you get the dark and the light gradually.

The optimum temperature is 16 ° - 18 ° C with a humidity of 50-60%.

psycho-spatial relations

The land is crossed by the energy (vibrations ) that consistently suffer the effects, beneficial or harmful, even without realizing it.

Everything emits vibrations, even the two-dimensional forms and invisible to the human eye. The awareness of of these energies is necessary when you do a search on the energy quality of a house and then the effects, good or bad it may have on its inhabitants.

may impair the quality of life not only the presence of disturbing elements in the underground (water, radon, metallic masses, etc.) but also the very structure of the house with his more or less harmonic contributes to the absorption of positive energies or their removal.

So designers have invested a great responsibility which is to build homes to "human scale", choosing forms and materials require. The shape of the building, as well as allowing a blend in, must be able to get the most sun exposure, are, however, preferred simple forms and regular as the maximum reduction of the perimeter walls decreases with the exchange ' External getting less heat loss in colder months and better insulation in hot.

According to the theories related to " waveforms " or emissions due to the shape, proportions, and the angle of coverage of 'building, in particular, create a good distribution of bio-energy fields.


The feng shui (literally wind and water) is the ancient Chinese system (born 5000 years ago) to create harmonious environments that can bring happiness, prosperity and health through the flow of "Ch ' the "cosmic breath or life-giving energy that flows into the environment.

The characters wind and water relate to the effect that these factors exert a dynamic environment. The arrangement of various elements within the dwelling is essential for this discipline. In fact, if the energy is blocked or flowing too quickly losing the harmony turns into its double negative the "Ch'i Sh'a.

The first practical advice suggests that the Feng Shui is to position the door opening inwards, thus promoting the entry of the energy however, should not be obstacles along the path. Then in front of the door there should be no windows, stairs, or even worse, baths that accelerate the development of the Ch'i favoring dispersion.

The kitchen should be kept away from the entrance because if invested with too much energy, can promote excessive appetite, though that position is recommended for your stay. To decorate or rearrange your home in the basis these principles is necessary to have a " Ba-gua" or a map to be superimposed on the octagonal plan of the home, in this map do not always coincide with the north entrance while the other rooms are placed with the greater emphasis appropriate to facilitate the function that they are explicit (study, rest, leisure, etc. ..).

fundamental issue in this discipline, is the placement of furniture, which will vary depending on the location and function of the entry space (friendly, professional, meditation) which is why the furniture inspired by the Feng-Shui are easily adjustable according to different rules.

There is, of course, no scientific basis, that this practice really works but it is certain that the magic of furniture tips and organization of 'domestic habitat are often not so different from those inspired by a wise and aesthetics of therefore allow for a balance of shapes, colors, spaces and perspectives needed to improve the quality of life.

Importance of color

Color is a tool that can improve our lives at work, at home, at school, in the urban setting, especially since architecture, for technical reasons, economic and cultural rights has become easier in the lines and pads.

for good physical and mental health is necessary to live in the company of your favorite colors and never those who do not love .

For every position that performs specific functions, then, there are some suitable color.

For example, the entrance that welcomes people in a house should avoid dark colors, favoring the warmest that invoke a sense of intimacy.

For the living are good colors that stimulate la socievolezza senza essere aggressivi: ad esempio le sfumature del giallo, dell'arancio e del verde tendente al giallo; le grandi masse blu, specie se scure, spengono la conversazione ed intristiscono.

In cucina sono adatti colori vivaci come quelli del fuoco: giallo, rosso, arancio, mentre il bianco evidenzia il colore del cibo e consente di valutarne la freschezza. 

In sala da pranzo va evitato il verde che conferisce sazietà ancor prima di aver mangiato, mentre è ottimo il giallo che sostiene le funzioni epatiche o l'arancio che stimola l'appetito, il rosso induce allegria ma può produrre eccessiva accelerazione nel mangiare. 

study should not miss a yellow component that promotes the mental activity and hard work but also the matching green or turquoise.

In the red bedroom leads to insomnia, while the blue calm and soothe.

Ergonomics Furniture

Homewares properly in terms of bio-architecture and therefore enhance the quality of life depends on many factors. One of them although they are often not given the importance it deserves, and furniture.

Molti degli oggetti d'arredo presenti nelle nostre case sono spesso dannosi per la nostra salute non solo per la loro forma, che costringe il nostro corpo a posizioni innaturali, che alla lunga possono portare anche a gravi problemi a carico della spina dorsale o della circolazione, ma anche per la composizione stessa dei materiali che si rivela talvolta inquinante. 

Uno dei prodotti, più dannoso e maggiormente riscontrabile, nelle nostre case è la formaldeide . 

Si tratta di un gas incolore che si ottiene con ossidazione del metanolo o direttamente dalla distillazione del petrolio. E’ impiegata per la production of synthetic resins, adhesives, paper, felt insulation of glass wool or mineral, and is also used for wall hangings, dyes, vitamins, fragrances and pesticides.

If inhaled in high concentrations causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and respiratory tract, as well as conjunctivitis with lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids. Concerning more specifically the use of formaldehyde in the manufacture of furniture, it is used mainly for those made chipboard. The sensitive issues for the enactment of this gas are therefore surfaces without a protective layer, the cutting edges, drill holes. What migliore, ovviamente, sarebbe però di evitare l'acquisto di oggetti o materiali che contengano formaldeide.

Come abbiamo visto l'arredo, oltre ad essere il più possibile " naturale " dal punto di vista dei componenti, deve anche rispettare la fisiologia umana e per questo ci può venire incontro una scienza chiamata ergonomia. 

Il termine deriva dal greco " ergon ", che significa lavoro e " nomos " ovvero norma, e si occupa di studiare le relazioni tra l'operatore e la macchina e di adeguare le diverse condizioni e gli strumenti di lavoro ai bisogni dell'uomo. In conformità a questi studi sono stati realizzati particolari d'arredo, soprattutto, letti e sedute, che consentono di riposare o lavorare assumendo le posizioni più consone al nostro corpo, abbinando nello stesso tempo materiali ecologici come il cotone, la lana, il legno verniciato con prodotti atossici ecc..

Ad esempio per quanto concerne i letti è fondamentale che reti e materassi vengano scelti rispettando le varie posizioni che il corpo assume durante il sonno, seguendo la naturale curvatura della spina dorsale garantendo nel contempo una salutare circolazione d'aria in modo da consentire al materasso la cessione dell'umidità assorbita durante il nostro sonno ed evitando così il prolificarsi di acari e muffe.

One of the most recommended media is made up of wooden slats, while on the mattress does not recommend the bioarchiettura those of wool (see mites, bacteria, etc. ..), all springs (or detrimental to proper posture and 's static discharges), must be avoided are those latex, because of their high toxicity !

The absence of metal parts ensures a sleep without interference from electromagnetic interference.

Importance of vegetation

The vegetation is of great importance for the ecological design ed i suoi utilizzi sono veramente molteplici. Il sistema di depurazione delle acque ottenuto con certi tipi di piante è senza dubbio efficace oltre che ecologico e può risolvere, talvolta, i problemi legati all'installazione d’altri tipi d’impianti. Gli alberi piantumati vicino alle case, possono invece creare veri e propri " schermi " frangivento e frangisole, contribuendo al raggiungimento di una corretta ventilazione e aerazione degli edifici. Gli ostacoli, infatti, deviando il vento verso l'alto, generano a valle una zona di calma relativa; la profondità della zona protetta dipende dall'altezza dell'ostacolo e dalla sua forma. Così, per esempio, un ostacolo formato da un piano verticale compatto (un muro) hit by a wind perpendicular to him creates an area where the air speed is reduced by 75%, and if the obstacle is a row of trees with dense foliage, the reductions in speed are minor, but the depth of the area is greater (eg at a distance equal to 25 times the height of the trees you can have a speed equal to 75% of what would occur in the absence of obstacles).


Foundations can be formed by three types of materials: concrete, stone, wood. The concrete foundation in our time are the most popular because than those in wood and stone can bear the weight, much more.

The use of reinforced concrete is recommended instead to the principles of ecological design for several reasons.

First, during the cooking process in blast furnace with limestone and clay are added various substances, such as polymer additives that make the products easily attacked by external agents, or ash from industrial filters or radioactive waste.

Additives used to delay the taking and improve the workability of concrete, such as petrochemical synthesis, as well as be unhealthy encourage a process of degradation of the works that may lead to the development of bare metal armatures that rust causing chipping of concrete and structural weakening. The concrete is also very hygroscopic and has low insulating capacity. The structures of iron and steel in concrete are not recommended because they form a "Faraday cage " which does not allow the electrical discharge of the atmosphere to penetrate the building, this leads to an excessive concentration of positive ions in the premises of 'dwelling which contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate resulting organic imbalances.

Why not create the foundations
all these problems should be carried out, if you plan to use reinforced concrete, white cement and high strength steel which reduced the amount. The concrete should be packed in the pipeline to avoid the additive which is frequently referred in the concrete plant.

should then provide a thorough grounding of the reinforcement of the foundations and, of those structural elements the ground floor and floors interpolation to avoid the formation of continuous rings around the building and individual rooms, interrupting the continuity of the reinforcing bars of the curbs.

Where was used in place of carbon steel, austenitic steel (which has paramagnetic properties rather than ferromagnetic) will reverse the phenomenon of induced currents while avoiding distortions of natural magnetism.

should be remembered that in any case it costs much higher than common steel.


To follow the principles of ecological design the slab can be achieved in two ways. The first involves the use of a structure of wooden beams over which pose TAVELLONE horizons consisting of thick, followed by a screed that made such a mixture of natural hydraulic lime or lime-trass which, in the case of the slab on the ground floor, you should mix in cork shavings over it is timely to pose additional insulating material before the finish of the floor.

The second system is based instead on the use of concrete beams reinforced with steel rebar and high strength. Above the rafters, propped up properly, can be laid for the creation of the TAVELLONE floor.

TAVELLONE would be better used to help large better insulation. For both solutions created in the floors on the ground floor is necessary to provide air inlets to allow adequate ventilation and air in the room created under the floor.

For the floors on the upper storeys is always advisable to use a skeleton skeleton is made from wooden beams properly sized and anchored to the bearing walls, above which is placed a table, such as beams, can be left exposed.


According to the principles of ecological design for insulation and waterproofing should be avoided as much as possible synthetic materials such as the polystyrene panels, those of asbestos cement, urea-formaldehyde foams that release potentially harmful substances, and being particularly affect the waterproof breathability of the walls.

Unfortunately, thanks to the easy installation and affordable it is these materials more widely used.

mineral fibers such as rock wool or glass, can produce very fine dust that pass through small openings and in contact with skin allergies or irritation can make when they are to breathe it is suspected that this dust could addittura be carcinogenic.

The mineral fibers in addition, if in contact with moisture, they lose their insulating ability. The disadvantages of polystyrene derived from several factors: the extruded polystyrene foam is CFC that damage the ozone while the polystyrene foam is CFC production, but during his free pentane which contributes to smog.

polystyrene panels in give good insulation but they tend to shrink after about four years from production. The polyurethane , besides being very expensive raw materials used dangerous and foam used for the panels or in the cylinder is made with CFC .

The foam glass (glass foam, CO2) is harmless and very resistant to moisture and the passage of time but, apart from being expensive, use of adhesives which are heated when can be irritating or even carcinogenic narcosis.

Instead are natural materials that, in addition to not damaging the environment (because the process by which you get no free toxic as is the case for some types of synthetic insulation), provide excellent insulation without affecting the breathability of the walls and prevent the passage of cosmic rays.

These include coconut fiber that as well as being natural, biologically pure, unchanging over time, rot, does not form nuisance dust and is also a good insulator against electromagnetic fields.

Excellent, from the point of view bioecological, including wood fiber, wool, cellulose, wool, flax, sheep's wool, felt of jute, cork although it should be used just granules of pure powder, ground and ventilated if they are present as residual bark could imbebersi moisture and rot emanating a foul odor.

One of the best biocompatible materials in terms of thermal insulation and the felt from coconut fibers. The coir crisped and joint opportunities are uniformly applied on a support of paper. The felt thus obtained, in thicknesses of 20 to 25-30mm, is cut into strips of 10 x 1 m with which the rolls are custom made.

The insulating layer is realized by combining the strips of felt good coconut fiber and placing them with the backing paper facing the floor. Layer of felt is covered with tar paper or other waterproof film, arranging the strips perpendicular to the first and overlapping them appropriately.

For better effectiveness against noise level is appropriate to advance the depressions created by the various pipes in the loft, which could create of sound transmission.

lime plaster

The increase in construction of the last fifty years has led to the use of materials, quick to prepare, easy to grip and rapid deployment such as mortars keeping, moreover, lower prices than the traditional mortar based on natural hydraulic lime in use since ancient times.

The first furnace for the production of lime addiritura dates back to 2000 BC, according to recent research seems to have been used in construction as early as 3000 BC The basis for the lime is limestone. Scale from very hot releases a molecule of carbon dioxide which get the calcium oxide, volatile and hygroscopic material. Currently

calcium oxide is produced industrially in large furnaces in which limestone, crushed and washed properly, is brought to high temperatures (1000 ° C) until it gets its full molecular scission.

calcium oxide, commonly called " lime in lumps" or " lime, water is greedy and in contact with the same crackles es'idrata, resulting in a highly exothermic reaction, must be handled carefully to avoid the steam and heat that develop can cause burns.

Quicklime moisturizing form " calcium hydroxide " also called "lime .

The "slaked lime" instead is a dense suspension of the hydrate of lime in water and is obtained by switching off the excess water with lime.

requires a reasonable period of maturation to take a plastic consistency and the characteristic "buttery . The best is made from slaked lime in low reactivity, chemically pure and perfectly DeCarbon.

obtained using plasters, lime, natural hydraulic, ensure better livability of the interior thanks high breathability. The lime also has a very low content of soluble salts and does not suffer the presence of moisture or water in the walls but it draws elements from it.

The use of cementitious causes but, due to water vapor impermeability of the binder, an accumulation of large amounts of water onto the underside of the plaster in the long run leads to detachment of the same.

addition of cement mortars, though having a high mechanical resistance to compression, are not sufficiently elastic, and therefore unfit to withstand stresses coming from the walls leading to the phenomena of cracking.

plasters lime instead allow excellent thermal shock resistance by acting as a real "environment hygrometric lungs", perfect adherence, excellent elasticity. All features, these, which guarantee long life and reliability. The index of water availability, the ratio clay / limestone lets you divide the weak hydraulic lime, hydraulic medium, proper plumbing, eminently hydraulic. The artificial hydraulic lime (or plastic) is essentially a concrete, or rather a clinker, diluted, and therefore can not guarantee that the permeability should be essential in establishing a bio-ecological building criteria.


Roof The roof is without doubt one of the most delicate parts of the house from the point of view bioecological as well as having to protect from the elements and man-made climate (noise, dust, etc ...) must At the same time allow adequate permeability to cosmic radiation and good breathability, things that the materials currently in use do not always guarantee.

For example, a concrete structure completely is not advisable because, in addition to failing to ensure proper transpiration can cause distortion of the magnetic field, which however does not happen if you use wood.

As for insulating materials, the panels commonly used in polyurethane or PVC closed cell foam insulation ensure a coefficient almost double compared to wood or cork, but keep out of steam and air, and then, being completely waterproof may create problems of condensation and mildew.

The use of biocompatible materials in the construction of a sheet to obtain, even in the attic, a healthy and comfortable in both summer and winter and with significant energy savings. One of the methods used is to fix the warping under the main roof of a wooden partition tables tapped pine, larch or spruce.

Sull'assito and joists will be appropriate in some cases pose a sheath of paper greased with brake function steam. At this point you will pay the bulk of cork shavings to fill up at the top level of the joists and then confine her with boards of fir unplaned thickness of about 4 cm.

On the second plank of this will need to place a sheath of paper or kraft feltpaper with windproof function. To achieve the ventilation chamber then need to put small joists spaced approximately 4x4 cm to 40 cm in the ridge-eaves direction, and above these beams of the same size, parallel to the direction of the ridge and spaced as necessary for ' support della copertura in coppi, marsigliesi, o altro tipo di tegole.

Queste camere dovranno essere aperte nella parte bassa sotto gronda e dovranno avere uno sbocco d'aria sotto il colmo: in questo modo nella stagione calda, per convezione naturale, si formerà un flusso d'aria continuo per impedire il surriscaldamento del tetto e quindi dei locali abitati sottostanti. In alcuni casi, secondo le caratteristiche climatiche, è possibile prevedere due intercapedini ventilate nel pacchetto di copertura oltre alla microventilazione sottotegola.

Bisognerà anche porre attenzione nel dare alla falda del tetto un'adeguata inclinazione, completata da un efficiente sistema d’allontanamento delle acque pluviali. The gutters and drains must never be walled sottomalta and will be away wells to collect rainwater from the foundations to avoid the risk of water infiltration and moisture. To improve the thermal qualities of the roof should provide profiles of copper or steel, on the ridge of the roof, suitably ventilated to allow effective ventilation for temperature difference.

flues and chimneys

The flues and chimneys, have the primary function of effectively disposing of the fumes from heating systems or other forms of combustion. Furthermore, it should pay particular attention to chimneys, why not create problems for keeping the roof surface. With the entry into force of the recent regulations on the safety of facilities and use of energy, the flue has assumed its rightful place in the heating system is no longer possible to reason in a disjoint between the chimney and equipment to its intended use. It is therefore necessary to assess correctly the size, materials and processes needed to reach the opening in the atmosphere.

The section of the chimney should be circulated to improve the draft. It can, however, also be carried out according to the tradition of square or rectangular, but in the latter caso è necessario che i lati non differiscano tra loro di più di due terzi.

Comunque, nel caso in cui la sezione fosse troppo grande ci sarebbe un aumento della superficie di raffreddamento verso l'esterno con un inevitabile abbassamento della temperatura dei fumi la cui uscita sarebbe rallentata.

La canna deve essere realizzata con materiali refrattari, resistenti alle alte temperature e impermeabili ai gas, deve inoltre essere autoportante e possibilmente avere una struttura autonoma rispetto alla parete. E' ovvio che non ci devono essere strozzature, gomiti o variazioni di sezione.

I comignoli devono innanzi tutto servire un'unica canna fumaria e il tratto della canna fumaria che sporge dal tetto o è a contatto con l'esterno deve essere ben isolato. Perché il tiraggio sia efficace la bocca del comignolo deve essere sistemata in pieno vento e ad un'altezza superiore di almeno 1m rispetto al colmo del tetto o ad altro ingombro o struttura portante meno di 8-10m. La sezione utile di uscita del comignolo, cioè l'area totale delle sue aperture verso l'esterno, deve risultare non inferiore al doppio della sezione della canna fumaria.


In bioarchitettura è indicato il legno per le stanze da letto e in ogni caso a completamento dei solai realizzati " a secco ", vale a dire senza posa di rete elettrosaldata e getto di cemento.

tiles or terracotta tiles or breathable materials, are recommended for locals but also very wet in places of transit and residence. Slatted floors are not recommended for pre-packed or ready for installation, using adhesives that are harmful from the viewpoint of the emanations that are present for long periods.

are denoted the slats of wood thick enough to rest on LAMBORD or joists. For the surface treatment is essential to use of petroleum-free products (as formaldehyde) as an alternative to relying on natural products such as waxes that will produce good results both in terms of aesthetics and functionality than the and breathability.

The tiles have a common support and a glaze. The enamel is obtained by oxidation of a number of factors that may be arsenic, lead, cadmium, manganese, titanium, etc.. For this reason, according to the porosity and texture of the tile could be released into the air for years, heavy metals, giving rise to potentially toxic fumes, even some tiles contain radioactive materials . (To control the materials from contamination before installation).

The enamel surface of the tiles makes them resistant to air and moisture but it prevents the permeability of the surfaces. The glazed tiles should therefore be limited to areas directly in contact with water, such as in bathrooms.

The unglazed tiles but no toxicity problems, but if placed in a damp environment, promote the formation of bacteria. A good possibility is formed of terra cotta tiles, made of clay quarry provided that, after cooking, it has been treated with products that prevent perspiration. E 'therefore better to use clay tiles " natural" that are treated with a procedure in place " degreaser and then with primers based on natural products , the limit of this solution is of course the cost.

Another material that has a good relationship biocompatibility / cost is finally linoleum. It will of course be made with natural linseed oil, cork powder, wood flour, resin, rosin, jute natural, properly seasoned so giving assurance of strength and flexibility to the loads. Must be free of film-type protective polyurethane. Furthermore, the continuous oxidation of linseed oil supports a specific feature bactericide that inhibits the growth of a bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus is often present in the environment.

Again, of course, you will need to use adhesives not toxic to the installation.


A painting can be defined as a mixture of a liquid and a solid reduced to fine powder. This liquid layer, solidifying, forms a "skin " adhering to the surface carrying the dual protective function and aesthetics. A coating is called "paint " when it is colorless, which is devoid of pigment, while in all other cases we use the term " painting."

Each coating consists of: resin or binder, pigments, solvents, fillers or additives. The binder or resin has the function di legare tutti i componenti, formando la pellicola protettiva. Esistono sia le resine naturali sia quelle sintetiche.

Le resine naturali possono essere d’origine animale o vegetale. I pigmenti sono materiali organici e inorganici in forma di polvere finissima. Hanno la funzione di impartire alle pitture un effetto anticorrosivo e dare il colore desiderato.

I cromati e i derivati del piombo sono pigmenti dannosi per la salute e quindi in via d’eliminazione. Le cariche sono materiali minerali che hanno la funzione di aumentare il residuo secco delle pitture per dare più corpo al prodotto.

Gli additivi sono utilizzati per vari scopi: essicazione, antisedimentativi, antipelle, dilatanti, plasticizers, antifermentatives. Finally, solvents and thinners allow drying and curing of coatings following two steps: evaporation of solvents and thinners before, oxidation and / or polymerization then.

bioarchitecture In the painting of surfaces not only has a protective function against external agents but must be able, at the same time, to allow air exchange between the interior and exterior of allowing it to " breathe "when it comes to the walls as in the case of products used to protect wood or other surfaces is important to check that they do not contain certain types of solvents (to understand, for example, those based of benzene, toluene or xylene, for which there is an obligation for the percentage contained on the product label, while other solvents is not required under the law are reported, making it impossible to assess the relative hazard).

In the case of inhalation of strong vapors from solvents can dissolve the fat content in nerve cells and brain, by changing the electrical properties and causing deterioration of memory and reactive capability.

The slow evaporation of residual solvents in paints and glues can also lead to chronic diseases. The problems arising from many of the products on the market are therefore the excess emanations of gas and low permeability.

To overcome these problems, we recommend that you use for the treatment of walls, ceilings and external time-based glue, lime and natural resins, they are free of substances harmful to health and allow proper ventilation.

The time-based glue are very inexpensive but are only used for internal and suffer much moisture. The lime-based paints (left to rest for at least a year) provide excellent breathability, opacity, and high fungicide. Lime is also a binder, these paintings should be diluted with water only.

Wanting to get an effect of water repellency and water resistance can be added additives such as linseed oil or low-fat milk. There are also murals covering very clean and prepared with natural resins. They are made from products such as vegetable oils, beeswax, essential oils, pigments and fillers are associated with natural resins extracted from plants such as deciduous or coniferous.