Friday, December 31, 2010

Can Regular Keg Be Used For Homebrew

Ingredients for 4 rolls:
For the batter:

water taste a bit 'of salt

a cup of flour For the filling: 200 g of carrots

300 g cabbage
100 g bean sprouts

soy sauce to taste 1 tablespoon cornstarch (or wheat, or flour)

black pepper 2 teaspoons sugar

olive oil Preparation: THE FILLING:
In a pan add the oil, carrots and cabbage, both cut into julienne strips, sprouts, sugar, starch, soy sauce, black pepper and fry for a while. 'They should not cook much, otherwise the filling will be too soft: you will be.

Preparation: THE BATTER:
Mix the flour with water and salt, so 'as to obtain a liquid mixture. Heat a frying pan and grease the bottom. Pour then a ladle of batter, to form a film, thin and cook it. Continue this until the end of the dough, remembering to grease Occasionally the pan.

After finishing the work, take one of the disks of batter, place the stuffing in the center (not much, otherwise it comes out later), fold the side edges inward and roll. Fry, then, the rolls and serve hot, accompanied with the typical sweet and sour sauce.

What Can Be Done To Increase My Cervical Mucus?

Sauteed Pasta with vegetables (recipe Chinese) Chinese sweet and sour sauce

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 g noodles

4 carrots 2 zucchini white
100 g bean sprouts

soy sauce to taste olive oil

ginger black pepper

Preparation: In a wok
(if not use a frying pan very high) pour oil and add the sprouts, zucchini and carrots both cut into julienne strips, then fry well: cook for a while ', but not too, 'cause the vegetables should not be too cotte.Intanto put the pasta on to boil and, once ready, add it to the pan and sauté for a few minutes, adding more oil if necessary, and adding soy sauce, that in this case replace the salt and a little 'color, too much ground black pepper and grated ginger over, then Serve.

Honda Pilot Front End

200 ml water 100 ml vinegar

100 g sugar 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
1 tablespoon wheat starch (or wheat)

Add all ingredients in a saucepan and set on fire , stirring frequently, until 'the sauce becomes thick, then remove from heat and let cool a bit'.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems For Lab 8 Correct


Cake Designs ' Castles

Cheese-cake with berries

Ingredients (for a mold of 16 cm in diameter):
200 g of Philadelphia (or other cheese spread)
150 g of dry biscuits

60 g butter 12 g gelatin sheets
80 g of icing sugar 200g raspberries

a handful of berries

Preparation: Melt the butter
, crushed cookies sciolto.Mettete butter and pour the mixture into the mold, lined with parchment paper, with the back of a spoon to try to flatten it, then refrigerate for 20 minuti.Ammorbidite the gelatin in cold water and proceed, then to dissolve in a small saucepan over low heat and add cream cheese and sugar, then mescolate.Versate all based on cookies and leave in refrigerator for a minimum of 5 hours, then, before serving, pour su il frullato di lamponi e una manciata di frutti di bosco .

Low Ferritin And B12 Cancer

cake with mascarpone and nutella

Per la base:
3 uova
100g di zucchero
70g di cacao amaro
80g di burro
150g di farina
un bicchiere di latte
una bustina di lievito
Per la farcia:
400 g di mascarpone
nutella q.b.

Per decorare:
400 ml di panna da montare
scaglie di cioccolato

Battete separatamente gli albumi fino a quando diventeranno spumosi.
Battete i tuorli con lo zucchero,aggiungete il burro ammorbidito, il latte, gli albumi montati, il cacao e la farina.
Amalgamate bene il tutto e ,infine,aggiungete il baking powder.
Grease and flour a round pan and bake in the oven all heated above 180 ° for 30 minuti.Quando and is' cool, cut the cake in two and put a thin layer of mascarpone and nutella, put on the other cake layer and cover everything with cream and chocolate shavings ...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Why Do I Have A Callus On My Toe



Buggy Dimensions Plans

Doghouse SHELTER Prato - Friends in Adoption

Friday, December 17, 2010

Is Private Career Training Tax Deductible

The lost vision of the Infinite Christmas Special

Written by Amber
The popularization of psychological tests, the production of books and pamphlets on the subject and the proliferation of groups dedicated the "growth" - come fashion by a certain age - have
meant that anyone who feels entitled to interpret the behavior of themselves or another, and a conclusion with absolute arrogance and certainty about the causes of these behaviors.
This pride and this senseless invasion of the soul - where humility and knowledge of human limitations have lost their raison d'etre - then there is no room for other disquisitions considered boring and nothing that is unconnected if not contortions with pseudo-analytical examination of an idea or a behavior.
And so you lose all sense of mystery and that of the nonsense that are part of life.
E 'disappeared the ability to return to the archetypes, the Mothers and Plato. The concept of metaphysics
own research and not so much of himself but of the wider meaning of their existence are unknown to the most mysterious and meaningless. Purpose
futile individualistic and orb of the future govern life and an increasingly hampered by false certainties of happiness to be achieved with a new car, a new dress, an exotic vacation or public sharing of his soul.
And the sense of the origins of their continuity, and the sense of the universe have been replaced by futile discussions on issues relating to their individualism.
not forget that one of the strongest repressions of our time is la morte, che pure esiste come assoluta ed unica certezza e il cui abbraccio riporta laddove nasce l’origine degli esseri viventi siano essi uomini, alberi o animali.
Il pensiero della morte e quello della vita dovrebbero darci il senso di appartenenza all’umanità intera e alla natura, se non fosse che l’una, la morte,  è stata scacciata e l’altra, la vita, è stata addomesticata a visioni del tipo grande fratello.
image cc by Alice Popkorn NoDerivsLicense

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Odds Of Liver Failure Alcohol

Testo di Giovanni N.
Mentre scrivo le ultime foglie resistono attaccate al loro albero. Il primo refolo di vento le staccherà ed andranno a raggiungere le tante
altre già cadute e che hanno trasformato i viali in tappeti dorati.
Quando la natura si presenta con la veste tipica dell'autunno manca poco più poco meno un mese a Natale quando si crea un'atmosfera particolare ed i ricordi seguono il percorso inverso delle foglie perchè loro, i ricordi,  rinverdiscono.
Qualche anno fa Lorenzo fu colpito, a tradimento come sovente capita, da un devastante infarto. La situazione si era presentata in tutta la sua drammaticità. Poche le speranze, tantissima la testardaggine e determinazione di un cardiochirurgo che lo operò e gli salvò la vita.
Sono ormai ricordi che tuttavia affiorano nella vicinanza del Natale. Sono solo ricordi tanto che Lorenzo con un coraggio da leone ha preso parte alla maratona di New York.
Sui giornali è apparsa la notizia che qui di seguito riassumo:
“Dalla Romagna alla Grande Mela un tema da fantascienza se non fosse che è anche tutto vero. Correre la maratona di New York del 7 novembre u.s. , mentre dall'altra parte dell'oceano è stato verificato in tempo reale lo stato di salute del cuore di un atleta con sei bypass. Lorenzo Lo Preiato  49enne consulente finanziario bolognese.
L'esperimento medico porta la firma di Giorgio Noera cardiochirurgo romagnolo di adozione that in 2004 saved the lives of The Preiato with revascularization with mammary artery. Noera has experienced so "BLUECAR @ RDIO ," a device that in addition to transmitting ECG is able to make an early diagnosis. For the first time live via SMS were sent to the cardiac surgeon who has operated the data collected from sensors attached to the chest of the athlete (anchored to the weight of the shorts 118 grams). The pectoral
almost an identity: "My name is Lorenzo, Emilia Romagna Italy live in, I run with six bypass."
Everything went well.
Soon it's Christmas and the painful memory has replaced the uplifting of New York Marathon .
Merry Christmas Lorenzo.
John N.
image cc by j_bary

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Have Swollen Cuticle

beyond themselves

Written by Anna T.
"If you do it?" is the question bounced, via SMS and email, through the Radio 3 broadcasts devoted to the World of Volunteers at precisely
of the World Day of Volunteers held December 5. Comments
the day came from various parts: first of all, the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano has shown its appreciation for those who, in various forms, is dedicated to others. In Italy the volunteers who work with groups large and small, operating locally or internationally, over three million, while the associations are officially registered 28,000. Among the responses to
"Who you do it?" have expressed their desire to become aware of what happens if you look a bit 'further, beyond themselves and their world and then the desire to be useful, to do something for someone, in addition to respect and care for others in our country have ancient origins, and date back to medieval Mercy.
There was also discussion of personal experiences, the sense of emptiness that sometimes you try in life and that the only concern for others can fill, the wealth that is not true and occasional contact with anyone under of us can give us: in short subjects, which were also volunteers from Seneca, and who knows the association will certainly have much to say.
Among the themes that emerged halls - and on which the discussion is open - there is concern that the reduction to one quarter of the sums collected at 5 per thousand for the voluntary taxpayers, can cause a drastic reduction in the availability of associations. We also hear, especially from donors, the need for maximum transparency in the management of funds.
E 'are also important speech of the relationship with the institutions: the world of volunteering, as well as, of course, the volunteers, is based largely on the cooperation that they must have with professionals from different sectors, a report which should not be seen as an 'appropriation of others' work, but as a supplement, full of humanity, and professionalism that no one will deny.
They also heard many stories, large and small, the experiences of volunteers in Italy and around the world, local communities or large cities, in countries plagued by war, amid people of whom do not speak the language but you soothe their suffering. And so, for one day, the volunteers were at the center of attention of many, well deserved attention, which would be nice to follow up.
Anna T.
image from

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Disinfect Toys After Having Strep?

the cave with Love

Written by John N.
We returned for the second time this year in July. We were about a thousand miles to the northern tip of France,
but we wanted to include it, forcing the march between our stages. Why? In
groped to answer the difficult beginning of these short notes. In fact I will not repeat things said and repeated, even less for those who do not need to reach Lourdes
I do to find God, convinced that a visit to Lourdes is not only a moment of religious believers, but also considerable human experience for all, shoulder to shoulder with humanity suffering. As in the night, when thousands of torches moving as if they were square in a language of incandescent lava and humanity, made smooth by a mysterious common denominator, he finds himself approached, stripped of conceit and felt a sense of anything that we .
And one of the miracles of Lourdes, which is renewed every day from May to October.
Arriving in the town, the topography which easily takes hold there, the first thing you notice are the many streets lined with countless shops, in a succession obsessive: sale of saints, Madonnas, containers to collect water in the Basilica, crucifixes, candles and so on: a bad impact, let us say frankly and the feeling of a big business, even if all rigorously fenced off by the immense open space of the Basilica.
Only after being inside the fence "sacred", having found a haven of peace and quiet, back in the middle of the buzz of people swarming among the shops and countless bars and small restaurants, they begins to make a clear distinction of a tourist dominated by the laws of the market that no one can overthrow (and then why?) and the religious and human consequences. All those shops and bars lit up late at night contribute to a sense of animation on importance of which I will discuss below.
In the afternoon, winds around the large square in the procession in the wake of a priest with the monstrance under a canopy of gold-colored sun. It follows behind the people of different races, languages, age and class. And they said, the crippled, the immobilized in bed for years. They freed from anxiety, accepted, no longer marginalized, part of the people in procession, with serene faces, sometimes even smiling. They left without their homes or from hospitals in their heads has become the idea that the legs have started to hold or eyes to see the light. Because the point è questo:  nessuno si attende il miracolo, ma conta di abbeverarsi di forza morale,  per una maggiore capacità di sopportazione.
Vicino agli infermi, a sorreggerli, a trainare le carrozzelle col tettino blu, ci sono i barellieri con le bretelle di cuoio, uomini di mezza età e giovanissimi:  gente delle fabbriche,  degli uffici,  delle scuole,  che non percepisce nessuna ricompensa ed ha rinunciato alle ferie.
Vi è anche un'altra presenza che colpisce per la compostezza,  la professionalità e l'impegno:  l'esercito bianco.  Medici ed infermiere.
Per consentire ad una vecchia donna distesa in una barella di partecipare, abbiamo visto bianche infermiere seguire la processione al  fianco dell'inferma,  tenendo levata in alto la flebo: dopo la processione le carrozzine con i malati meno gravi (gli altri vengono subito ricoverati) si riversano nelle stradine, trainati dai loro pazienti e resistenti  barellieri:  gli infermi cicalecciano, scherzano fra loro e con gli assistenti. Sembrano aver dimenticato la miseria del corpo mentre sostano nei  negozi  e nei bar con i "sani" in una straordinaria normalità.
Ad ora tarda, in alcuni locali, si levano  allegri canti di ragazzi e ragazze:  accompagnano  coetanei  ammalati nella straordinaria animazione di una notte.  In un mondo imbarbarito, accecato d'odio,  sempre in bilico fra pace e guerra,  ci si rasserena a vedere certe cose;  per esempio una ragazza bianca che accompagna abbracciata una ragazza nera, per aiutarla a camminare.  La parola "apartheid" non viene neppure in mente, rappresentando una  realtà  ancor  più lontana ed assurda.
Ma  a Lourdes  ci vanno anche coloro che,  a vederli  da fuori,  sembrano non aver nulla, i cosiddetti sani che in qualche occasione si tradiscono con una overbearing and furtive tear. How many are there, shoulder to shoulder like that?
Maybe one day, one day at least, one can understand the meaning of a word misused: brotherhood. Maybe I'm pessimistic. Maybe something goes after: believers and - at this point I can reaffirm the conviction - the non-believers.
John Noera
image cc by Michael Beat

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Writing A Speech About Motorcycle Safety


Written by Fabrizio
All of us have attended waiting rooms, some time I attend waiting rooms - very much more than the waiting room -
oncology departments, so go with friends and relatives.
Waiting rooms here because everyone 'expects' something, waiting to do the chemo (that ugly word, known as a chemist, but is necessary because of venom can heal), waiting to relieve pain, waiting to heal. I look around and despite being a place of suffering I see so many faces quiet (I do not have a better word) full of great dignity and great hope and an expression with a very special smile sometimes enigmatic and extremely thoughtful.
The other day as I watched, as my usual, the faces of people and, I admit, I listened to some speeches but not for grim curiosity to understand, I noticed how much the approach of some clerical and whining that they should lay volunteers with their words and alleviate suffering instead, I think with the way they ask, did revive the path of suffering of the sick. It occurs to me to express my thoughts better, the wonderful character of Patch Adams, the creator of the ClownTerapia American doctor, who with his organization runs hospitals and war zones to relieve, with its fun but not limited to, the suffering of children. I think everyone of us has to do with the suffering should or could think through the true awareness of the suffering we can understand the true essence of life.
image cc by

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cubefield1 And Cubefield 2 Differences

Exchange of hearts

The testimony of Cristina
I volunteer as a carer for the elderly for over three years and me is a continuous discovery, but is above all a vocation.
It 's the heart and only he who takes you to embrace this mission and also to derive benefit from things that might seem insignificant in the eyes of others.
a nickname, a handshake, a hint of a smile, the simple sharing of a TV fan you know when you're on the field that you made the other day to those in need and this is the greatest gift, what gives you that inner strength, the momentum and that wonderful feeling that I like to call "warm heart" that nothing else can give you.
I personally think that I will never stop being a volunteer because I realized during these years that make a gift of "a part of me "has become a great, great need of my heart.
Cristina Izzo
image cc by oedipusphinx - - - - theJWDban

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mcconnell Tapingbunion

Dating (after work)

The testimony of Matilde
When they leave the job for his age and with much regret, my first thought was for the post ..... Inactive
than they have ever been, and volunteering has always been my
alternative my goal.
already working occasionally also was doing something with my Association of Blood Donors Mangiagalli.
Of course, after retirement, the time is increased and then, another of my ball, I turned Ital.Ciechi Union. For several years I was involved in accompanying and support for people "blind". Activities very rewarding, in contact with people very different from each other, which greatly enriched me and I was also very useful in future reports.
Then the years pass, the needs of "blind" and are quite physically challenging, even if reluctantly, I had to dedicate myself to more sedentary forms of volunteering.
And here began my career at Seneca, concerned with people getting older and maybe not so much healthier than they need company, to fill their loneliness, or just someone to talk to and vent bitterness, fears and regrets. I have followed different area Romana - mine - and one in particular, Rosetta, former tram driver in time of war, to whom I am also very fond of her. For this reason, and because in the meantime was no longer alone but in a nursing home, I separated from her. In February, will make one hundred years and come back to visit! At the same time
SENECA I've a training course of the Opera VI of S. Faithful Assistants Volunteers in prison. It was my other ball, and so for six years once a week meeting detainees S. Victor.
blind, single people and elderly, prisoners, people in short to which I hope to be helpful, here's how I try to give meaning to my life. Sometimes I think it is a form of selfishness because in fact you get much more than what you give.
I am waiting for an activity always SENECA at the Maugeri Foundation.
This is for me the true way to live with peace of mind, day by day, my thoughts turned to tomorrow and thanks for what we have undeservedly received and duly we must share it to those less fortunate.
image cc by Pink Sherbet Photography

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fotos Lorena Herrera Nua

Signals disturbing

Written by Amber
Everywhere alarming, saturated with threats, often come to us with increasingly disturbing.
Islands Samoa Tsunami, the earthquake in Sumatra, Haiti, Chile
L 'Italy is not far behind with the latest events, flood in the Veneto, storms in the South
Just to name a few that I remember at the moment in different regions of the earth, all of enormous scope, floods, landslides, landslides. Debris everywhere, dead, men women and children buried under the rubble, weeping mothers, children with dazed eyes. But
are typical phenomena of our time? Fortunately (or unfortunately) no, all types of disaster occurred in the centuries to prove that man has always been vulnerable to the events, unable to control them, easy prey to forces far superior even to those with research, science, technology has managed to build.
We could say that today there are the direct result of man-made disasters, global warming, general pollution, deforestation everywhere.
But in a distant past there were even other kind of devastation, but equally important such as plague, smallpox, cholera, before whom the man was so helpless. Not to mention the great disasters of ancient times, beginning with the great flood which is discussed in the sixth book of Genesis, the earthquake that destroyed Crete in 1650 BC and then again the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD that destroyed Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabia killing thousands of people and many many more disasters yet.
So nothing new under the sun? Maybe, but there is dismay in front of a nature that seems to want to punish the man he had abused her since the very first settlements on Earth, with a growing fury with the progress of civilization.
accidents, disasters, diseases threaten us without respite. Today more than ever. There will
the man to survive? Amber

image from the site Nasa, Goddard Photo & Video

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Because I'm Saving Sarah Connor ...

to try to save the show, here in Italy just Fiction "The Sarah Connor Chronicles." In my opinion, is the best show ever made.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do People Buy Or Make Wedding Escort Cards

Friends dogs in Casale Monferrato, come visit us, there's a furry friend for everyone

1) BRUNO is a love of dog on the 4 / 5 years, crossed with a German shepherd. E 'in medium or large (around 25 kg) and the short-haired black and tan. It 's very docile, obedient and loves to play with the man. His "former friend" human is left without a trace and left alone. In the shelter, his playmate named Susy. It needs a human friend who love him and not leave him. BRUNO entered into kennels exactly a year ago: October 22, 2010.

2) is RUFUS LAYLA left alone since he left the shelter for his new family. It 's a male dog of pure fantasy and in medium or large (26-45 kg). His hair has an average length and is white - orange. Languid-looking, has a very sweet and submissive with people, but only gets along with some male dogs, while the girls love them all! E 'in kennels for two years, but because of his good character, can be adopted without any problems. Is in good shape, you feel very lonely without Layla.
Found in Pontestura (AL) February 19, 2008.

3) TIMO : GIANT is a Very good !!!!! Mestizo Maremma abundant sweetness and gentleness: it's all for cuddling! Because of its size "Magnum" would need some 'space to run free in a family with so much love to give.
His thick coat is a grayish white cream on her back.
has a fabulous character!! If you do not believe me come to know him and he is waiting for you. Do not be afraid
SIZE: It 'Very good !!!!!!!
Found May 31, 2010 at ROSIGNANO MONFERRATO

4) WOLF (including newcomers): Younger male race "fantasy" (like German Shepherd), is large in size and has the hair color and beige very well maintained. Conditions are very good and obedient, she cries in kennels waiting for a family that adopts from the heart. It has about 4 years and is very beautiful. Found a GREAT
Odalengo August 20, 2010.

5) IEIE : cagnolona is a sweet German Shepherd cross. Large in size (26-45 kg) has a medium-haired black and white mottled brown spots. Divide the box with two other male dogs (and QUO HERE) with which it agrees. It should also agree with the females. Deserve a better adoption kennels because so much suffering. It is no longer young (about 2001) but is very lively, intelligent and obedient. E 'entry into the kennel 12/01/2007.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mount And Blade Instancing

Emiliano Sciarra - L 'art of the game

An interesting volume that looks at the beautiful game Arts, from dice to cards from Domino to chess, from Monopoly to Trivial Pursuit, from Tomb Raider Dungeons & Dragons, the game has taken on different facets in Over the centuries: first it was something related to the sacred, then a sophisticated waste of time, then a means to educate and finally a true art form. Through literary references, cultural and doctrinal Emiliano Sciarra provides a definition of play, traces its history, classifies its different types and defining the meaning of technical terms more specific. Volume available for example at or on

An interview with Emily in reference to the game and his previous work.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

How Long Should It Take For Gastritis To Go Away

E' failure to Gary Coleman, the interpreter of Arnold

On May 30, 2010 is not Gary Coleman, the interpreter of Arnold in the popular TV series of the '80s. E 'failure to 42 years due to a cerebral haemorrhage. Do not forget him, his life was not easy because of kidney disease that has stopped the growth. Known as an adult for his misadventures with the law rather than shares in the entertainment world, as a boy was a prodigy actor managed to make us smile for years playing Arnold, the figure that we will remember forever.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why Brazilians Look White

China, sacrificed their lives to companies Western

Un report statunitense racconta le condizioni disumane di migliaia di lavoratori asiatici. Schiavizzati per assemblare mouse e console.

Alla factory KYE si assembla ogni giorno - anche sette giorni su sette - una gran quantità di prodotti informatici d'uso comune. Dal mouse alla webcam fino all'hardware della console Xbox. Un buon numero di aziende estere fa attualmente capo alla produzione cinese: Microsoft è in testa con una quota del 30 per cento del totale, seguita a ruota da vendor come Best Buy, Hewlett Packard, Samsung, Acer e Logitech, Apple .

production that is assigned by the business leaders to common Chinese boys, aged between 14 and 25 years. The working hours are grueling, from 7.45 am to around 11 at night, reduced to the minimum wage, 65 cents an hour to get 52 cents with the deduction of lunch. A group of 20 or 30 workers must complete 2 thousand Microsoft mouse in about 12 hours.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where Can You Go To Get Fitted For Ray Bans

Ivana Spagna - Before My Eyes

Simple words, essays by Ivana Spagna, on his childhood, his parents, his father and mother, Christmas and "Blessed be the thirteenth", which she thought was a saint ...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Simple Bill Of Sale

Mauro Aldo Bottura Bottura

diploma in electrical engineering at a young age, Mauro Aldo Bottura starts at only 18 years his experience as an entrepreneur in the textile sector.

Over the years, his professionalism spread in Italy and abroad, in many activities of commercial and industrial planning. Particular attention is given to products for home health.

professional experience Mauro Aldo Bottura is supported by extensive personal studies and research in the field of psychology and transactional analysis improved the achievement of different Dynamic Master Mind, Leadership, Sales and Dynamic in California USA in Italy, dowsing, radionics, Reiki, Feng Shui, Ripple Mobile Lakhovsky George, Kinesiology and Geobiology.

Naturopath writing in the National Bio-AI. MI University of Milan. Lecturer in various disciplines aimed at companies, corporations and individuals.

always been interested in Parapsychology and the correlation of forces between cosmo-telluric human organism and habitat, Mauro Aldo Bottura now dedicated his life to further study and research and to the profession of Geobiology .

collaborates with physicians, researchers, homeopaths, therapists and holistic bioarchitetti, pursuing a clear mission: to spread knowledge and awareness the Culture of Prevention .

Add Wheels To Luggage

graduated at a young age, Robert Henry Bottura starts at only 18 years his work as we're lying with his father Mauro Aldo Bottura, now Honorary President of Ferrari.

Henry Robert's professional experience is supported by extensive personal studies and research in the field of dowsing, cellular oscillation George Lakhowsky, Geobiology, Science of 'habitat and Bioenergy, under the expert guidance of renowned doctors, first of all, Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Franceschi, an expert in Bioelectronics of Vincent.

fascinated by these matters from an early age, has accumulated considerable practical experience and sensitivity, which have facilitated nel conseguimento di diversi Master.

È un Bio-Naturopata iscritto all’Albo Nazionale dell’A.MI. University di Milano.

Interessato da sempre alla correlazione delle forze cosmo-telluriche tra organismo umano e habitat, Henry Robert Bottura dedica oggi la propria vita all’approfondimento e alla ricerca e all’esercizio della professione di geobiologo .

Dotato di un carattere aperto, gioviale, solare e disponibile, utilizza la sua particolare sensibilità umana ed energetica. Facilitato nelle indagini radiestesiche e tecniche, riesce a raggiungere risultati straordinari.

collaborates with many doctors, researchers, homeopaths, osteopaths, bioarchitetti and holistic therapists, continuing the clear "mission" of the Ferrari knowledge and awareness to spread the Culture of Prevention .

Home Remedies To Improve Cervical Mucus

Robert Henry Dr. Luisa Federici

Counsellour Psychologist and

Beautiful (and brilliant) wife of Aldo Mauro Bottura, is an engaging speaker, who participate in courses and seminars for Ferrari, instilling cultural depth and simplicity
extraordinarily communicative.

He also di Counselling e di molti altri aspetti legati alla psicologia.
Sa entrare subito in empatia con le persone, chiara, trasparente, profonda conoscitrice dell’animo umano, dolcemente e gradevolmente ti tende le sue mani.

Male Brazillian Wax Philadelphia

Introduction to Geobiology

La Geobiologia - dal greco Ghèa (terra) e Bìos Logos (scienza della vita) - è la scienza che studia gli effetti dei fenomeni della Terra sulla vita degli esseri viventi.

Si tratta di una scienza recente. Tuttavia, già nell'antichità, i cinesi già seguivano una dottrina chiamata Feng-Shui, letteralmente Vento e Acqua, i cui maestri sono chiamati geomanti. Essa designa con questi due elementi elusive forces that rise from the earth up to heaven. In this doctrine we speak of the currents of vital energy traveling through the Earth in the direction of the parallels and meridians.

About thirty years ago, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, Ernst Hartmann, then rediscovered what the ancients already knew. All over the earth's surface from underground to the biosphere, there is an invisible grid formed by bands of telluric radiation width of about 21 cm. These bands intersect every 2 m. in the North-South direction and every 2.5 m. in the east-west, forming a true network that has been given the name of its discoverer that Hartmann's network.


Questo reticolo, come i paralleli e i meridiani, si restringe verso i poli, ed ha il massimo dell'espansione  all'equatore. Nel corso di approfondite sperimentazioni, si è stabilito che i punti d'incrocio di questo reticolo,  definiti "nodi Hartmann" o nodi geopatogeni, hanno ripercussioni negative sulla salute delle persone e di  qualsiasi essere vivente che inconsciamente vi soggiorni sopra, dormendo o riposando. Le parti interne,  invece, sono definite "zone neutre" e non comportano nessun problema. Come ogni regola, però, anche quella dei nodi geopatogeni has its exceptions, as there are some living things - like the cat, ants, bees, snakes, etc.. - As the search for those nodes for better living.

Many studies and tests have been performed by Dr. Hartmann, Dr. Curry, Dr. Picard and others, noting that the telluric radiation may be further aggravated by other causes, such as faults're lying courses underground water, soil types, etc..

The Geobiology, in addition to the study of interference due to human causes cosmo-telluric, also takes into account the aggravating factors defined techniques. After thousands and thousands of years lived in harmony with nature, almost suddenly, the man has altered their lifestyles. In fact, over the past 100 years, has discovered new forms of energy that accelerates the progress to the point that the benefits are immediately obvious, but the disadvantages and risks to health are discovered very late.

DAMAGES OF THE 'ELECTROSMOG "AND" sick building syndrome "

Just think about the pollution of air, water and food to see what level we get In the last few days. ; But not all. Now we live in the Age of electromagnetic or electro. In the last few twenty years, the use of electricity has become part of our existence in a way so pervasive that we can not do without. Our country is crossed by millions and millions of kilometers of electric cables.

With thousands of radio links, broadcasting antennas, military radar, are downloaded into the wild every year thousands of kWh of energy that alters our artificial-natural magnetic balance. It should be also considered that the man, in recent decades has left nature to live more in urban areas, often built wildly tending more to the logic of profit and human health. Buildings sempre più con il cemento armato creano una sorta di barriera contro le onde armoniche positive, e  favoriscono invece la diffusione di radiazioni elettriche e telluriche-nocive.

Se ci addentriamo un po', ci sovviene una domanda: "Qual è l'interrelazione tra uomo e ambiente?" Parliamo  chiaramente dell'uomo moderno, dell'uomo che vive in città, e se andiamo ad esaminare attentamente  riscontriamo in esso un abbassamento delle difese immunitarie ed una predisposizione ad attacchi di agenti  esterni ed a degenerazione cellulare (tumore).

I primi e più attenti a queste tematiche sono stati gli americani, che l'hanno definita "Sick Building Syndrome" cioè sindrome da edificio malato. Gli studi, effettuati con molto pragmatismo, hanno provocato allarmi, facendo sì che molti cercassero di correre ai ripari.


Potremmo aggiungere molte altre cause tecniche che sono fonti di disturbi: infissi metallici, poca circolazione di aria pulita, materiali ed indumenti sintetici, specchi, eccesso nell'utilizzo di ferro, acciai, minerali sintetici, mobili  per la cui realizzazione sono state usate colle tossiche o folmaldeide, pitture tossiche, colori e isolanti sintetici. Pertanto, rimanere eccessivamente esposti ad onde perturbanti, o rinchiuderci in Faraday cages, force the body to a higher energy expenditure for the maintenance of homeostasis.

The disturbance field is spread horizontally and vertically. They are often strengthened through equipment and technical installations, and in the presence of ferrous parts. The trouble spots geopathogenic affect the autonomic nervous system through the skin, which by its internal controls many organs of our body.

If this balance is disturbed through fields geopathogenic, diseases and other problems can occur, especially those for which the doctor can not find a precise cause. But work mostly resting or sleep on disturbed areas may initially disturb the body in a mild but prolonged exposure, which manifests itself initially as a small disturbance can, over time, cause serious or very serious, to the bitter end.

However, in conclusion, it is important to note that in parallel to these grim findings, medical researchers and scholars have identified, after scientific experiments lasted decades of effective systems of protection and compensation.