tricolor Gems: WL 'ITALY
250 g ricotta cheese 6
I cheese of IN.AL.PI.
5 tablespoons of grated cheese, grated The IN.AL.PI.
a pinch of salt pinch of black pepper
To decorate:
a box of dried chives
a box of sweet paprika powder
In a bowl, mix the ricotta cheese with I , The grated salt and pepper, then form small balls large a walnut. Roll 1 / 3 balls in a dish containing the chives, another third in the one containing the remaining paprika and let them white. Arrange on a tray in the order of the Italian flag (green-white-red ) and put them in the fridge to harden them.
With this recipe I participate in the contest Antonella RECIPE FOR A 'ITALY OR UNIT FOR UNIT' D 'ITALY
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