Baked pasta with meatballs
Ingredients: 500 g
helical COLAVITA
sliced \u200b\u200b4 hard-boiled eggs 300 g of sliced \u200b\u200bdried sausage
1 liter and 1 / 2 of tomato sauce a few leaves
a clove of garlic olive oil
100 g of grated cheese The IN.AL.PI.
300 g Fontal IN.AL.PI.
sliced \u200b\u200b10 slices of the slices of IN.AL.PI.
plenty of black pepper For the meatballs: 400 g minced meat
100 g breadcrumbs soaked and drained 2 eggs
a teaspoon of salt black pepper
40 g of the grated of IN.AL.PI.
meatballs In a bowl put the meat, squeezed bread, eggs, parsley, salt, pepper and cheese, then mix and make into balls grandi come una nocciola ,quindi friggetele e mettetele da parte .
Preparazione :
Prepararate il sugo, facendo soffriggere l'aglio con l'olio d'oliva,quindi aggiungete la salsa di pomodoro ; mettete sale,abbondante pepe nero e basilico ,quindi fate cuocere per 10-15 minuti circa .
A parte fate cuocere in acqua salata gli elicoidali per 8 minuti,scolateli ,metteteli in una ciotola capiente,aggiungendo 7 cucchiai di sugo,pepe nero,un po' di formaggio grattugiato,quindi mescolate il tutto .
Prendete una teglia ,fate uno strato di sugo,aggiungete uno strato di pasta e sopra uno di uova sode,salsiccia,5 fette,fontal,le polpette,il formaggio grattugiato e il sugo ; ripetete tutti gli layers, ending with a layer formed only of pasta, sauce and a sprinkling of cheese.
Bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Lds Scripture Tote Pattern
En-Pathos [Empathy]
Written by Cristina Empathy, a word that inevitably leads me to positive feelings.
Empathy, we have, and teach us how to get in training to become a volunteer ... assume the role of the other to help him really.
Days ago I found through an Internet social network on an old high school friend, the classic girl who at the time was a "candidate to split the world," he tells her, who works for a big fashion labels, which earns € 2600 per month, which obviously loves her job and loves to empathize with the client to be able to sell the product just and more expensive to increase his commissions. This last statement has left me stunned, frozen ... I realized as I to 37 years are still an illusion and foolish idealist certain words evoke for me only "good feelings" ...
Maybe it's time I come out from my universe of good and my perfect little world because it does not work?
Empathy, we have, and teach us how to get in training to become a volunteer ... assume the role of the other to help him really.
Days ago I found through an Internet social network on an old high school friend, the classic girl who at the time was a "candidate to split the world," he tells her, who works for a big fashion labels, which earns € 2600 per month, which obviously loves her job and loves to empathize with the client to be able to sell the product just and more expensive to increase his commissions. This last statement has left me stunned, frozen ... I realized as I to 37 years are still an illusion and foolish idealist certain words evoke for me only "good feelings" ...
Maybe it's time I come out from my universe of good and my perfect little world because it does not work?
image by
Replace Shocks And Struts On 02 Liberty
tricolor Gems: WL 'ITALY
250 g ricotta cheese 6
I cheese of IN.AL.PI.
5 tablespoons of grated cheese, grated The IN.AL.PI.
a pinch of salt pinch of black pepper
To decorate:
a box of dried chives
a box of sweet paprika powder
In a bowl, mix the ricotta cheese with I , The grated salt and pepper, then form small balls large a walnut. Roll 1 / 3 balls in a dish containing the chives, another third in the one containing the remaining paprika and let them white. Arrange on a tray in the order of the Italian flag (green-white-red ) and put them in the fridge to harden them.
With this recipe I participate in the contest Antonella RECIPE FOR A 'ITALY OR UNIT FOR UNIT' D 'ITALY
250 g ricotta cheese 6
I cheese of IN.AL.PI.
5 tablespoons of grated cheese, grated The IN.AL.PI.
a pinch of salt pinch of black pepper
To decorate:
a box of dried chives
a box of sweet paprika powder
In a bowl, mix the ricotta cheese with I , The grated salt and pepper, then form small balls large a walnut. Roll 1 / 3 balls in a dish containing the chives, another third in the one containing the remaining paprika and let them white. Arrange on a tray in the order of the Italian flag (green-white-red ) and put them in the fridge to harden them.
With this recipe I participate in the contest Antonella RECIPE FOR A 'ITALY OR UNIT FOR UNIT' D 'ITALY
Monday, March 7, 2011
Getting Wet Durring Brazillain Wax
Saturday, March 19 A TREVISO
Saturday, March 19 from 15:00 to 18:00 at the shop of fine arts Artemisia (Latin Quarter - Galleria della Dogana, 3 - Treviso) begins the course of drawing from life. The purpose of this course is to learn to draw the places that you like you're walking the dog or on vacation. The tools required are a pen, a sketchbook and little else, besides the desire to get in the game and have fun.
can find an "event" in Facebook
per informazioni:
Saturday, March 19 from 15:00 to 18:00 at the shop of fine arts Artemisia (Latin Quarter - Galleria della Dogana, 3 - Treviso) begins the course of drawing from life. The purpose of this course is to learn to draw the places that you like you're walking the dog or on vacation. The tools required are a pen, a sketchbook and little else, besides the desire to get in the game and have fun.
can find an "event" in Facebook
per informazioni:
0422 590360
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Rathyon Hughes Pension
A heart that beats ... Tenderness and wins
Following the post CHRISTMAS some readers have asked questions about George, the heart surgeon who has heart surgery Lorenzo, 49-year-old Romagna, despite the 6 bypass, has successfully participated in the New York Marathon . The post that follows is the response of George Noera.
Good morning mass. The first
mists of this period blends in with the color of our thoughts and our concerns while the muffled noises from the world of politics and the global crisis are increasingly present in our daily. Uncertainty of the future for us and our children, we are witnessing the gruesome news of the race, vicious and indecent. Things "healthy" disappear from the news, and examples to think about or be proud of, are recited in a few whispers in your ears now distracted by so many unhappy. We need another and also to dream of different things from the nightmares that we offer, or will, and believe that the time has come for change. As for me I would somehow like to thank all the people and Massa who voluntarily contributed to the research of our program, give the message loud and clear that there is another Italy that really works with his head down, and knowingly participates in its concrete the growth of the community. Therefore write and tell you a true story of this small and large communities with the facts giving rise to curiosity and admiration throughout the world. Events that come to Mass and run fast in the heart of New York: his Marathon. For years, the race is done by ordinary people, passionate about the race with ourselves in being able to understand and work the muscles and the breath breaks. An individual research that is then shared with other bib numbers even if they speak different languages. A magic "sound" where there is the dollar ol'euro, dopping or the other for the result, but only yourself and your muscles are young or elderly. Dates where you live and tell a particular brotherhood between different ages and sexes, between healthy and sick, between endicappati and athletes ... .. at least for a day.
Here begins our story: New York local time 10:42, the first steps for its fast Lorenzo Marathon on Nov. 7. For him it is a special marathon that begins in 2004 on an operating table where I met with the appointment of his heart bypass and then I accopagnato his years of turmoil and fear where the disease had seriously affected his young age . There Kedar, what distinguishes our 4000 race Lorenzo connazzionali present at the marathon and what connects it all at Mass? A step back in recent history. A mass at the same time and years after surgery Lorenzo, we worked intensively on the philosophy of creating health. Engage with forms of participatory research in order to express the best for us and for everyone in the complex world of health. We chose the prevention of heart disease. A kind of pact between the three musketeers: people, researchers and institutions. A formula so true as it is original in its complexity in which the difficulties to create this harmony is the real challenge and the right approach to keep the tiller straight in the crisis of our time. In other words we think we are all still running .. and now the allegory with the record of the marathon has the subtle flavor of the results and new looks to the future. Lasciando la filosofia e posando i piedi su questa terra fertile, uno dei frutti nato nella terra della frutta, è un piccolo apparecchio che pesa poco o niente, dotato di grande sensibilità a registrare i segnali del cuore, registrarli, capirli e inviarli per inscatolarli anche a migliaia di chilometri di distanza in un personal computer per gli occhi di chi vuole seguire con attenzione quel cuore e quello che lui ha da comunicare. Sono stati anni di lavoro, ricerca ingegneristica e tanto altro ancora, ma oggi l’apparecchio è maturo e sopratutto perfetto per Lorenzo, per la prova con se stesso, dei suoi bypass e della sua solitudine in mezzo a quei quarantamila della maratona. Una sfida sua ed una nostra per riuscire to have hours and hours of transmission of electrical signals in the middle of complicated with the Atlantic Ocean, and a 'high intensity of stress from all points of view. One thing at least, a beautiful thing!
me think that we are used to make and receive phone calls, or to see live links for others to play with social networking on the internet but what we managed to do with Lorenzo is different, is a thin thread that unites mass to other people to give every individual the opportunity to take advantage of technologies to health. Still in the world, only 10% of the population it should be while the rest is not. If you looked back at the past, I think that is the Population and problems of everyday life that have suggested to make complex things in simple without losing the accuracy of the message to the doctor. But I would give you an example. Imagine that one of us is surprised-while it is bustling with other things - from a chest pain or an elderly lady who must perform audits to the heart under these conditions is likely to be ready to wait hours relief to know whether or not it's serious, or Mrs., you must book a consultation with a specialist who knows where, or call a doctor or whatever ... .... the result is that we wander in search of an answer impegnado time and money and sometimes the price is if you arrive late in the disease. If you have been able to read and strength to you through the simple deductions, but I stress that if a technology like this will be available at home or near you, or medication from your family doctor, the state of things will change in term of savings, immediacy of the diagnosis and treatment and the perception that they are protected online as Lorenzo.
conclude that a good picture of the 'beginning of the program read: the Heart of Massa beats for everyone. Now on November 7th at the heart of Lorenzo to beat Massa. I embraced Lorenzo on his return and I took the liberty to forward i significati e le emozioni che oggi ho scritto. Mi viene da dire : non una maratona ma una staffetta di valori e condivisione di quei famosi “primi mille cuori” della cronaca di qui tempi. Qui a Massa per la prima volta al mondo abbiamo ascoltato il cuore, quello di Lorenzo e abbiamo visto e registrato la sua generosità mentre pompa litri e litri di sangue durante il suo sforzo.
Ma altri mille cuori generosi quelli di Massa , hanno consentito di studiare e progettare quel piccolo apparecchio.
E’ così, ancora correndo su tutto ciò che è accaduto, è bello pensare a quel “we can” (o noi possiamo) Obama: We the people of Massa went to America with Lorenzo to remember!
Good morning and thanks to Massa. Giorgio
George N.
George N.
Following the post CHRISTMAS some readers have asked questions about George, the heart surgeon who has heart surgery Lorenzo, 49-year-old Romagna, despite the 6 bypass, has successfully participated in the New York Marathon . The post that follows is the response of George Noera.
Good morning mass. The first
mists of this period blends in with the color of our thoughts and our concerns while the muffled noises from the world of politics and the global crisis are increasingly present in our daily. Uncertainty of the future for us and our children, we are witnessing the gruesome news of the race, vicious and indecent. Things "healthy" disappear from the news, and examples to think about or be proud of, are recited in a few whispers in your ears now distracted by so many unhappy. We need another and also to dream of different things from the nightmares that we offer, or will, and believe that the time has come for change. As for me I would somehow like to thank all the people and Massa who voluntarily contributed to the research of our program, give the message loud and clear that there is another Italy that really works with his head down, and knowingly participates in its concrete the growth of the community. Therefore write and tell you a true story of this small and large communities with the facts giving rise to curiosity and admiration throughout the world. Events that come to Mass and run fast in the heart of New York: his Marathon. For years, the race is done by ordinary people, passionate about the race with ourselves in being able to understand and work the muscles and the breath breaks. An individual research that is then shared with other bib numbers even if they speak different languages. A magic "sound" where there is the dollar ol'euro, dopping or the other for the result, but only yourself and your muscles are young or elderly. Dates where you live and tell a particular brotherhood between different ages and sexes, between healthy and sick, between endicappati and athletes ... .. at least for a day.
Here begins our story: New York local time 10:42, the first steps for its fast Lorenzo Marathon on Nov. 7. For him it is a special marathon that begins in 2004 on an operating table where I met with the appointment of his heart bypass and then I accopagnato his years of turmoil and fear where the disease had seriously affected his young age . There Kedar, what distinguishes our 4000 race Lorenzo connazzionali present at the marathon and what connects it all at Mass? A step back in recent history. A mass at the same time and years after surgery Lorenzo, we worked intensively on the philosophy of creating health. Engage with forms of participatory research in order to express the best for us and for everyone in the complex world of health. We chose the prevention of heart disease. A kind of pact between the three musketeers: people, researchers and institutions. A formula so true as it is original in its complexity in which the difficulties to create this harmony is the real challenge and the right approach to keep the tiller straight in the crisis of our time. In other words we think we are all still running .. and now the allegory with the record of the marathon has the subtle flavor of the results and new looks to the future. Lasciando la filosofia e posando i piedi su questa terra fertile, uno dei frutti nato nella terra della frutta, è un piccolo apparecchio che pesa poco o niente, dotato di grande sensibilità a registrare i segnali del cuore, registrarli, capirli e inviarli per inscatolarli anche a migliaia di chilometri di distanza in un personal computer per gli occhi di chi vuole seguire con attenzione quel cuore e quello che lui ha da comunicare. Sono stati anni di lavoro, ricerca ingegneristica e tanto altro ancora, ma oggi l’apparecchio è maturo e sopratutto perfetto per Lorenzo, per la prova con se stesso, dei suoi bypass e della sua solitudine in mezzo a quei quarantamila della maratona. Una sfida sua ed una nostra per riuscire to have hours and hours of transmission of electrical signals in the middle of complicated with the Atlantic Ocean, and a 'high intensity of stress from all points of view. One thing at least, a beautiful thing!
me think that we are used to make and receive phone calls, or to see live links for others to play with social networking on the internet but what we managed to do with Lorenzo is different, is a thin thread that unites mass to other people to give every individual the opportunity to take advantage of technologies to health. Still in the world, only 10% of the population it should be while the rest is not. If you looked back at the past, I think that is the Population and problems of everyday life that have suggested to make complex things in simple without losing the accuracy of the message to the doctor. But I would give you an example. Imagine that one of us is surprised-while it is bustling with other things - from a chest pain or an elderly lady who must perform audits to the heart under these conditions is likely to be ready to wait hours relief to know whether or not it's serious, or Mrs., you must book a consultation with a specialist who knows where, or call a doctor or whatever ... .... the result is that we wander in search of an answer impegnado time and money and sometimes the price is if you arrive late in the disease. If you have been able to read and strength to you through the simple deductions, but I stress that if a technology like this will be available at home or near you, or medication from your family doctor, the state of things will change in term of savings, immediacy of the diagnosis and treatment and the perception that they are protected online as Lorenzo.
conclude that a good picture of the 'beginning of the program read: the Heart of Massa beats for everyone. Now on November 7th at the heart of Lorenzo to beat Massa. I embraced Lorenzo on his return and I took the liberty to forward i significati e le emozioni che oggi ho scritto. Mi viene da dire : non una maratona ma una staffetta di valori e condivisione di quei famosi “primi mille cuori” della cronaca di qui tempi. Qui a Massa per la prima volta al mondo abbiamo ascoltato il cuore, quello di Lorenzo e abbiamo visto e registrato la sua generosità mentre pompa litri e litri di sangue durante il suo sforzo.
Ma altri mille cuori generosi quelli di Massa , hanno consentito di studiare e progettare quel piccolo apparecchio.
E’ così, ancora correndo su tutto ciò che è accaduto, è bello pensare a quel “we can” (o noi possiamo) Obama: We the people of Massa went to America with Lorenzo to remember!
Good morning and thanks to Massa. Giorgio
image from
Friday, March 4, 2011
Is Saran Wrapping Your Body Bad
donuts with jam tart kiwi
Ingredients: 300 g
50 g flour for dusting the donuts
50 g of butter The cream of cream of IN.AL.PI.
40 g sugar 1 packet of yeast from 7 g
egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
100 ml of milk
peanut oil for frying powdered sugar for sprinkling
For the filling:
Put all the ingredients in the bowl of dough and knead until the dough will be smooth and elastic. Then, cover the bowl with a towel and let dough rise until it doubles in volume. At this point , roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm and with a pastry rings or cup of 8 cm in diameter, cut out discs. Line a baking tray with baking paper, then, half lean, floppy disks, slightly distant from each other . Spread a teaspoon of jam in the center of each disk, then bagnatene the edge with a bit 'of water. Cover, then, each floppy disk with another disk and do well to join the two pieces of pasta, pour the flour on a plate, then place the donuts one at a time into the pot and roll in flour, so that s'infarinino slightly, then ridisponeteli on the baking sheet. Cover
now, the donuts with a floured cloth and let rise until doubled their volume. Pour the oil in a saucepan and bring it to the right temperature for frying (splurge a little piece of bread should come to the surface and brown, immediately, if it turns black, it means that the oil is too hot); cook the donuts in oil until they are golden brown. Remove from heat and let them dry on paper towels, sprinkle Thus, with powdered sugar.
PS It 'best to consume donuts on the same day of preparation, but this does not mean that the next day will not be good: you have to reheat in the microwave for 5 seconds.
50 g flour for dusting the donuts
50 g of butter The cream of cream of IN.AL.PI.
40 g sugar 1 packet of yeast from 7 g
egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
100 ml of milk
peanut oil for frying powdered sugar for sprinkling
For the filling:
Put all the ingredients in the bowl of dough and knead until the dough will be smooth and elastic. Then, cover the bowl with a towel and let dough rise until it doubles in volume. At this point , roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm and with a pastry rings or cup of 8 cm in diameter, cut out discs. Line a baking tray with baking paper, then, half lean, floppy disks, slightly distant from each other . Spread a teaspoon of jam in the center of each disk, then bagnatene the edge with a bit 'of water. Cover, then, each floppy disk with another disk and do well to join the two pieces of pasta, pour the flour on a plate, then place the donuts one at a time into the pot and roll in flour, so that s'infarinino slightly, then ridisponeteli on the baking sheet. Cover
now, the donuts with a floured cloth and let rise until doubled their volume. Pour the oil in a saucepan and bring it to the right temperature for frying (splurge a little piece of bread should come to the surface and brown, immediately, if it turns black, it means that the oil is too hot); cook the donuts in oil until they are golden brown. Remove from heat and let them dry on paper towels, sprinkle Thus, with powdered sugar.
PS It 'best to consume donuts on the same day of preparation, but this does not mean that the next day will not be good: you have to reheat in the microwave for 5 seconds.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Nip Slip Denise Milani
Written by Doc
I see them often in the morning at the bar where I drink coffee and delay in the chat between gogliardico and engaged with friends before going to work. Just a quick nod of greeting exchanged between us when we sit at the tables, to testify at a frequency that smells of morning coffee and croissants. She is blond and Nordic surely. They say his high cheekbones, the tall, blue eyes of a lens. The age has not undermined his beauty. He is very impressive and Latin. Parkinson's disease imperceptibly shakes his hands, or hinders him when he walks in small steps, Festina. I do not know anything about them. Great that you are known on the sunny beaches and blue of Sicily or Greece, and there have combined their destiny in a strong and passionate.
The sun begins to filter, after this long winter, last winter. Cycling in passing by Hugo, I see them still.
She is aiming to enjoy the sun. Him beside the tattered tenderness caressing her face.
A good envy blinds my eyes and recreates a Mediterranean fantasy of years away.
image cc by Alaskan Dude
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