Torna Riccardo Iacona con un nuovo programma “ Presadiretta ” che andrà in onda dal 1 febbraio al 1 marzo, ogni domenica alle 21.30 su Raitre. Uno sguardo nuovo sui fatti e i personaggi più attuali e rilevanti, visti in soggettiva. Cinque prime serate dedicate al giornalismo d’inchiesta per scavare in presa diretta nella notizia. Un tema diverso per ciascuna puntata per raccontare i fatti lì dove accadono, senza filtri e senza mediazioni, approfondendo le grandi questioni del nostro Paese attraverso i protagonisti principali. Continua...
E' possibile vedere sul sito le puntate integrali, tra cui "La scuola tagliata", "Migranti", "Senza lavoro". Quest'ultima puntata analizza lo stato di crisi del lavoro in Italia in numerose società.
In sintesi: un programma di servizio informativo eccellette per capire la realtà quotidiana sempre più complessa e difficile. Sicuramente da vedere.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
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A survey of Il Giornale:
Rome economic crisis and the rediscovery of public ethics go hand in hand in this difficult early 2009. The journal has explored the planet yesterday salaries gold star to the RAI. Today it is the sphere of public managers. In the viewfinder, especially after the wave of emotion aroused by the U.S. President, Barack Obama, who has imposed a ceiling of 500 thousand U.S. dollars (approximately € 390mila) the salaries of managers for companies that benefit from state aid. We must therefore ask whether the state should set a good example ... [ continues Il Giornale ]
A survey of Il Giornale:
Rome economic crisis and the rediscovery of public ethics go hand in hand in this difficult early 2009. The journal has explored the planet yesterday salaries gold star to the RAI. Today it is the sphere of public managers. In the viewfinder, especially after the wave of emotion aroused by the U.S. President, Barack Obama, who has imposed a ceiling of 500 thousand U.S. dollars (approximately € 390mila) the salaries of managers for companies that benefit from state aid. We must therefore ask whether the state should set a good example ... [ continues Il Giornale ]
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super salaries of some presenters' fees RAI Italian
I'm getting from the site Utelit , which forwards an article in Il Giornale follows:
Milan - Some say that his part was Bonolis asking for less money (the Secretary Paolo Romani). Who would want to divide the cachet of one million euro given to the presenter for two hundred laid off Alitalia which have 5 thousand euro per person (the ousted Senator Villari). Who appeals to the new President of the Supervisory Commission Rai, Zavoli (Nuccio Fava, former director of Rai). Who is indignant more for 300 thousand euro in prizes to Big Brother (Walter Veltroni). [More about The Journal ]
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